Simas said:
I slightly disagree with the consensus here, but I will agree with the conclusion that it"s time to move on.
I think it"s hard to say where you stand with her, beyond the obvious conclusion of: not first choice. I"d tentatively say you"re between friend zone and romantic interest. If you told the story accurately, I think you handled it excellently and as a man should. You kept her in check multiple times when she tried to establish a just-friends relationship with you and showed some balls. On the other hand, she DID try to friend you, even if you rejected it.
Based on both I"d guess she has mixed feelings for you. You probably show some attractive qualities, but you may be showing some unattractive qualities as well. I"d try to figure out what those are. Observe yourself when you"re around her.
The end result though is that you are 2nd choice at best (and not a choice at worst), which means conclusively it"s time to move on. Even if you accept being 2nd choice, you can"t ever win in that position because the girl sees that you accept that position and, as a result, no longer respects you. It"s a lose/lose.
Unrelated, I guess I"m the only one that kinda liked this chick in the story. She does what she wants and is as honest as she can hope to be with everyone in the process. She is probably making a mistake trying to be with the other guy, but we"ve all done stupid shit like that and learned from it. I continue to sway back and forth between multiple desires. And she was perfectly straight with Simas about the situation. Fuck, she shows more self-awareness than almost any girl I"ve ever met.