Girls who broke your heart thread


aychamo_aycono said:
I haven"t used it in a really long time either. I almost think I want to say it.

Is "I think I"m falling for you" the same thing as "I love you" ?
Not the same, but similar. It sounds gay without having the proper effect on the girl, though.


The Big Mod
aychamo_aycono said:
I haven"t used it in a really long time either. I almost think I want to say it.

Is "I think I"m falling for you" the same thing as "I love you" ?
instead of that i would recommend saying something like "i"m so into you" right before you jam your cock into her


Trakanon Raider
aychamo_aycono said:
I haven"t used it in a really long time either. I almost think I want to say it.

Is "I think I"m falling for you" the same thing as "I love you" ?
I don"t think so, no. But who knows what shit girls will read in to what you say. I agree that I almost want to say it as well right now, but I think the general rule of "let her say it first" is a good one to go by.

How about "I think you"re really neat"?


Eomer said:
How about "I think you"re really neat"?
I"d stick with something like "You"re amazing", or "I can"t remember the last time I felt this good". Something about the word neat that just doesn"t work unless you"re talking about a flux capacitor or your new cell phone or something.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Pizoi said:
I"d stick with something like "You"re amazing", or "I can"t remember the last time I felt this good". Something about the word neat that just doesn"t work unless you"re talking about a flux capacitor or your new cell phone or something.
I usually say, "With you, I have never masturbated so much"


Trakanon Raider
Pizoi said:
I"d stick with something like "You"re amazing", or "I can"t remember the last time I felt this good". Something about the word neat that just doesn"t work unless you"re talking about a flux capacitor or your new cell phone or something.
lol, which is why I was joking!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Girls like it when you call them punctual. My romance secrets are brought to you by Alladin.
aychamo_aycono said:
I haven"t used it in a really long time either. I almost think I want to say it.

Is "I think I"m falling for you" the same thing as "I love you" ?
6 months isn"t a really long time, especially concerning love. I mean, you did post this thread back in July. Of course, you could have been saving up all your tears, but I doubt it given your propensity to let us know what you"re doing just about every waking minute.

Anxiously awaiting your next story about how the perfect girl let you down or broke your heart! Don"t disappoint us!

Aychamo BanBan

GrobbeeTrull2.0 said:
6 months isn"t a really long time, especially concerning love. I mean, you did post this thread back in July. Of course, you could have been saving up all your tears, but I doubt it given your propensity to let us know what you"re doing just about every waking minute.

Anxiously awaiting your next story about how the perfect girl let you down or broke your heart! Don"t disappoint us!
when are you going to admit you"re in love with me?


Irenicus did nothing wrong
6 months isn"t a really long time, especially concerning love.
That"s what I"ve always said, but every girl I"m with throws the word around like it"s going out of fashion. Of my last two GF"s, the first says she loves me after 4 months, the second after 3 weeks.

My parents have been together 30 years, I"ve never seen them have a fight, they"ve given up a huge amount of their personal life to make their relationship work, hell my dad sacrificed his entire career so my mum could finish her study and to help her raise a family. They"re more affectionate with each other than many couples my age are. THAT shit is love. Not some bullshit teenage affection.

The funny thing is that both girls ineveitably both thought I was the spawn of satan once I broke up with them. The first one I never spoke to again, the second was engaged 6 weeks later to some guy guy she"d been with less than a month, who beat her. Then broke up with him, and is now convinced she"s back in love with the guy she left for me, and going on about how she"s so distraught that he won"t take her back. I try to tell her that the need to have a boyfriend to feel emotionally validated isn"t love, but I don"t think she can differentiate between the two.

I think so many chicks have this idealistic vision of their relationships, like they"re living their own personal romantic comedy, and they"ll convince themselves that every guy they"re with is "OMG perfect the one" just so inside their own head the relationship conforms to their own ridiculous standards.

Someone tell me it gets better in half a decade when I hit my mid 20"s or so.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Damnit. Oh well, I still have MMO"s. My epics will never rely on me for emotional fulfillment or try manipulated me or get jealous because I play other games


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I was actually reading a study a few years back where a lot of girls think relationshipsshouldbe like in the movies. Where everything works out in the end and "oh there is only one out there for me." Its complete bullshit, obviously. Even if you"ve been married to someone for 30 years I"m sure you meet another human at least once a week you"re equally compatible with.

My best friend, however, is the exact same way as a girl. Where he feels if he isn"t in a relationship his life is meaningless and he"s a complete failure. I"m pretty sure if you"re not happy being single then you"re not very happy with yourself. If you"re not happy with yourself then how do you expect someone else to really be happy with you?


2 Minutes Hate
aychamo_aycono said:
I haven"t used it in a really long time either. I almost think I want to say it.

Is "I think I"m falling for you" the same thing as "I love you" ?
I"m falling for you is a perfect excuse not to drop the I love you bomb and keep the girl happy.