Girls who broke your heart thread


TheCutlery said:
They"re great for the socially awkward people with no game for American women.

Also easier to beat up since they"re smaller.
Oh please, get over yourself you wannabe alpha male. They are great because they don"t demand control like most American Females, they have mutual respect and overall appreciation compared to girls in our generation and, also bring a mystique to dating outside your ethnicity.


vegetoee said:
Oh please, get over yourself you wannabe alpha male. They are great because they don"t demand control like most American Females, they have mutual respect and overall appreciation compared to girls in our generation and, also bring a mystique to dating outside your ethnicity.
They are great when they get old and look like Kim Jong Il and smoke 10k cigarettes in your house.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Eomer said:
Heh, some chick on eharmony sent me a message about skipping the question phase:

No picture on her profile. A choice quote:

lol, they did a shitty job!

The last book she read was by Shania Twain. Jesus. I"ve got a couple non-personally identifiable email accounts, so I"ll give her one of those. I"m assuming she"s going to be horrid. However if titty pics can be secured, I will gladly share the pain.
Dude, that is a scam.

"Contact me outside of this website. Do you rike my Engrish?" Next up, she"ll bring you in on her master plan to get her Nigerian uncle"s fortune!


TheCutlery said:
They"re great for the socially awkward people with no game for American women.

Also easier to beat up since they"re smaller.
hahaha u r so funny cutlery

Asian women make great partners bc they"re so loving, caring, and committed to their partner. They"re also completely unchallenging, not selective, and you obviously have to deal w/ cultural misunderstandings.

Lol @ guy offering chinese girls via the GWBYHT.

Since I"m posting anyway, I"d like to offer a suggestion to anyone reading this: if you are white and moderately good looking, not being in Korea and not living on Korean Cupid should be considered on the same level as penile genocide. I curse the 2 years I lived here that I was not on this magnificent site. When you first chat online, all the girls talk about not wanting one night stands, but when you meet they want to fuck you...always. Since I determined my destiny this year is to fuck anything that"s yellow and walks, this site is ridiculous.

Also, do you ever get a message from a girl you like and think, "how should I respond to this?" What is the answer? Talk to 2-3 more girls at the same time, and magically not only will you know exactly what to say in every circumstance, you never think or care about it. Jesus, all those years I played games and tried to portray some image...what a waste of time. The other day I was texting this girl arranging our first meet. She gave me a lot of shit for not remembering where exactly she lives. I was annoyed so I just replied, "so you don"t want to meet me?" and she shut up and backpedaled. I"da never though of that if I was TRYING to think of a good response. I just didn"t care.

Giving a shit < pretending to not give a shit <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< not giving a shit.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Dabamf said:
Asian women make great partners bc they"re so loving, caring, and committed to their partner. They"re also completely unchallenging, not selective
Know what I call that? Stockholm Syndrome.


^ Actually the case is that American women, and men, suffer from an almost radical individualism/hedonism brought on by our culture when it comes to relationships. I would consider Asians much more normal, and superior, when it comes to creating and maintaining long term and loving relationships.


Molten Core Raider
You also consider EQ to be a good video game so your opinion is suspect. <3

Asian women will steal your soul and leave you an empty hollow shell.


Dabamf said:
hahaha u r so funny cutlery

Asian women make great partners bc they"re so loving, caring, and committed to their partner. They"re also completely unchallenging, not selective, and you obviously have to deal w/ cultural misunderstandings.

Lol @ guy offering chinese girls via the GWBYHT.
So what you"re saying is that dating Asian women is for guys who don"t have enough going for them to be in a relationship with a white woman?

Admit it: you"d prefer a non-Asian partner if they"d have you.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Yeah pretty much that. The only asian I"d ever consider dating seriously would have to be at least half-white and Americanized.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Zehn - Vhex said:
Asian women will steal yoursemenand leave you an empty hollow shell.
I should hope so. Squealing like a 3 year old the whole time.


Mmmkeshek said:
Yeah pretty much that. The only asian I"d ever consider dating seriously would have to be at least half-white and Americanized.
Interesting.. see I"m pretty much the exact opposite in thinking. I don"t really care about ethnicity (ie, european, asian, caucasian raised on the moon etc), but I really don"t prefer american girls at all. Someone said it earlier, but the way in which our culture raises people imho is a little fucked up when you apply that thinking to extending relationships. That rabid individualism and radical hedonistic tendencies makes it very, very hard to establish a type of relationship that"s meaningful and can last a long length of time.

Why? Well we"re bred to think of ourselves first. What"s good for me? What"s in it for me? What does this person do for me? The second there are doubts (and of course there always are the longer you"re in a relationship... it"s a function of time) americans will typically start to look for something else or mentally or physically wander instead of trying or even wanting to reinforce what they have. I"m not saying this is bad.. I"m just saying that"s how we"re raised as a culture. That hedonism really comes out when you talk about relationships in America, and all you have to point to are numbers like divorce rates.

This leads to, obviously, lots of drama, back and forth relationships, multiple relationships, and everything else in between in the lives of most Americans.

I mean that"s fine if that"s what you want, but that"s why I said asians are probably superior for longer-term relationships (not americanized asians).


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Kilivek said:
Why? Well we"re bred to think of ourselves first. What"s good for me? What"s in it for me? What does this person do for me?
Don"t fool yourself into thinking that"s a culture issue and not simply a fact of being human. Every single human being on the planet is "in it for themselves". The most benevolent giving caring "selfless" person in the world does it because it makes them feel good.

The main reason relationships fail is because people get complacent and just expect the status quo to continue for the rest of eternity. That"d be great, but its human nature to get bored and desire new things/experiences/not status quo. Your partner truly being in love/attracted to you for a long period of time has less to do with their own nature and more to do with what you personally are doing for them, and for the relationship. If you"re putting in the work and being the person you should be in the relationship, then they will stay with you. Nobody said its not hard work.


Kilivek said:
Interesting.. see I"m pretty much the exact opposite in thinking. I don"t really care about ethnicity (ie, european, asian, caucasian raised on the moon etc), but I really don"t prefer american girls at all. Someone said it earlier, but the way in which our culture raises people imho is a little fucked up when you apply that thinking to extending relationships. That rabid individualism and radical hedonistic tendencies makes it very, very hard to establish a type of relationship that"s meaningful and can last a long length of time.

Why? Well we"re bred to think of ourselves first. What"s good for me? What"s in it for me? What does this person do for me? The second there are doubts (and of course there always are the longer you"re in a relationship... it"s a function of time) americans will typically start to look for something else or mentally or physically wander instead of trying or even wanting to reinforce what they have. I"m not saying this is bad.. I"m just saying that"s how we"re raised as a culture. That hedonism really comes out when you talk about relationships in America, and all you have to point to are numbers like divorce rates.

This leads to, obviously, lots of drama, back and forth relationships, multiple relationships, and everything else in between in the lives of most Americans.

I mean that"s fine if that"s what you want, but that"s why I said asians are probably superior for longer-term relationships (not americanized asians).
In other words, you want someone who will stay with you in a relationship because their cultural norms dictate that they should.

Others of us prefer actual, meaningful relationships with people who know what they want and go out and get it.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Churchill said:
So what you"re saying is that dating Asian women is for guys who don"t have enough going for them to be in a relationship with a white woman?

Admit it: you"d prefer a non-Asian partner if they"d have you.
That"s exactly the way I look at it. I don"t have a whole lot of respect for the white man/asian woman thing because it just seems like the continuation on the Russian bride shit. They"re not with you because you"re fucking interesting, they"re with you because you make more money in your country than anyone does in theirs. All you do is take them away from their shithole life in a 2nd world country. Complete and total Stockholm Syndrome.


See I look at it completely different. From the responses you guys provide, in your mind, you conceive of it like a competition. Like a fight, right? A bride or gf to be "won" or "acquired". And in order to maintain this winning trophy or acquisition, it"s looked upon like you have to continue the fight, using ideas like "continually making yourself more interesting so your partner doesn"t get bored" and things like "actual meaningful relationships that you go "out and get" (the meaning comes from this acquisition?). And likewise, the partner will play this game too, by continually testing you in these kinds of ways, right? This type of behavior obviously leads to drama-filled relationships. There"s no way it doesn"t. Because what you"re talking about is a self-centric type view OF the relationship. Someone said above it"s about "what"s in it for me". Looking at that comment and from the perspective in which that comment comes from, the question as to why most relationships and marriages in the states end up broken is answered. And in this way, the view of your partner is no different than a commodity.

The assumption here that this is a human quality intrinsic across all cultures I believe isn"t totally correct. Well, this perspective of it at least.

I"ve dated both american white girls and asian americans, as well as unamericanized asians. What you guys view as docile or Stockholm, I view as a type of maturity that american girls simply do not possess until very late in their lives, if ever. It"s hard to explain this concept unless you"ve experienced it, but I"ll try my best. It"s a type of maturity where deference is held in high regard. Where to the girl (or man), voicing their opinion strongly or willfully 24/7 isn"t always of the utmost importance. Being respective and considerate of others vis a vis their own opinion is more important than voicing that opinion. Where seeking what"s best for him/her 24/7 isn"t always the most important thing. This "deference" is mostly viewed by westerners as docile, stockholm, shyness, etc. To the East, typical positive american traits are viewed as immature (from my experience), like a kid somewhat.

And I agree with this "deference" being important in a relationship. Because once you"re in a relationship with a girl like this, it doesn"t feel like you"re constantly fighting to keep her attention or "keep her".

Another good way to say it is that asian girls, by and large, need their egos stroked much less than american girls do.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Yeah except that actual quality isn"t related to culture, its just a personality trait. There are chicks of any culture who truly enjoy deference, as you put it. Your Asian women though, are simply taught not to voice their opinion/discomfort/dislike/disdain/diswhateverelse. It doesn"t mean they"re not feeling it, and actually hate your stupid fat white ass the entire time they"re married to you. If you want to play the odds and hope you managed to find an Asian woman who truly likes you for who you are, and whose true nature is deference, then have at it. The more likely outcome though, is you"ll find an Asian chick who really isn"t that into you, and personally I can"t abide that. I want my mate to actually be interested in me, attracted to me, and like being with me.

-edit- It"s basically the settling phenomenon. They settle for someone they probably aren"t actually all that attracted to or interested in, because they will provide for them and allow them to start a family or whatnot. Fuck if I"m gonna be with someone who"s settling, that would leave a really sour taste.