Girls who broke your heart thread


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Bang the crazy and put her in your weekly rotation.

Then you look for more to fill up the rest of your week based upon your availability.



Tyen said:
Bang the crazy and put her in your weekly rotation.

Then you look for more to fill up the rest of your week based upon your availability.

Coming from a guy whose weekly rotation most likely includes armchairs, campbells chunky soup, and the tears of banned forum posters...

I"m not sure if I should take your advice.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Wrathcaster said:
Coming from a guy whose weekly rotation most likely includes armchairs, campbells chunky soup, and the tears of banned forum posters...

I"m not sure if I should take your advice.
Cool bro, good luck.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Um she sounds crazy as shit. Not my type of girl but can I ask why you"re even interested? You admit to her not being all that hot is her personality really the kind you want to hang out with? One that is so insecure with her beliefs that she feels to need to reaffirm them at every waking moment to tell you how ultra-liberal and ultra-sexed she is? I dunno man. Different strokes for different folks but it sounds like she"d annoy the fuck out of me within 5 seconds.


Trakanon Raider
Heh, I was gonna say that she thinks you"re her "gay-friend". But yeah, maybe her being crazy is more likely.

Foler said:
Just out of curiosity I decided to check out those two websites, cupid and fishinsea or whatever it is. I dont know what everyone"s standards are but 99.87% of the women on those sites are WAY below mine.
We"ve found it"s very regional, at least Plentyoffish is. Up here it"s actually pretty good. I mean yeah, only one out of ten is something I"d be interested in, but that"s pretty reflective of the general population.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Wrathcaster said:
I"ve missed ya FoH,

Would usually trust my instincts on something like this but my dad"s death has thrown them out of whack... so i"ll pose the question to you fuckers.

There"s a chick in all my classes that hits me up regularly via texts/facebook... i guess just to chat or whatever. we hang out because we"re both in a new place and both smoke. Most of the time when she hits me up though, its not about smoking, and now that i"ve been on holiday break in a different city hundreds of miles away, she talks to me all the time.

Almost every time we talk on facebook, she tells me immediately that she"s naked. i do not ask if she is or isn"t. Almost every time she hits me up first. Every now and then, she gets drunk and tells me about how she"s on the prowl for pussy but how she can"t give up dick. I have no idea why she volunteered this information.

She"s ultra-liberal... and i mean WAY out in left field and is proud to represent her beliefs personally, which apparently include being nude at any possible moment and being obsessed with sex. She also takes any slight opportunity to tell me all about her political/religious beliefs and her entire life story.

All that being said, we"ve only hung out a handful of times and solely under the pretext of smoking or studying. But most of the time when we"re hanging out she talks about sex or politics. The one time I asked her to do something aside from smoking and not class related, she said she had other plans, which I believe since I called her like an hour before the event I was asking her to attend with me. She"s never come on to me that I could say, and I"m pretty sure I"d know if a girl like her was coming on to me. But I was only at her place for maybe 30-35 minutes at a time any time i was there. She"s never been to mine, because I"ve never invited her.

I don"t want this one to get weird on me, because the last hookup with someone at my school ended in disaster, and I don"t need this shit following me around. If it weren"t for this simple fact, I wouldn"t give two shits. Normally, I"d pop my cawk out and start playing a mean air guitar with my boner, but the situation prohibits it at the moment. She"s a pretty cool friend to have, and I wouldn"t mind having her as just a friend (especially since she"s my only green hookup), but I also wouldn"t mind plowing her until the sun came up because I get the feeling she"s got valuable experience.

I know from personal experience that it"s common for a girl who sees you solely as a friend to volunteer some of their skankiest information because they aren"t afraid giving you the information will fuck up their chances with you... I also know that some girls are just way open about sex, and that they"d take any opportunity with a dude that"s not the elephant man. And I know that they aren"t the type you"d want to make a girlfriend. But I"m intrigued. And I think it could be fun.

But I don"t want to fuck up my shit at school when I have to deal with this person every day. And there"s something in the back of my mind that tells me I"m missing something. I"m at a weird place in my life. Shit has sucked hard for me lately, and I feel like some unspeakable sex might lighten things up. But my intuition is shot and she"s entered the scene in a very big way at one of the hugest impasses in my life.

I"m picking her up after her flight in a few days and have a blunt waiting. Seems like an opportunity for something.


PS: She"s about a 6/10... 8/10 if she would work out a bit more.

From the sounds of it, you are AWFUL at picking up signals, god damn.


<Bronze Donator>
I think if a girl told me she was naked every time we talked and how she cant give up dick, I would have made my move for my own piece of mind then moved on if it wasnt a signal. Sounds crazy, even then she"s so liberal I"d be scared how liberal she"d be with other guys if I was banging/dating her. Maybe keep her as a now and then fuck buddy..


lost said:
I think if a girl told me she was naked every time we talked and how she cant give up dick, I would have made my move for my own piece of mind then moved on if it wasnt a signal. Sounds crazy, even then she"s so liberal I"d be scared how liberal she"d be with other guys if I was banging/dating her. Maybe keep her as a now and then fuck buddy..
The problem is, when she started telling me these things, I was ~800 miles away. None of it was in person, except for a few odd comments about sex in general and women"s lib bullshit. I only actually hung out with her in person once or twice, and it was just to get a sack and smoke with her, since I didn"t want to be rude and grab the gear and dash. In all that time, I never got the feeling she was coming on to me. Then again, she knew basically nothing about me then aside from the fact that I smoked. Once she found out I have absolutely no religious or political convictions, she started talking to me online or through texts pretty much every day.

As far as being crazy goes, she is on antidepressants and has been doing a lot of various psychedelics lately. But she is sane enough to make it through a semester of law school with good grades and seems to be on a pretty even keel whenever I"m around... No loud outbursts, no random crying, no violent mood shifts between mania and depression, and no noticeable signs of mental illness...

I"m interested primarily because I think she"d be fun in the sack and I like fucking with chicks who are open minded about drugs and politics. My last girlfriend would trip with me, smoked with me every day, and would pretty much let me do whatever I wanted without any kind of scolding. I know that must sound like a pretty shitty reason to get involved with someone, and that I"m basing a lot of my decisions concerning her with substances in mind, but I have a serious problem with people telling me what to do and not being understanding about my lifestyle.

I"m not an addict and I don"t do the particularly nasty shit like coke, heroin, meth, etc and neither does she. I"m an extremely heavy drinker on weekends and special occasions and she is a moderate drinker at best, which is a plus in my book. I think getting with anyone who drinks as much as I do would probably be trouble. Mainly I just enjoy tripping and smoking and I love doing those things with girls... And I love fucking when I"m tripping.

I say she"s a 6/10 but I have weird standards. She has a great face and awesome boobs/ass, but is ~10-15 pounds overweight, mostly in the midsection. Doesn"t have a big gut, but doesn"t have a totally flat one either. She"s the kind of girl who in the right myspace angle, would make you go OH SNAP, but in person is less stunning. I have a problem with any girl who weighs more than me, and considering I"m a pretty small dude weighing less than 150 at my heaviest, it comes up quite a bit. Basically, she loses 2 points because she has a little too much weight around her arms and stomach. I"ve seen older pics and she was trim and pretty gorgeous.

I also have an unhealthy attraction to people with problems... I have my fair share as well. Behavioral perfection unnerves me for some reason, and I"ve never really understood why.

I guess I"ll make a pass after I pick her up this weekend. This month has fucked me up considerably. The day of my dad"s funeral I found out that he and my mom separated not because of money, but because she cheated on him when I was a baby. I haven"t been the same since I found that out. I"m trying to get my old self back, but I"ve had several chances to hook up with two ex"s and just couldn"t figure out how to go about it, like I was 14 again with all the awkwardness associated. I"ve never had a problem with that before. Christ, I don"t know why I"d tell you guys this, but honestly I trust some of your fucked up advice more than I would a shrink.

Anyone ever had success with a ultra-liberal, psychedelic loving, sex crazed, anti-depressant taking pothead? How"d that work out?


Avatar of War Slayer
Wrathcaster said:
Anyone ever had success with a ultra-liberal, psychedelic loving, sex crazed, anti-depressant taking pothead? How"d that work out?
The 19 yr old for me.

Fuck her, but treat her like you hate her. Dont ever show affection and if you do, she will WALK all over you.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah sounds pretty spot on about the treat them like dirt, I know a guy that does that for his whole thing and works. Funny that description is the basic summary of my ex.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Also to be fair it"s easier to say how much you want to fuck / get naked with someone when you know there is zero possibility of it. When I was 21 or so I dated an 18 year old virgin. She lived about two hours away from me. While on Skype she"d constantly talk about how much she wants me to fuck her and blah blah blah but when I"d come up to see her it was very hands-off.

Also throughout early college I always got the "moments after" text message which would occur after making out with a girl she"d text me saying how much she wishes we could have had sex or "done more." Well the opportunities generally presented themselves at the time but she"d pull away but it"s easy to say how much she wants a dick when I"m already on my car ride home.


<Prior Amod>
No where in there in that description did it seem to me there was a positive or redeeming quality. Maybe it"s just me but I"d look elsewhere.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It just occurred to me that maybe he"s a virgin. If you are then sure burn that V-card as quickly as possible if anything for the psychological reasons. However this chick doesn"t strike me as dateable.


Tenks said:
It just occurred to me that maybe he"s a virgin. If you are then sure burn that V-card as quickly as possible if anything for the psychological reasons. However this chick doesn"t strike me as dateable.
Believe what you want. I"m by no means some uber sex machine, but i"ve had my fair share. I usually just hooked up with girls and ended up dating them for years, rather than having a steady stream of randoms.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Then the latter half of my statement still stands. I honestly didn"t know your background.


Trakanon Raider
What ever happened to Arbitrary? Does he post anymore? Wonder if he managed to get laid before 30.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Oddly enough from reading NeoGAF"s off-topic forum for only a week or so it isn"t uncommon for 30+ year old people to be virgins living with their parents still. Arbitrary isn"t alone out there.


If you are expressing doubts about something before you get into it then its usually a bad idea. How about just asking the woman straight out ? 30 seconds, done. No muss, no fuss.

Brad, your ex is using you as an emotional chew toy. Again. Keep your conversations with her strictly "business". If it isn"t related to your son then shut her down, politely, though be firm and clear. If she goes postal then record it in case you need it for the future. Being there for your son does not mean you need to be there for her.


Trakanon Raider
Tenks said:
Oddly enough from reading NeoGAF"s off-topic forum for only a week or so it isn"t uncommon for 30+ year old people to be virgins living with their parents still. Arbitrary isn"t alone out there.
Fair enough. It"s still fucked.

Being a pothead and psychonaut myself, I"ve had some experience with ultra-liberal psychedelic loving pothead girls, and they usually are AMAZING in bed.

But if she"s as open about being naked and wanting cock as you say she is, and she"s really into drugs and uber-liberal, I doubt she"d be offended if you made a move, or just responded more sexually to her when she tells you she"s naked or horny.

I mean, honestly, its as simple as...

Her: I"m naked right now. I love being naked.
You: Wish I was there

The girls I know that sound similar to her wouldnt be offended by that at all. At least one of em would definitely be like "I wish you were here too!" or they"d at least take it as a compliment. Obviously you gotta say the right thing at the right time, and it"s a pretty simple example, but I think you get the idea.

She sounds really hot. Girls that love fucking, talking about fucking, and love tripping is a Huge turn on for me, so I definitely see where you"re coming from on this. But if shes really as open about sex as you say she is, just be equally as open about sex with her, and just flirt with her. If you suck at flirting you won"t get very far, but in my experience, whenever a girl is talking to me about sex and telling me she"s naked, she"s wanting something form me. Attention, flirting, fucking, whatever. But give her what she wants.

As far as relationships with girls like that go...If it happens, like others have said, don"t show too much affection, because she will definitely use that to her advantage. You dont have to treat her like COMPLETE shit, but if you find yourself caring about her a lot and really liking her, don"t be nearly as open about it as you would a "normal" girl, because you"ll most likely get fucked over by it. But she sounds like a hit it & quit it scenario. And just cuz you fuck her once and never again doesnt mean you can"t still smoke with her and trip with her.