or Kill them and burn their body for no evidence.brekk said:Give them the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. When proven otherwise DUMP THEM AND DON"T LOOK BACK.
or Kill them and burn their body for no evidence.brekk said:Give them the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. When proven otherwise DUMP THEM AND DON"T LOOK BACK.
Not quite, oh ye of little reading.Dabamf said:Gone 3 days, here"s what I basically read
Grobbee: Only married people with kids can truly be happy
Tenks: People are different, if you need another person to be happy then your life is sad
Thecutlery: You think you"re happy as a single person but you"re not
Tenks: life experience cheap shot, semi-correct observation about flaunters
Brad: Awesome cheapshot at grob
Rune: More awesome cheap shot
Etoille: Boring, skipped
Brad: Complete discrediting of anything grobbee says
Thecutlery, you post with this arrogance that your way is the only correct way, and when people challenge you, you then make cheapshots at them and accuse them of thinking their way is the only correct way, when they"ve given no indication of thinking that whatsoever. Your arrogance is ridiculous. "You think you"re happy now, but you aren"t compared to how you would be if you were married with kids." Are you fuckin serious? There"s 1 path in life man, it"s the only way! Oh yea, and everyone should have 1 inch green lawns with a garden and walkway, a golden retriever and a minivan. OR YOU"RE NOT DOING IT RIGHT.
For the record I plan to get married and have kids one day, and though I"m quite happy now, I expect I"ll be even happier then. Still, you"re fucking dumb
This dude basically called me unhappy with my life, and doesn"t know fuck all about me, my relationship, or anyone else"s on this fucking board. That"s what I take issue with. Don"t fucking tell me that you pretend to know how happy I am or am not in my own fucking relationship. My wife is awesome. You know what else? I"M fucking awesome. Don"t believe it? You don"t have to, because I do. I kick ass at what I do and I don"t sit around wallowing in my fucking pity because I"m no good at chasing tail. She fell into my life. I"m happy she did. It"s been 11 years now, trust me, we"re not going anywhere. We"ve been to the brink of hell and back now, her leaving her laundry on the floor of the bathroom or me being a complete and total asshole most of the time isn"t going to phase the grand scheme of things one bit.Tenks said:Hit it directly on the head. People that flaunt their relationships are ultimately not happy with themselves. People who are content with who they are do not need to go around talking about how great their significant other is because they"re genuinely happy people.
You"re not helping your own cause here. While you may certainly enjoy having a wife and kids (and I commend you for that), that doesn"t mean everyone is going to want that or derive the same level of pleasure from it once they have it. You need to tone down the "I"m happier than you are" rhetoric a little bit - it"s insulting, and not fun to read.TheCutlery said:stuff
Your posts are so fucking annoying to read. Am I right? Yes. Completely. 100%.TheCutlery said:I am I arrogant? Fuck yeah I am. You"ll get zero argument from me. But the flip side is that I"m usually also right.
TheCutlery said:This dude basically called me unhappy with my life, and doesn"t know fuck all about me, my relationship, or anyone else"s on this fucking board. That"s what I take issue with.Don"t fucking tell me that you pretend to know how happy I amor am not in my own fucking relationship.
So you"re arrogant, wrong, and a hypocrite.TheCutlery said:No, really, it"s not.You think your life is perfect nowbecause you"re out chasing tail, sometimes winning, sometimes losing. But when you really have a connection with someone, a bond that goes beyond anything you"ve ever known, and start throwing little copies of yourself into the mix,that"s when you"re truly happy. A happy you didn"t know existed prior to it.
This is too true.TheCutlery said:You can be happy single, but until you"re holding your kid in your arms, you have zero fucking idea what happiness is. Go check out the New Dad thread and tell me otherwise. Can you disagree with it now? Sure, you guys are 5-10 years younger than me. Of course you"re going to, it"s the nature of your age. I guarantee you that when you"re 30-35 with a couple little ones running around and the woman you want to spend your life with, you"ll look back on your single life with fondness, but wouldn"t go back to it for anything in the world.
Sounds like traits you two have in common!Dabamf said:So you"re arrogant, wrong, and a hypocrite.
So your relationship is fine and you"re VERY insecure about being a Lawyer. got it.Etoille said:And how many opportunities do I take to talk about how awesome I am?You"d think the relationship would be up there....but its not because even my trolling has a line.
Isn"t flaunting that you don"t need to flaunt about your relationship because its so awesome, basically flaunting about your relationship.Etoille said:Hell I"ll agree with that statement![]()
Yes. Bringing it up ONE time to illustrate something with ZERO details and then agreeing with a statement that someone else made is flaunting it.brekk said:Isn"t flaunting that you don"t need to flaunt about your relationship because its so awesome, basically flaunting about your relationship.
sigh, i shoulda been a lawyer.
Good for you Brad.Brad2770 said:Just something that happened this morning that I wanted to get out. If youre one of my haters, dont click it and spare yourself.
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:A lot of what i do in life is based off of gut feelings or dreams that i may have had. a few days ago, I had one of my ex. I dreamed that we met for breakfast. I dont really remember any of the conversation in the dream, but I do know she ordered pancakes and sausage.
I was Winstar Casino almost all weekend, so the fact I was awake for almost 37 hours made me kind of loopy, so I texted her this morning and asked her if she wanted to join me for breakfast. She didnt have time, but my reason was to see where she chose to eat and what she chose to eat. She was running late for work and declined, but we had a decent conversation.
I told her I was happy for her and that I wanted her and my son to be happy. I didnt bring up the marriage thing, even though she did. I told her i preferred not to talk about it.
Not sure why, but telling her directly that i was happy for her kind of made me feel better. I did cry a little after I talked to her. Maybe because it"s finally becoming so real to me? I dont know.
I do want her to be happy in life. I want my son to be happy in life. I want that more for them than I do for myself.
Yes, I do deny it, because in reality that only happened with Anne. Chuck I just handled incredibly poorly in retrospect, but it was never going to go anywhere anyway due to each of our very different circumstances. Xerxes was in to me just fine, but when she realized that I likely wasn"t all that interested in getting married in 6 months and buying her a new BMW she split, and if anything it was pretty mutual. I never had any strong feelings for her. And those are really the only three relationships you guys know much about, not including a couple brief dates here and there. In most of my past relationships it"s been the opposite: the girls fall for me and I end it because I know I"m not in the same place and I don"t want to lead them along.TheCutlery said:Okay, so you"ve got your foot in the door, how did that end up working out for you? Do you deny that your relationships start off pretty well and then the girl just loses interest in you after a few months?
Nope, I"ve had a few 4-5 month ones, and typically I was the one that ended them due to lack of interest or realizing I wasn"t in the same "place" as the other person.I will freely admit I don"t know your entire dating history as well as you do, but that"s the perception I get. Have you ever had a long term relationship? Like, say, a year or 2?
Again, I never pretend to be someone or something that I"m not, and if anything I"m pretty brutally honest about my faults up front when starting a relationship. Knowitall, constantly sarcastic, stubborn, that kind of thing. I"m as self aware as Skynet, thanks.If not, I"d say that speaks volumes about the man you are, not the man you pretend to be. You can keep up with some good appearances for a little while, but eventually you let your guard down around someone and the real you is going to rise to the surface. If you can"t be yourself from day 1, what good does getting your foot in the door do? It"s just time wasted on a girl who"s not interested in you.
Holy fuck, it was quite obviously meant as a humorous little aside to end the post. Of course I"d never take dating advice from Jerry"s character, although I"m honest enough with myself to know I have some of his tendencies. Especially in terms of extreme pickiness.And I"ve always felt Seinfeld was dumb. The show might be popular, but I can"t see any connection between that and real life. At least not the life I live. Who"s winning? What the fuck? Relationships aren"t about winning. If you"re going in with that mentality, then there obviously needs to be a loser. And the loser either flipped over the gameboard and walked out on you, or you"re the loser and don"t know it yet. Completely wrong mindset to be using imo.
/rimshotRav said:-Dr. Chuck
This is where I"m at. As I love reminding anyone within earshot, my life is pretty goddamn awesome and I don"t feel the need to have a significant other just for the sake of it. And if I"m dating someone and I don"t feel a huge draw for them, I will typically not continue the relationship just for the sake of it. There"s really only ever been two or three people I"ve felt the right kind of connection with, and unfortunately things didn"t work out with them, so I guess I"ll just have to keep looking.Tenks said:Hit it directly on the head. People that flaunt their relationships are ultimately not happy with themselves. People who are content with who they are do not need to go around talking about how great their significant other is because they"re genuinely happy people. I wanted so desperately to be married and attached with someone back when I was 19-20 and completely addicted to WoW and horribly depressed. Anymore, now that I"ve broken those self destructive behaviors and I"ve found to truly like myself as a person, I find relationships to be great and I am generally in one but I no longer feel the need to be in on.