Girls who broke your heart thread

The Ancient_sl

Darus Grey said:
Actually now I"m confused, the original "usage" was the li"wayne song about how he"d choose money over bitches("Money over bitches I"m yellin it to the grave"), "fuck bitches" meaning "Fuck em(I don"t need em)" not "have intercourse with" , or is that what you meant and I"m just being dense alongside Eomer now ;0
Fucking kids man.
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Tarrant220 said:
Has anyone went from dumped and broken hearted to in a good, strong lasting relationship since this thread started 2 years"ish ago? It"s crazy this thread has been around for that long.
Kinda. But this thread had nothing to do with it.


<Prior Amod>
projectoffset said:
Fuck bitches:

Have sexual relations with bitches.
Who the fuck needs those bitches?
This was your first post? While you bring up a good and valid point I still can"t help but feel dissapoint.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
It"s my dancing dinosaur and I say "Have sex with bitches, get money"

Don"t give up the bitches for the money. Whats the point of money without bitches? Gots to get that money AND have dem bitches.


it lacked that "Wakandan DICK" quality as a good first post

as for the relationship status, i went from divorced, to being in a healthy happy relationship. never again shall i date an asian!


Dabamf said:
sorry, we don"t tolerate blaspheming here

forgiveness please! i should have sad i will never date a Korean again


Avatar of War Slayer
So, I had my son since his baseball game on Saturday until 7pm today. I went by his mom"s house to get his bike so I could take him bike riding. Anyways, his mom was out there talking to me, mostly about him, but a few "How are you"s. When I dropped him off 2 hours later, she was in the garage, inside the door into the house, while I said my goodbyes and unhooked his bike from the bike rack... Hubby was home. It made me laugh.

I do get my son again tomorrow night through Weds night. I turn 33 on Weds, so spending the whole day with my son. I cant go out and party because I have to testify against that guy on Thurs morning (the one that tried to drown his wife).

Nothing else. Been harassing some bitches on PoF and OKC, but not trying to be serious.


This really has seemed to be lacking as of late so I"ll throw in my wonderful adventures...
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Wrote something about 10 months ago about finding out some shit on my girlfriend of 6 months or so and was pretty distraught about the findings. Relationship and trust picked back up and everything was fine up until 2.5 months ago when I encountered some strange behaviors.

Turns out this girl has little to no remorse, almost as if she"s a sociopath of relationships. I found out she cheated on me with 3 separate people in that 2.5 months. I knew one was a given because of a hunch I had and broke up with her because of that. A few days later it was confirmed by a mutual friend that she was cheating on me with the hunch and I called her up to confront her about it and the first thing that came out of her mouth was, "How did you find out", no sorry or anything. She was more pissed off that I found out than what she actually did to me. Throughout the day, friends of hers that felt horrible about what this girl was doing to me confessed and I found out there was 2 others. The now ex started blowing up her friends phones trying to figure out what I now knew and bitched them all out for me finding out everything.

What made it worse is that a month ago I went down to her parents house to hang out with them for a few days with her. The dad took me up in their 2 seater Cessna and I flew around for an hour or so and we talked about everything. The mom took pictures and I got a facebook message from the dad saying he was sorry we parted ways after we broke up and that he had pictures. I gave him my address so they could send them. Once I found out she cheated on me I sent the dad another message saying that if he didn"t send the pictures already, don"t and that I found out some unsettling news about his daughter.

I didn"t expect this, but the dad called me up to see if I was alright and what was going on. I told him she cheated on me and this man was speechless. He always has something to say about everything and all he could say was "I don"t know what to say" and he repeated that dozens of times. Later in the day is when I actually found out about the two others. I called the dad up because I was concerned for his daughter because she changed so much in these past 2.5 months it was absurd. I told him who she cheated on me with and if he needed more information to call the roommate since the roommate is one of the friends who started telling me everything what happened. The dad calls the roommate and she pretty much confirmed that my ex was unfaithful to me with multiple people over this short amount of time.

A day after this I find out from other friends that this girl had a reputation of having strings of relationships that only last a week or so then break off for no apparent reason and everyone neglected to tell me because once they found out what kind of guy I was they thought she might actually have a keeper. Apparently I was holding her back from being a promiscuous whore the entire relationship and I first caught her behavior last November.

I just feel god awful about her parents knowing that their little angel (single child) sleeps around with some of the most moronic people ever. The parents are and I swear to this, the most genuine parents I have ever met and loved having me around since I broke the norm from her usual idiotic picks. They even told the roommate that they thought I was the one where we"d end up getting hitched and spending the rest of our lives together, lol. The girl I was dating is now pissed off that the dad talked to the roommate even though he called her and that her parents are now going to judge her, which I find hilarious.

Since I broke up with her (last week), I"ve blocked her from my life completely and haven"t felt better because I warned her if she went back to acting strange I"d just up and leave her and did. Turns out I left her before she was ready to leave me since she had a replacement already on the side (the hunch I had). Tbh, I never had any problems breaking up with her, it was finding out that she cheated on me hit me the hardest. What was really fucked up, she was trying to get me to say I love you back to her when I broke up with her just to see if she had control of the relationship. She didn"t.

Learned a lot of shit in this relationship that I do not intent on repeating. There"s a lot more shit I could add such as why this girl makes for a horrible slut, but I wont bore anyone with that and it"s late.



Golden Knight of the Realm
sl4ck3r;1805930 said:
This really has seemed to be lacking as of late so I"ll throw in my wonderful adventures...

That"s the spirit, now the thread is back on track. Seems like you did what you needed to do when you found out she cheated. Keep that attitude and move forward and you are good. Once the lack of constant pussy catches up to you just make sure not to try getting back with her lol.


Hey sl4ck3r,

I am interested in what you found out about what makes a specific girl a horrible slut. Drop some mind bombs on the masses! I am sure there are plenty of things we take for granted in terms of knowledge of the "fairer" sex.


Molten Core Raider
Tarrant220 said:
I was just curious if anyone else had got anything out of all this.
Ever since my first post about the crazy ex in this thread, my life improved thousandfold. I am more confident about myself, too.

Thread is full of win.

Latest example: sl4ck3r"s story about daddy"s little princess. Well done

P.S. get tested.


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Had a similar story to sl4ck3r"s years ago. The lack of remorse stings hard.

To answer some of what Divinefactor is asking. One big flag I notice with cheaters is when they say there are going to hang out with a friend, but they never seem to offer up a name whenever they go out.

I used to work with a chick that would do that and I would call her out and ask what their name was and she would get flustered every time.

It is sort of like that scene in Chasing Amy when she is playing the pronoun game and they call her on dating a guy.


<Prior Amod>
Well done sl4ck3r, the cool thing is is that you let her parents know everything whithout coming off as a revengful asshole. Obviously it wont be long before her parents forget the whole thing and move on, but its nice to knwo you got out with every single upper hand that was available to you.

Also if you had mutual friends that knew of her cheating...they were not mutual friends, they were her friends. A friend would have told you she was fucking dudes behind your back. my best friend knew about my wifes affair and never said shit to me, I"ve yet to talk to him 2+ years later. He was never a friend in my eyes so fuck em.

Like someone else said, get tested then move the fuck on. Also expect her to get back in contact with you in a month or two...because make no mistake she will, she will still want to try and get some sort of feeling of control over you, the moment you go back to her (were you to do it) she indeed won...never give her that satisfaction.


Trakanon Raider
The Ancient said:
I"ve always been a bit perturbed by the "disregard bitches, acquire currency" translation of the popular "Fuck bitches, get money" saying because the original usage of the saying was much more literal.

Now we see that your usage of the term has confused poor Eomer.
Maybe it"s my own personal preference, but I always took "fuck bitches, make money" to mean that you were concentrating on money, don"t care about bitches, but may in fact be fucking them. That"s what I took Darus" usage to mean, anyway.

My apologies!