Response to her Fatness below:
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Etoille said:
I guess if money is what"s important to you/defines you as succesful great. It wasn"t a company you built from the ground up and though I didn"t pay attention much in corporate law it doesn"t really sound like you had to raise your own capital to buy your parents out. You had a major leg up so ....what have you really even accomplished?
A - I"ve never said that money is what defines me, nor what dictates success. Go read the post I made to Grobbee in his "now what?" thread. Everyone has their own definition of success. I don"t think I"ve even figured out what I consider success for myself yet, but at this point I"m feeling pretty good about my life. The money is nice, but more importantly I"ve got a ton of good friends to do fun shit with, I get to travel and do cool things, so on and so forth. I"m not going to spend much time to justify my existence or happiness to you, because it"s ultimately pointless.
B - Again, the "freeze" process we went through is extremely common in small businesses, whether or not family is involved. In my case, yes, I was family, but in other cases we"ve done the exact same thing to retain an employee that we felt was a worthwhile partner going forward. You can do that, or you can simply lend them the money to buy in. It"s how small businesses work.
None of this shit is who I am, its what I am. And thats what I"ve accomplished - knowing who I am, knowing what I am, and knowing the difference between the two.
Good for you. Notice I"m not the one running around telling other people that they aren"t who they say they are, or that they"re not happy, or that they"re an unattractive loser lacking confidence? Nope, that"s you guys. So who"s insecure? Sure I call you fat, but that"s just a statement of fact.
I"m not trying to brag about shit in here. The reason my money/success/whatever comes up is because yes, it is part of who I am and part of the narrative when it comes to women. Just like Brad"s bizarre mental block with kissing and his situation with his son and ex-wife are part of his. As far as posting pics, fuck, that shit has been demanded in the past. I posted Anne"s boobies, and numerous other posters have as well. Christ, you"re damned if you do and damned if you don"t.
He defines himself based on money so until he stops doing that he"s only going to attract people with the same set of values/valuation system. *shrug*
He can"t love himself because he doesn"t know who he is so how can anyone else love him?
lol, I absolutely don"t define myself based on money, that"s just your reading of my posts here. You and Chu are trying to make it sound like I only hang around with people who value my money, when the reality is I hang out with largely the same group of guy friends I"ve had since I was fucking 12 (some of whom come from wealthy families, some not, we all know each other from school or hockey or whatever). Then I"ve got a larger group of friends that includes everything from random people I met to the other guides that work with the ski tour company I work with in the winter, who are largely similar in interests in terms of liking outdoorsy stuff, camping, travelling and so on.
As far as women go, the only woman I"ve dated that is even remotely close to a gold digger was Xerxes, and I was the one that broke things off or at least didn"t advance them. Otherwise all the other women I"ve dated or messed around with have been perfectly normal, nice girls.
Chu said:
And starting off with a family-run company where his father built a solid foundation...
My grandfather started it, so I suppose my dad and uncle are just useless trust fund babies too hey? It"s not St. Paddy"s day yet, take off the green.
So again, if I"ve given the impression that all I care about is money or that I think it defines me or success in general, my bad. The only reason it comes up is because it IS part of who I am, like it or not, and it DOES play in to relationships.
In addition, you"ve tried to make it sound like I"m some sort of sad, lonely little man. Couldn"t be further from the truth. Last week I was in Peru with 8 friends trying to not die when our idiot guide abandoned us. Last weekend I was taking an avalanche course with 6 friends in the mountains. Next weekend I"ll be back in the mountains with half a dozen friends to catch opening day at The Horse. The weekend after I"ll be on one of 5 buses going to another resort"s opening with at least a dozen other tour guides that I consider my friends, and a couple hundred strangers that I"ll make a few new friends out of no doubt. The weekend after back to another resort, this time on a private tour because the group"s organizer requested me specifically as they had such a great time with me last year (same group/trip I met Chuck). The week after I"ll be having my annual Christmas party where typically 75 friends (most from my high school days) all come back to town and get reaquainted with each other. None of those things have anything to do with money, it"s the people and friends that are important.
So yeah, if you think you"ve got me pegged somehow, you couldn"t be further from the truth. Hell, as an example on Facebook I made a comment about a ski resort"s website sucking, and another tourguide made a joking comment about me being so angry all the time. It was followed by half a dozen posts from longer term friends saying "oh god no, you should have seen him 10 years ago, he"s all zen these days by comparison."
I"m quite happy with my life, thanks very much.
Degrassi said:
So your in a HVAC mechanical ?
I work at an industrial supply shop. We deal with nothing but Hvac"s and power plants and the like.
Mechanicals the bane of the industry, always complain about prices so they go to the Fergusons and other super huge chains .. and then come back and complain about the service ..when we say we offer better server they say .. can you get it cheaper than ferguson ... we say no .. then they spit in your face .. fuck um all.
Nothing personal
No, we"re prime mechanical, basically meaning we"re plumbers and we sub out HVAC, sprinkler, insulation, controls and fire stopping (about 30-50% of our revenue is subbed). We mostly deal with Emco and Wolseley for pipe, valve and fittings. It works differently in different markets, but at least in Alberta that"s how it normally works with the plumbers more or less acting as a mini-general contractor overseeing all the mechanical, and typically there"s not many combined shops as companies are better specializing on one aspect.
Dabamf said:
Eomer, you"re still responding to trolls.
Oh I fully realize, but I"m having fun myself here!
Stoerm said:
Six-pack bodyfat comment was pretty funny though. 8%? Try again =p
I meant lost 5-8%, as I"m probably sitting around 12-15% or so. Maybe that guess is a little optimistic .