Girls who broke your heart thread


Gah, I fucking hate the dating scene in Seattle as a male. It is fucking awful, and not awful because there are a fuckton of tardasses that wear plaid all day. Fuck awful because most of the girls are 4&5s and or they think they are the shit.

/rant off


Gryeyes said:
Sounds like you have a lethal case of being ugly.
Nah, I was blessed with good Italian genes, however I can"t stand dull women that think too highly of themselves. There is a thin line between confidence and arrogance.

Darus Grey_foh

So after getting messaged by her on OKC, I"ve seen this girl a couple times now, went really well. She"s a pretty solid 7, same age, similar education, she"s got a nice career as a CFP for an investment bank; she actually lives just down the road 2 miles so we share a lot of common history. Seems like she might be up my alley.

Anyways... so we all play the "game", shit like purposefully not messaging back right awhile... well I"m pretty sure she"s playing it with me; and I fucking hate it. She started out basically messaging me every 5 minutes and now anytime I respond to her it takes 2 hours and she comes back all "Sorry I was busy XYZ thing that makes me sound busy and important".

I can tell she"s really into me, is there any way to basically tell her to stop doing that shit that doesn"t compromise *my* position? I don"t care if she"s really into me, I"m not the "oh I can have you so now I don"t want you" type >.>

(also lol@ this whole thing).


I know everyone is all LOL ADVICE FROM THIS GUY YEAH RIGHT but...

I"ve been on a ton of dates now from PoF and OKC. The best way to cut the crap right out of the process is as soon as you get into that "game," and you"ve messaged back and forth a bit, you just say, "Well, would you like to go out on [day, time]?"

If they take a day to get back to you, whatever. If they say yes you can stop with the back and forth and have a real conversation on the date.

If they say no and give some bullshit response about being nervous/had a bad experience one time, then you"re better off not going back and forth with her. Just say thanks, and that you"d be happy to go on a date some time and to drop you a line.

You don"t need to spend 3 weeks coddling some hoe who is way fatter than her pictures because she doesn"t get that it might not be a good idea to invite a guy over 15 seconds after meeting them online and almost getting raped, or because she is nervous *TEEHEE*. You don"t need to pick those pieces up, let some other guy be the first online/first since her husband left/first since her baby/first since the near-rape.

tl;dr, just ask them out after a few good emails between you if you live close by. You"re on a dating site to date. If they don"t want to, they can gtfo, this isn"t IRC in 1998, we"re not here to chat.

Darus Grey_foh

Not that I don"t appreciate the advice, but I"ve already met her twice, so it isn"t terribly helpful!

She"ll just send me a text or leave a voicemail and I"ll respond if I"m available(I don"t use cellphones anymore so it"s all google voice if I"m around my PC) and then she takes hours to get back. I know *why*, she came off as really strong and regrets playing her hand so early.

Just wish she"d stop it =0


Well if you"ve already met and she"s still playing the "game," just ignore her. Bitches love to be ignored, and they love smiley faces. If you don"t feel like DTR (that"s determine the relationship, for future reference), then yeah you"re stuck playing the game of not getting back "immediately" even though you"re interested.

I say sack up and DTR, she"s interested, you"re interested. However it is you like to play that, do it. Become her boyfriend or she can go play text-tag with some other guy online.


Ask and ye shall... get the thing or whatever.

Here"s me and the womanz. Met her on OKCupid, believe it or... I dunno. Suck it.

Had great luck with online dating, I must say. After a ridiculously long abstinence run (so long I"d be embarrassed to say the exact number, but longer than Ben Affleck in Jersey Girl) I signed up for OKCupid last May, and within a week, it was like, "Oh, so that"s what sex was like?
I"d forgotten."

Who knew I had game?

Oh, the picture of me (I"m in the first one) is your typical bathroom pic. I took it to show what my (at the time) new IEM (in-ear monitors, or in-ear buds) looked like when worn. Ended up returning them and getting something better. MEElectronics a151 armature IEMs. God, I love those things. But I digress...

No, she does NOT have a tramp stamp. She does, however, have a full back tattoo. It"s really gorgeous. Ask nicely (and if I get permission) I may share it with you.


Trakanon Raider
Darus Grey said:
Not that I don"t appreciate the advice, but I"ve already met her twice, so it isn"t terribly helpful!

She"ll just send me a text or leave a voicemail and I"ll respond if I"m available(I don"t use cellphones anymore so it"s all google voice if I"m around my PC) and then she takes hours to get back. I know *why*, she came off as really strong and regrets playing her hand so early.

Just wish she"d stop it =0
Unfortunately playing the game is pretty much a requirement of dating, it seems. Very rare is the girl who doesn"t play some sort of game, even if it"s not a conscious decision to on her part.


<Gold Donor>
Searyx said:
Ask and ye shall... get the thing or whatever.

Here"s me and the womanz. Met her on OKCupid, believe it or... I dunno. Suck it.

Had great luck with online dating, I must say. After a ridiculously long abstinence run (so long I"d be embarrassed to say the exact number, but longer than Ben Affleck in Jersey Girl) I signed up for OKCupid last May, and within a week, it was like, "Oh, so that"s what sex was like?
I"d forgotten."

Who knew I had game?

Oh, the picture of me (I"m in the first one) is your typical bathroom pic. I took it to show what my (at the time) new IEM (in-ear monitors, or in-ear buds) looked like when worn. Ended up returning them and getting something better. MEElectronics a151 armature IEMs. God, I love those things. But I digress...

No, she does NOT have a tramp stamp. She does, however, have a full back tattoo. It"s really gorgeous. Ask nicely (and if I get permission) I may share it with you.
Serious question that isn"t meant to offend or belittle or anything, as I"m certainly not innocent in this respect: baked out of your mind in that picture? I"m usually pretty good at noticing that in others, and that"s the first thing I thought when looking at your picture.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
If anyone is in the austin area looking for a serious date and wants to explore dating a nice chinese girl, PM me. Wife knows a few chinese girls that are looking to date a nice guy for a serious relationship (No worries, they are either US Citizens now, or have 10yr perm residence, don"t have to worry about all that crap. I believe none of them have kids either).

Chinese girls don"t play the game (We"re talking about non-Americanized ones here), but you must be serious. They don"t like to date for the sake of dating, but if you really like them, and they really like you they make perfect wives. You"ll likely not have much luck getting them in the sack for awhile, so don"t go in with that mindset.


God is dead
AladainAF said:
If anyone is in the austin area looking for a serious date and wants to explore dating a nice chinese girl, PM me. Wife knows a few chinese girls that are looking to date a nice guy for a serious relationship (No worries, they are either US Citizens now, or have 10yr perm residence, don"t have to worry about all that crap. I believe none of them have kids either).

Chinese girls don"t play the game (We"re talking about non-Americanized ones here), but you must be serious. They don"t like to date for the sake of dating, but if you really like them, and they really like you they make perfect wives.You"ll likely not have much luck getting them in the sack for awhile, so don"t go in with that mindset.
Very very true with Chinese girls.


Trakanon Raider
Heh, some chick on eharmony sent me a message about skipping the question phase:

I love your pictures Eomer, willl love to get to know you more. Please send me your email so I can send you my pictures. My phone number is *********
No picture on her profile. A choice quote:

The Most Influential Person In My Life Has Been said:
my teacher because they thought how to read and write
lol, they did a shitty job!

The last book she read was by Shania Twain. Jesus. I"ve got a couple non-personally identifiable email accounts, so I"ll give her one of those. I"m assuming she"s going to be horrid. However if titty pics can be secured, I will gladly share the pain.
vegetoee said:
I second this. Dated a Chinese girl for 4 years, and they are damn good partners!
What exactly do you mean by that? Everyone looks for different things in a partner. And It"s now 2 of you who have mentioned how great they are. Anyone care to elaborate beyond that?


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
projectoffset said:
What exactly do you mean by that? Everyone looks for different things in a partner. And It"s now 2 of you who have mentioned how great they are. Anyone care to elaborate beyond that?
They"re great for the socially awkward people with no game for American women.

Also easier to beat up since they"re smaller.