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Not trolling, but what specifically do you regret?Brad2770 said:Regret is the thing that is beating me up the most right now. I regret doing things like I did with my ex.
Not trolling, but what specifically do you regret?Brad2770 said:Regret is the thing that is beating me up the most right now. I regret doing things like I did with my ex.
Dating is a lot like that except the numbers never change and you can always play another ticket. Assuming you don"t keep playing the same numbers you should eventually hit the jackpot.Brad said:At times, I feel like a person who has won the lottery, blew it all and is back where they used to be knowing they will not win the lottery again. If you kind of see what I mean. I have never been one to need money to be happy.
Some people might say that you dating three "serious" girlfriends before age 19 for "a few months" (oh man) is absolutely a legitimate excuse to question your opinion on dating,specifically. Dating and defied-all-odds relationships like yours are, as you"ve noticed, two completely separate beasts - and it should be obvious by now to someone who understands women as much as you do that some guys in here are currently not that kind of material. Why waste your time? Why preach to a crowd who isn"t interested in the context of what you have to say?TheCutlery said:Time to step back and realize that no one is going to take the long-winded shit you post about how other people are handling their relationships wrong when people can"t question yours.Legitimately I might add.
Me? Oh yeah, I"m a complete jackass. Everyone will tell you that. It"s what I do. I"m a dick to everyone and everything, and smug beyond reproach.Alcestis said:Some people might say that you dating three "serious" girlfriends before age 19 for "a few months" (oh man) is absolutely a legitimate excuse to question your opinion on dating,specifically. Dating and defied-all-odds relationships like yours are, as you"ve noticed, two completely separate beasts - and it should be obvious by now to someone who understands women as much as you do that some guys in here are currently not that kind of material. Why waste your time? Why preach to a crowd who isn"t interested in the context of what you have to say?
Maybe, Cutlery, people wouldn"t be giving you so much shit for your "married-at-19-had-a-baby-at-22-and-I"m-Mclovin"-it" relationship if you constantly didn"t try to hilariously overcompensate and justify it to every half-ass jab made in its general direction. I"m not sure how you can evenwritethe quote above and not stop, realize how you"ve been reacting, look lovingly at your non-batshit-insane wife (congratulations to you both), then laugh at yourself a little for being glaringly hypocritical and respond with a "*shrug*" to anyone who tries to attack you. When people are truly receptive and are interested in "decoding a female mind", you can be the first to point out that the only female minds worth having around are the ones who don"t require an Enigma machine.
Lighten up a little, man. =)
WhatEomer said:I had actually been toying with the idea of sending her a text one night, something along the lines of "Why aren"t we like normal ex-couples with booty calls etc?", if only to see her reaction. Given her continued contact and knowing her personality, at the worst she"d laugh and tell me to get lost, at best she"d come over. I"ve been kind of stuck at the 80-90% "moved on" point for a couple months now, probably in large part because whenever I get close to not thinking about her for an extended period she texts me out of the blue as well as not having really met anyone else in the meantime where it"s gone anywhere past a date.
Before you berate me, I haven"t done anything!
She doesn"t want you to move on because she likes when you sell your dignity to even have a brief conversation with her. She"ll keep doing it as long as you keep responding. It"s not a coincidence that it"s timed out so perfectly every time.Eomer said:I"ve been kind of stuck at the 80-90% "moved on" point for a couple months now, probably in large part because whenever I get close to not thinking about her for an extended period she texts me out of the blue
Dabamf said:Should have been the end of that texting convo. You"re just searching for any means necessary to continue any contact you get with her. It"s incredibly obvious, and if it"s obvious to me, a male, she senses it 10x as much.Eomer said:I texted back "little big planet" with nothing else, she responds back instantly "awe!! thanks! you"re the best!!"
didn"t hurt nothin last time amiriteEomer said:I respond "that"s a loaded text, correct me if I"m wrong."
Her: "Ok. But maybe you"re over analyzing? I dunno."
Me: "over analyzing is my specialty! Have a fun halloween, I"m hitting the sack."
Let the experiment begin! Texted her as instructed. I just have to resist the urge for 24 hours then I"m out of texting range for a week, together we can do this!Dabamf said:I"d say just ignore her and never text her again, but I want to test my prediction, and we both know you are gonna text this chick anyway.
Jesus, you know this is a bad idea. Youpostedit in a way that says you know it is a bad idea. Wtf, manEomer said:She"s baaaaaaaaaack (Anne): "I love Metric. Thank you so much for taking me to the concert! "
A friend back in April or May won tickets to a special acoustic show they played, couldn"t use them, so traded them with me for a couple Oilers tickets and I took her. She"d not really listened to them prior to the show, and I guess is a big fan now.
Ignore? Brief, curt reply? Pour out my heart and tell her that even though I"ve largely moved on (I swear!) I most likely wouldn"t be opposed to trying again? Fuck her mom?
I had actually been toying with the idea of sending her a text one night, something along the lines of "Why aren"t we like normal ex-couples with booty calls etc?", if only to see her reaction. Given her continued contact and knowing her personality, at the worst she"d laugh and tell me to get lost, at best she"d come over. I"ve been kind of stuck at the 80-90% "moved on" point for a couple months now, probably in large part because whenever I get close to not thinking about her for an extended period she texts me out of the blue as well as not having really met anyone else in the meantime where it"s gone anywhere past a date.
Before you berate me, I haven"t done anything!