Wow, decent chunk of uninformed anal hate in this thread since I"ve been away.
Wife and I have done it maybe a half dozen times in the last year and a half or so...never once had any kind of shit smells/residue/issues on my dick. Do I shower afterwards? Sure, why the fuck wouldn"t you? But to act like it instantly fucks up your dick, the sheets, the bed, the floor and the room is ridiculously laughable. I"m pretty sure the wife ain"t doing random enemas every day just on the off chance we"d have anal. I"d certainly rate it as cleaner than fucking on the rag, but maybe that"s just because I have a real hard time with the smell, moreso than the blood everywhere. I tend to blow quicker in her ass, but who knows if it"s really because of the feeling, or more of the feeling that it"s taboo, having been married for 10 years and just started this in the last year and a half or so.
Now, that being said, is it all it"s cracked up to be? I dunno, I could take it or leave it I guess. I"m starting to lean away from it just because of the possibility that I could injure her and feel bad about it. The vagina is designed to take a beating (So to speak). The colon? Not so much. Without her being completely aroused in the moment and a good chunk of lube, you"re gonna have a helluva time getting it in, and an even harder time keeping her from bitching about how sore her ass is for 3 days. The absolute last thing I"m interested in is her getting some kinda tear or something that gets infected, so for that reason alone I"m just erring on the side of caution.
Is it something you should avoid completely because it"s disgusting? No, some women really get off with it. The wife says everything down there is connected, so she gets into it and has a good time. Is it something that you absolutely have to do to have a successful sex life? Nah....perfectly good pre-lubed hole just 3 inches away that works just fine. If you"ve got something against anal, hey, great, that"s cool, don"t do it. But don"t try to extrapolate it out that every time the entire population does anal they gotta be in hazmat suits and get radiation scrubbed when they"re done.