Tarrant220 said:
Usually I agree with your posts but this is so far off and out there it"s mind boggling, you"re generalizing entire genders, I honestly know more dudes who peruse marriage then chicks, but maybe that"s just me.
Anyways, couldn"t disagree more.
I really do think that"s just you.
For the last fifty~ years marriage rates have been falling, which according to surveys based off the census data, has been mainly motivated by men refusing to marry.
A growing percentage never marry, and those who do marry marry *significantly* later with each new generation(and well there is no data to back this up, I imagine if they were asked their primary practical motivation(i.e. not "love"), their response would in the majority be "Because SHE wanted it).
The more interesting trend I remember was that the numbers that consider themselves in committed relationships doesn"t change even well marriage rates drop.
I don"t agree with his reasoning, but he"s right. Marriage is useless.
I"ve said this dozens of times, but "Marriage"(as in, the legal act of getting married) is nothing but a contract that deals with finances.
It"s a relic, and as time goes on more and more men(and as a side effect women) are seeing that.
Marriage is not required for a committed lifelong relationship.
And whether you think it"s sexist or not(not being PC is not the same as being wrong), it does break down around generalizations divided along gender boundaries.
A woman"s social prestige is influenced primarily by her husband/partner, *especially among other women*.
A man"s social prestige is influenced primarily upon his accomplishments or those of his family/company/other organization.
This creates a strong social schism, because women are heavily stigmatized if they are unable to get a suitable husband, since it"s their main engine of prestige.
Conversely a man doesn"t need a wife to get to that same level, and he is slowly realizing that with each new generation. Which hilariously enough is probably going to end up being the reason female social prestige patterns end up changing, because once most men refuse to marry, they"ll be forced to find other avenues of prestige.