Girls who broke your heart thread


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
To change the subject my GF said this to me on aim, what should I do.

Finger under penis where the shaft&scrotum meet
draw a ring around the base of the member wit your fingertip & another around the scrotum
*sensitive erectile*
I don"t even know how to approach this situation. Should I say "wat", laugh, punch her, or break it off?


The Big Mod
Aria said:
Since I really don"t want to make a new thread or completely derail this topic, let me ask a quick question to you guys.

I asked out this chick at work (I know.. I know..) and we ended up going out on our first date Monday. It was a really great date and I think we had some chemistry, there was no kiss but I was really cool with that. We had our second date last night, again it was awesome but again there was no kiss.

This has me worried that she isn"t interested, but she keeps saying yes to me asking her on dates and we keep having a great time. I"m not sure if I should just ask her how she is feeling, ask her out again anyways, or just move on. What do you guys think? I know some girls like to take it really slow, I"m cool with that, it"s just confusing.

The problem of course now is I"m starting to really like her and don"t want to go too much further if it"s a wasted effort. Any advice?
its too late. you should have had the balls to make a move on the 1st set, 2nd date at the latest. you"ve fucked yourself, she thinks you"re a sackless pussy now. oh well, time to move on.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
kegkilla said:
its too late. you should have had the balls to make a move on the 1st set, 2nd date at the latest. you"ve fucked yourself, she thinks you"re a sackless pussy now. oh well, time to move on.
never ever believe that you cannot break rules, habits or ideas. 3rd date could be the charm....


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
kegkilla said:
its too late. you should have had the balls to make a move on the 1st set, 2nd date at the latest. you"ve fucked yourself, she thinks you"re a sackless pussy now. oh well, time to move on.
It"s not too late. Just know that you are putting the pussy on a pedestal. Find some confidence and make the move already, chicks wait to have sex, not kiss.

This first date is fine, second is pushing it. If you go on a third then you know for a fact it"s okay to make a move, just do it already.

The first date always constitutes as a meet and great. As long as things went well by the end of the night that shit is bagged and tagged. But usually the second date is the indicator that you are ready to make a move and find out were her boundaries are.


NargorothRiP said:
fuck off low post count random forum name douche.
1. Your an "05, unfortunately the board doesn"t seem to want to give me my old account back, so I am stuck as an "05 as well.

2. You don"t even have 300 posts yet, you low post count fag.

3. Who the fuck are you to tell anyone to post on this forum, or not, are you a mod, no, admin, no, board owner, no?

In closing, thanks for caring, its a shame you are a giant loser, who seems to have a much higher opinion of your own self worth then you deserve here, and probably out in the real world.

Aychamo BanBan

Ok can we please get back to talking about girls who broke our hearts, and how we are getting back at them by gaming every girl under the sun, and stop calling eachother fags?

With a ton of gay love,

Aychamo BanBan

GrobbeeTrull2.0 said:
The irony of this thread starting as "Woe is me, my broken heart!" to "LOLZ DUDE I SLAY CHIX @ CLUBZ" is so stark it hurts.
That"s because there"s a difference between being in love and having sex with someone. For instance, you love your wife, but you had sex with that man because she wanted you to. Or was it that you loved the man and had sex with your wife because he wanted you to?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You could, oh I dunno, ask her where that came from and go from there?

Although that should have been done the moment it happened.


she may be making allusions to pinching the seminal vesical right before ejaculating for a man. it can heighten the feeling. Or so i have been told (and experienced).


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Are you sure pinching the seminal vesicular is appropriate for a 22 yr old. Should I consult my physician? Are there risks of dependencies? Is there a chance of heart attack or stroke?


<Bronze Donator>
aychamo_aycono said:
Was the roommate hot? Cause you could have fallen in love with the roommate too, and since the roommate was bi, you all just fuck all night long.
Yeah she was hot but she had a strict boyfriend also that lived in boca, while we were in orlando. She used to want to cheat on him and hook up with my gf but she didnt want me to watch cause she"d feel bad, but if she was single then im sure she woulda went all for the 3some cause i know she always told my gf that she thought i was a good guy and stuff (when other friends call me an asshole lol).. but eh whatever, still time. Not like I havent had 3some with her other friend


I stopped going out for the purpose of practicing game, partially because I"m not that social and partially because I have no wingman to speak of. I do practice game nonstop at work (restaurant with crazy high turnover) and I"ve internalized so much of it that I accidentally game every remotely attractive girl without even trying. My problem is that I am not completely socially fluent (my social life basically started in college 5 years ago) so I come off as a dick (not in a good way) a lot of times. Biggest improvement lately, believe it or not, is being more openly interested in a girl. The disinterested thing I play way too long and the girl just gives up or starts putting up barriers because I think she thinks I"m trying to manipulate her (I am). I must of course qualify this by saying I"m never friended and I"ve never had the problem of showing too much interest, so this doesn"t apply to most guys.

Another random tidbit: befriend a super hot chick, then sleep with all her friends. Hot girls are so used to guys trying to sleep with them or pretending to be their friend so they can sleep with them that if you legitimately try not to fuck them and just be their friend they will instantly love you. At a bar when you run into girls like this they go apeshit for you (because they are so happy that a high-status guy wants to legitimately be their friend) and you have an immediate in with their friends, in addition to all the other girls at the bar seeing this hot girl go apeshit for you.

To the guy with the kissing problem, don"t look for some perfect moment, you can do it any time any where. If you are nervous about it you will likely end up trying to pump yourself up so much that when you do it you kind of black out (I still do this shit haha) and it is slightly weird but its preferable to not kissing her and getting friended. Any time you have a pause with eye contact you need to be going for that. If you don"t have a moment like that just pick one.

The other thing, however, is that there should never be "moves" like most people talk about. Touching should ideally slowly escalate with no big jumps. Start touching from the beginning. In the early stages when you are disqualifying yourself push her away playfully, when she says something you like and you "little sister" her pull her in for a hug. Kissing should be along a linear path from nothing to sex. This is the end ideal though an hard to accomplish unless you are very socially fluent, so just fucking do it. If she goes on date 2 with you, any point in the date is kiss time.

On date 3 you better kiss her within an hour. Girls don"t respect a man who is all "I respect women so I don"t want to be aggressive." Girls all know a man wants sex and when you hold back you look like a pussy. Probably the nicest and most homely girl-next-door type I"ve ever had told me after sex she was surprised how aggressive I was (I took what I wanted and she was happy to give it) with a tone of voice and expression that told me she was impressed/happy for it.


Holy crap, she"s tiny! What does she weigh, like 105?! I"m an ass guy for sure, but is it just me?

She must be fun to toss around Brad.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Is it just me or is it extremely rare to find a woman who can hold a good conversation.