Girls who broke your heart thread


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Brad2770 said:
Funny you say that, because I do plan to give my ex-wife to fuck me over once and for all in our custody issues with my son. You should look into fortune telling as a career.


I reupped my KC membership since it"s been expired for like 2 weeks because I had WAY too many girls to keep track of. Well, as is always the case, they almost all disappeared off the face of the earth. Feast or famine...all the fuckin time. The one with the boyfriend just basically stopped contact for some unknown reason. Guilt maybe, or maybe I lost my edge because I got complaisant that I could have her on a regular basis.

The most recent chick went from being overly forward and too transparent with me to deflecting my invites. This is the chick that threw out a million and 1 shit tests the first night out which I deflected beautifully (and then we had sex). Her body language and skype convos, however, showed she was more into me than she wanted to show. So, thinking she was just really guarded, I started trying to show a little more interest to maybe get her to drop her guard a bit. Well, as is the case EVERY time I decide to do that, she seemed to lose interest.

What really went wrong I think is that I told 19 year old no more sex bc I felt wrong about the power differential, then I became more reliant on the other 2, then boyfriend girl became less available, and suddenly I"m 100% reliant on the one girl. I think that ultimately fucked up my frame. One thing I"ve learned in the past few years is that, while faking it helps, you can never truly achieve indifferent state of mind that girls find so attractive unless you really ARE indifferent. Play games all you want, but the true solution is to actually have multiple girls around.

One thing I learned from that little adventure was, with 3 girls that I was sleeping with in the same period of time, my game was just on fire. I could just feel the confidence oozing out of my body. My frame was indestructible.

Anyway, I reupped my membership and shall try again. Only this time I"ll learn from my mistake and not stop pursing new leads. There is still hope of keeping the latest one around. She"s fun and her body is a-m-a-z-i-n-g, if only she"ll drop the attitude a little bit. I just have to ignore her for a week and hope she suggests we hang out so that I can deny her to retake the frame, haha

Here is the message that I usually send to girls. It"s been fairly successful. Feedback is appreciated.
I saw your profile and like x,y,z

Unfortunately, I think you"re looking for a nice guy. Well I"m a bad man

Bad bad bad

I steal money from old ladies, push little children, and cross the street during a red light.

I"d also like to get profile feedback since my "about me" section is still fucking terrible. Only...if I post the text here, someone can just google my profile, so that"s out. Anyone who"s good w/ these profiles that can give me some feedback via pm, let me know.


Avatar of War Slayer
Make shit up and make it funny. None of it true. Get away from the regular things.

May name is... I like to ..., ..., and .... My goals are...

That shit is boring.


4 hour korean cupid session (while doing a million other things like upload photos and blah blah) netted this after about 1 1/2 hr talking
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:[7:31:47 PM] her: =_=
[7:31:49 PM] her: oh well
[7:32:01 PM] her: anyways contact me often :p
[7:32:03 PM] her: babe
[7:32:06 PM] her: <3
[7:32:11 PM] her: i"m lonely
[7:32:13 PM] her: <3
[7:32:15 PM] her: bade
[7:32:19 PM] her: hu?
[7:32:20 PM] her: babe
[7:32:22 PM] her: =_=
[7:32:27 PM] her: talk soon!
[7:32:32 PM] me: bye
[7:32:40 PM] her: =_= say it
[7:32:47 PM] me: ?
[7:32:55 PM] her: "ok~~~ i will contact u~~~ ttly~~~"
[7:33:03 PM] her: say it
[7:33:05 PM] her: =_=
[7:33:12 PM] me: oh
[7:33:12 PM] her: oh
[7:33:14 PM] me: pushy girl~
[7:33:17 PM] her: lol
[7:33:26 PM] me: i will call u this week sometime
[7:33:31 PM] her:
[7:33:32 PM] her: ok..
[7:33:40 PM] her: i will wait ur contact tho
[7:33:50 PM] her: bye!
[7:33:58 PM] me: bye

+ a few other really solid contacts. I toned down the goofiness this time (previously I was mostly fucking around saying stupid shit bc the whole process is really boring most of the time) and got much more success. 3 girls volunteered their # and asked me when we can hang out.

Not giving a shit + internet dating + asian country = where all white men belong.


Dabamf said:
The one with theboyfriendjust basically stopped contact for some unknown reason.
You answered your own question without even knowing it. She has a boyfriend, that"s why she stopped contact with you. I can guarantee she was questioning her relationship during a rough patch and decided to cheat to see what else was out there. So she fucked you, but things with her boyfriend got better and she decided she didn"t want to cheat anymore. Move on.


Trakanon Raider
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:What"s the consensus on dating a neighbor? The suite directly beside mine went up for sale a few months back, and after briefly considering buying it and combining with mine I decided to let the opportunity pass. One day I was leaving my place and ran in to what were obviously a set of parents, two young hot girls, and a real estate agent. Naturally standing in the elevator after I was like "please god please god please god."

For once he listened. A couple weeks later I was at a block party for my street, chatting with a girl I knew way back in high school and earlier that owns a clothing store next door. She asked if I was still in my building, I said I was, she said her friend just bought a suite there, I asked if she knew which one, she wasn"t sure but said the friend would be by later and that she"d introduce us, and oh by the way she"s single.

The friend came by, she intro"d us and we chatted for 5-10 minutes. Unfortunately I was well in to a pretty good day drunk so I don"t recall much of the conversation in detail (no idea what she does, where she"s from etc). She"s 25ish, the other hot girl was her sister, she"s living on her own. When the conversation was winding down she said that we"d have to have a glass of wine sometime and we parted ways.

That was about 3 weeks ago. I"ve seen her around once or twice, just passing in the hallway or on the street. No elevator rides yet. Given that a) she suggested we share a glass of wine and b) the couple times we"ve passed she"s seemed nervous and/or awkward I do believe she"s interested.

TLDR: So like I said, what"s the opinion on possibly dating a neighbor that literally lives directly beside you? If it"s a good idea, should I just wait till a convenient time to ask her over when we cross paths, or should I knock on the door or leave a note or something?

Oh also Xerxes seems to be back hanging around all of the sudden. If she keeps bringing over joints and going dutch on eats, I don"t even mind that she hasn"t put out yet. I guess her relationship over the past few months went south on a trip to New York, the dude made a comment or got pissed off when he"d paid for dinner and she didn"t pick up the drinks later. As she was relating the story she was like "I totally offer to pay all the time right?" looking for me to agree with her and I was like "uuuuuhhhhhhh well yeah, seeing as we"re friends and all, it"s something I noticed too if we"re being honest here." She actually took it fairly well I think, didn"t seem to phase her. I just thought it"s funny that she got in to a fight with her boyfriend over it, and while on their "break" she"s messaging me to hang out.


Hey if she keeps giving you stuff for free you should keep being her fall back net. Have to take advantage of the window before she forgets about you again~


Molten Core Raider
Dabamf said:
One thing I"ve learned in the past few years is that, while faking it helps, you can never truly achieve indifferent state of mind that girls find so attractive unless you really ARE indifferent. Play games all you want, but the true solution is to actually have multiple girls around.
This is what everyone should write down in their fucking brains. If you"re coming off as needy, you LOSE. Found out the hard way and didn"t want to believe it.

When I met Annie, I was totally indifferent. Hell, I found her sister hot, and that was probably it.

Now I"m marrying Annie on our 2-year anniversary.
I have 15 days...


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Searyx said:
Couldn"t they have put my face a little closer to Alba"s? No, not Hermiones. That"d be creepy at my age.
Searyx, you look creepy at ANY age.

EDIT: besides, we all know Blaezenfury is your alt, get that anti-hermione shit right on the fuck out of here. You were Kegtyen/Screamuineg before it was mainstream.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Searyx said:
Couldn"t they have put my face a little closer to Alba"s? No, not Hermiones. That"d be creepy at my age.
Bro, I thought you and Sam were father and son. You look too similar to not be related somehow.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
001001102 said:
Bro, I thought you and Sam were father and son. You look too similar to not be related somehow.
That, and the fact that they"ve both been accused of being pedophiles.

Just saying.