Girls who broke your heart thread


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Ravvenn said:
Just need an option to submit anonymous questions and that could turn to gold (a golden rickshaw).
Well do I have a deal for you!

This golden rickshaw timepiece can be yours for just three payments of $29.99. This beautiful rickshaw commemorates the time (10 minutes) GrobbeeTrull spent in China before he failed his family back to Ohio.
Ravvenn said:
I absolutely love that movie. My friends and I use a line from it instead of saying it"s time for the hitler trim we say, "IT"S SO ANGRY". That scene and the newbie getting the winning ball shot at the end was the best, IMO.

We"d need the top editor in the world to turn this sucker into a book. I have a lot of girlfriends who only visit our website to read this and browse the FSR. Next up is a Dear Abby-ish section. Just need an option to submit anonymous questions and that could turn to gold (a golden rickshaw).
Good to know we"re spreading wisdom to the hot womens of Orange County.

Is "the Hitler trim" refer to a specific shape? If so that is hands-down my favorite.

The Ancient_sl

adebisi said:
Well do I have a deal for you!

This golden rickshaw timepiece can be yours for just three payments of $29.99. This beautiful rickshaw commemorates the time (10 minutes) GrobbeeTrull spent in China before he failed his family back to Ohio.
Tell me where to send payment.


Trakanon Raider
So...what do you guys do with lingerie that you bought for an ex? Obviously there"s not much I can do with it, but the idea of her wearing it with someone else makes me a little sick.

I"m gonna go back to listening to Fuck You by Cee Lo Green now.


Trakanon Raider
That"s great, but does that mean giving it to her or burning it? Maybe I"ll wait for someone that isn"t a giant fucking pussy to read this thread and let me know.


Confirmed Male
Djaypally said:
That"s great, but does that mean giving it to her or burning it? Maybe I"ll wait for someone that isn"t a giant fucking pussy to read this thread and let me know.
Why would you give lingerie to your ex? And fuck burning it, give it to your next fling, burning it would be a complete waste of money. Ill state it nicer than Sutekh (who is a giant douchebag), man up bro.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Use it as a sexy fap rag. Unless it"s a really thin (see-through) material. In which case it might not handle the mop up.


Trakanon Raider
To be fair, I probably am being a bit of a pussy since she"s the only girl I"ve fucked in 3 years. I figured giving it to the next girl would be frowned upon, but if that"s the consensus here, I have no moral objections...I"m more entitled to the shit than she is.


Djaypally said:
To be fair, I probably am being a bit of a pussy since she"s the only girl I"ve fucked in 3 years. I figured giving it to the next girl would be frowned upon, but if that"s the consensus here, I have no moral objections...I"m more entitled to the shit than she is.
You know whats better than pussy you have had for the last 3 years? Any other pussy. (you are welcome)


I can"t be the only one who thinks giving used lingerie to his next girlfriend is a terribad idea. If you still have any of her stuff and you"re not planning on incinerating it, just give it back to her.

Or do as Tenks said and toss it in the trash.


Djaypally said:
So...what do you guys do with lingerie that you bought for an ex? Obviously there"s not much I can do with it, but the idea of her wearing it with someone else makes me a little sick.

I"m gonna go back to listening to Fuck You by Cee Lo Green now.
I say give it to some cross-dresser and hope it ends up in a drag show.
Seethe said:
I can"t be the only one who thinks giving used lingerie to his next girlfriend is a terribad idea. If you still have any of her stuff and you"re not planning on incinerating it, just give it back to her.

Or do as Tenks said and toss it in the trash.
It"s not used. He bought it for her and from what I gather, he never managed to gift it before the break up. I wouldn"t advise throwing it away either, because that shit probably cost some decent money, at the least, or a BUTTLOAD if you got her something good. I"d say save it somewhere for someone else if you think it won"t be an emotional problem for you, otherwise try to sell it off maybe, I don"t know.


Trakanon Raider
Sorry if I wasn"t clear. She wore it a couple times, which is why I said give it to her or throw it away initially. There"s a couple things I got for her and she bought one as a "gift" for me. Which I guess is one of the reasons it annoyed me when she asked for it back. Another reason is because she lied about getting with someone new when she originally asked for the stuff.

I wasn"t planning on getting into the whole, long story, so I"ll keep it at that. I just thought I"d see what other people had done with that type of stuff after a breakup since I haven"t really been in this situation before. She had other clothes (and a toy) here that I gave her without thinking twice. Just the stuff that I got for her or she got to use with me that I"m having issues with. Why does she get to have that shit? I don"t trust my judgment in this situation, I guess.


Djaypally said:
Another reason is because she lied about getting with someone new when she originally asked for the stuff.

In all honesty, get rid of every single thing that reminds you of her. Maybe you"re the type that wants to remember the good times, maybe you"re the type that wants her back, or maybe you"re the type that wants to rape her fresh corpse... Either way, get rid of ALL physical reminders of her. It"s not going to help you. It never will. It isn"t a hair of the dog, it isn"t going to get her back, and when it comes to the third scenario... it"s evidence. Chuck it. All of it.

I don"t mean throw out the shit that is rightfully hers. If you have her DS, throwing it out is just going to create more drama between you two and more of a reason for her to be in your life. At first that sounds like a good thing, since you miss her. It"s not. Don"t try to be friends. Don"t try to be enemies. Try to be strangers. Hate her? Sure why not. But don"t make yourself into a bad person because she"s a lying cunt.

Now more than ever it is easy to keep the illusion of someone being in your life when they really aren"t (facebook, myspace, etc). You may even want to delete that as well (trust me, you can live without knowing what your friend did in mafia wars today).

Take some time, be selfish, do shit you want to do. This seems like your first major break-up... Welcome.

To some people becoming a man is when you fuck a broad for the first time, or have your bar mitzvah, or shoot your first deer. For me, it"s when you feel like some vile cunt ripped out your heart, but then after you gain the dignity, self respect and confidence to realize a woman can never break you. That doesn"t mean become some cold prick that treats other women like shit because you were treated like shit once. It"s actually the exact opposite. It"s treating others how they deserve despite what individuals have done to you. It"ll all come in time.

So yeah.. give her the shit she bought. Hell, you can even give her the shit you bought. None of it will matter. What matters is it"s not around you and you can start moving on (it"s a sloooooooooooooooow process). The day you are looking forward to is the day you realize you haven"t thought about her in a week. That is a very good day. Good luck.


Throw it out. It might even feel pretty awesome once you do that.

But do not, under any circumstances, give your previous girlfriend"s worn lingerie to a new woman. Just, no. It"s fucking creepy for one and if the next chick ever finds out somehow I"ll bet money on her being pissed as hell.

I"d also advocate not giving it back to her, fuck her. If the things are gifts that you bought for her to use with you/at your place, personally I"d just go with throwing them out. If any of it is her shit she bought or shit you gave her to not just keep at your place, just give it back since that will only cause more trouble.

The faster you rip her out of your life, the better.