Girls who broke your heart thread


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Change of topic a bit~

Question: are women shitty at flirting all across the nation as a whole, or is it just where I"m living?

For example - I know a number of women here who are attractive and fun to be around, and flirt with anything that has a heartbeat. And, it is important to make clear, this is done with no, 0, intent of taking it beyond garnering attention. I then get to listen to them bitch and moan about how guy #45 managed to "offend" them by crossing the friend threshold into"hey, what are you doing Saturday"immediately after said female walks up, presses her tits into a guy, and says something like "hey, sexy!". So begins one of many battles between"What, can"t I just flirt a little? I flirt with everyone!"and"WTF, you can"t just expect to be able to rub your nipples on random guys and call them "sexy" and then be shocked when they ask you out, and not want to talk to them again afterwords because you now think it"s gotten "creepy" and want to avoid them"

Now to be clear, I"m somewhat oblivious to flirting if it isn"t obvious - I"ve been slapped in the back of the head by friends telling me that chick X was flirting and I missed my chance, when I thought whoever was just making smalltalk while waiting for a drink at a bar, etc. Other places I"ve lived, flirting was pretty much obvious - the "look" was unquestionable, it"s as though there is an entire generation of women in the midwest that think simply stealing a glance at a guy from across a room (and not making eye contact) is enough to qualify as flirting, while others go so overboard they have a literal male harem chasing them (at times, not accidental I"m guessing). Now I don"t expect dick-grabbing and chicks whispering"I want you inside me"5 minutes after meeting you, but something beyond"I smiled at you, what do you mean you were looking the other way?"would be nice.

One woman I know, I had a discussion about with a mutual female friend just recently. The topic - the mutual female friend wanted to know why guys never responded to the other woman"s flirting. That was the first I"d ever even thought of what she does as "flirting", I honestly thought she just moped around with a sad depressed look on her face, watching people and saying nothing. Since the mutual friend disagreed with me when I mentioned that she usually looks like she wants to go cry somewhere, and not flirtatious (and I know I don"t always pick up on the <s>subtle</s> imperceptible flirting) I went and asked the man-group of friends. Who, to a man, all looked surprised at the question and mostly agreed with me, and had no idea that she had ever even flirted with anyone in the first place. Also, most of us felt a bit sad about the whole thing too. The women though seemed to put the blame on the men for not noticing, while the men all felt that looking like a sad puppy =/= flirting.

I don"t understand the flirting here; when women flirt, and you then respond (paying them more attention, asking them about themselves, I"m not talking about grabbing a boob or anything) they then look like they"re suddenly scared. It"s as though there is a lot of women here who flirt not as a"hey I think you"re cute"but more of a"hey, you"re a nice guy and I"ll lead you along, until you respond and then I"ll act like I"ve never met you". That, or maybe there are just a lot of women here who have low self esteem and flirt not because of attraction, but more to get attention and see what they can do (guy~wise).

We talk about this on occasion, and people here treat KC as the worst place to date as though it"s a foregone conclusion. Can"t say that I disagree, but I sometimes wonder if the flirting issue is part of that.

Sperling"s Best Places
Best Cities for Dating

1. Austin, TX
2. Colorado Springs, CO
3. San Diego, CA
4. Raleigh/Durham, NC
5. Seattle, WA
6. Charleston, SC
7. Norfolk, VA
8. Ann Arbor, MI
9. Springfield, MA
10. Honolulu, HI

Worst Cities for Dating

1. Kansas City, MO
2. Wichita, KS
3. Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
4. Detroit, MI
5. Louisville, KY
6. Greensboro/Winston-Salem, NC
7. Atlanta, GA
8. Pittsburgh, PA
9. Houston, TX
10. Charlotte, NC
Another example, I was visiting peeps out in LA a couple of years ago, and I had a couple women I"d just met actually slide up next to me and start up conversations. I had to put in almost no effort, just be nice and not sound like an idiot. Some seemed thrilled to find out that I wasn"t a local, and seemed happy just to be hanging out. Had a couple nights were I thought to myself, literally"I need to move to LA". Now I"m more than willing to put out effort and be the initiator so to speak, but here it turns into a catch-22: women seems to be defensive and put off by men who make the first move, yet they don"t seem very good at doing it themselves.


<Prior Amod>
How the hell is Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN on there for worst when they grade major on venues and things to do. We have one of the largest theater districts in the nation and there"s so much shit to do here it"s down right crazy. My mind is blown.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Tarrant220 said:
How the hell is Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN on there for worst when they grade major on venues and things to do. We have one of the largest theater districts in the nation and there"s so much shit to do here it"s down right crazy. My mind is blown.
It"s the rapes!



<Prior Amod>
LoL there are fat women everywhere...the top 10 had 4 places from the south and everyone knows that"s where fat people originated from and they migrated north to a cooler that"s not a factor.


<Prior Amod>
FoghornDeadhorn said:
Which places in the top 10 are from "The South"?
Are you trolling me? lol

1. Austin, TX

2. Colorado Springs, CO
3. San Diego, CA
4. Raleigh/Durham, NC
5. Seattle, WA
6. Charleston, SC
7. Norfolk, VA
8. Ann Arbor, MI
9. Springfield, MA
10. Honolulu, HI
- I don"t consider Texas to really be "The South," and besides that Austin is not even a typical Texas town. It"s A) the home of UT and B) really liberal and therefore not so full of fatties (fitness is now a liberal cause)

- Virginia is pretty far north for a "The South" state. But maybe it is the opposite of Austin in that way. I"ll be there soon, so will let you know how the women are.

- The Carolinas...well as a state I know they are full of disgusting fatbodies. However, the thin people need to live somewhere, so maybe those cities are it. I will grant that most people would consider them as part of "The South" since they (especially SC) are full of ignorant rednecks (see: their politicians) and are part of that whole belt.


Tarrant220 said:
How the hell is Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN on there for worst when they grade major on venues and things to do. We have one of the largest theater districts in the nation and there"s so much shit to do here it"s down right crazy. My mind is blown.

AXE, known coast-to-coast for their dating game expertise, came up with the idea of finding "America"s Best and Worst Cities for Dating," using 24 distinct criteria including, among others: population density, percentage of singles, frequency of hooking up, dating venues such as coffee shops, bars, and intimate apparel stores and flowers and jewelry bought as gifts.

The study is based on the most currently available figures from the Census Bureau (population characteristics and statistics), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (frequency of sexual partners), (online daters), and criteria from leading relationship experts who weighed categories in terms of dating importance.
Population density probably fucks you. That"s why Houston is in the bottom, it"s the size of a small country.

edit: Minneapolis has a population of 390,000 with 7,000 sq miles compared to Austin with 790,000 in 3,100 sq miles. Yea. That fucks you bad.


<Prior Amod>
I suppose there is a lot of rural area and we have some nice decent sized lakes taking up a lot of area within the city itself as well, the city itself is mostly as big as it it because there are a lot of companies based here I"d venture most people living here are in the burbs I suppose , 7,000 square miles surprises me though. Weird.


I"m not very savvy on flirting, there"s so many different types. I wouldn"t really count a drunk cocktease as a flirty type as much as I"d count her as an attention whore.

That"s a thing where unlike men who have actual books out, I don"t know a single woman who has a "method" for flirting. Most women I know never know how to approach a guy without sounding like she"s coming on too strong (whorish). I"m not very smooth with flirting either it"s pretty pathetic.
Tarrant220 said:
Also, you"re over-analyzing
What I do.

Texas is definitely south but they"re kind of their own thing. And while I agree that they have some of the most unhealthy cities, Austin is a pretty striking exception to the norm in Texas.


It"s simple. When someone is habitually late for an appointment with you, they are disrespecting you. They are valuing their convenience and whim over your time. That is hugely disrespectful. So if you just accept it, you ARE being sackless. But single instances of lateness cannot be categorized. There are a million legit reasons to be late for somethingin an isolated incident. If it is habitual, then the reason is no longer the specific event that caused lateness, but a lack of respect for the other person"s time.

So if the first time someone is late you leave, you"re being a douche. But if they are habitually late and you have exhausted verbal options, leaving is simply you standing up for yourself in the face of disrespect.
I"ve given many a woman shit for taking forever to get ready, but there"s always an understanding. I"m not sure where you people grew up, what culture you grew up in, who your mothers were, etc. but women being late isn"t new, it isn"t a test, it isn"t her disrespecting you, it isn"t something you can or should even want to fix. I"ve found you"re seen as more of a man if you show up on time and wait like a man for her to finish. Give her any shit and you"re seen as a whiny bitch. Leave early and you won"t have to wait on that woman again, true. You"ll just have to find another to wait on.

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I"m not sure where you people grew up, what culture you grew up in, who your mothers were
My mother made me late to shit all the time. I guess she never raised me to appreciate that as the magic of women, so I ended up seeing it as a character flaw.

In my world, I want someone I can treat as an equal, which is a two way street. Therefore this ideal of showing up and putting my stetson in my lap while she powders her face doesn"t exist. It"s not made equal later by her being my indentured servant at home after we"re done with all the courtin".

Dabamf is correct.


Confirmed Male
FoghornDeadhorn said:
My mother made me late to shit all the time. I guess she never raised me to appreciate that as the magic of women, so I ended up seeing it as a character flaw.

In my world, I want someone I can treat as an equal, which is a two way street. Therefore this ideal of showing up and putting my stetson in my lap while she powders her face doesn"t exist. It"s not made equal later by her being my indentured servant at home after all the we"re done with all the courtin".

Dabamf is correct.
I hate country music anyways. I get annoyed when we are running late, and the wife knows it because I make sure she knows it. More often than not we are on time because I know when to start prodding her to get ready, and nowadays I just have to deal with being late since we have a young one.

Also, as dabamf states, in general, being on time for something or someone regardless of the situation (work, meeting, date, etc) is a sign of respect. Being constantly late for something is not a good path for success.


Erronius said:
Kind of humorous to me how three of the top ten cities are big military towns. It would always crack me up being single in Norfolk. You could ALWAYS tell when a ship just pulled out of port. You would see a ton of women going out either with wedding rings on or a tan line where the ring used to be. If you can"t get laid in Norfolk, you are either not leaving your house or you are the biggest social degenerate of all time.


I don"t even talk to girls that don"t come talk to me first. I refuse to be apart of the 100 guys that swarm her that night, boosting her ego beyond where it should be. But when they come talk to me I take it from there... girls are bad at flirting -- like Ravvenn said -- they come off whorish if they flirt too hard.