Girls who broke your heart thread


Confirmed Male
Tenks said:
Holy crap you talk on the phone for almost an hour every day to your wife? You"re a better man than me I hate even talking on the phone to my GF for longer than 15 minutes.
She goes to bed early most of the time. I get home around 630-730 depending, we put our son to bed around 8, and she generally crashes around 830-900. So not a whole lot of talking time when I get home.


We don"t talk on the phone. I do expect him to call on his way home from work because he works until various hours and I don"t like to worry. I don"t see a reason to call and bother him when he"s busy, otherwise.
Saidin said:
Why even talk on the phone at all ? I don"t think I"ve called my girlfriend once this entire month, but we send an ass load of texts.
Because listening to the voice of your beloved one is better than looking at some letters on your screen. Should be obvious.


Confirmed Male
Ravvenn said:
We don"t talk on the phone. I do expect him to call on his way home from work because he works until various hours and I don"t like to worry. I don"t see a reason to call and bother him when he"s busy, otherwise.
lol my wife doesnt care if I am busy at all, I have to tell her "Karen, what"s up? I am busy...", her response is always the same, "You dont want to talk to me?". Always followed by a large sigh from me


Saidin said:
Why even talk on the phone at all ? I don"t think I"ve called my girlfriend once this entire month, but we send an ass load of texts.
Picture this: once upon a time, text messaging didn"t even exist! Cue creepy dramatic music.

Also what Inconsiderable said, I"d rather listen to the voice of the person I love than some letters on a screen. Text messaging is great for, "Hey honey get some milk when you"re at the store," but not for conversing.
Texting, to me, is for when one or both of you is too busy for an engaged conversation. Chatting is the version of that you do when you"re near PCs. Hearing a person"s voice is meaningful.

[Edit] Being engaged in the conversation really is important. You never know when you"re going to be expected to remember something and be accused of not caring because you don"t...which can happen even if youdolisten.

Sometimes bitches be crazy.


Trakanon Raider
So, I want to fucking know who is telling chicks that blue balls don"t happen and that it"s just a myth for guys to try to pry their way in to girl"s pants? I"ve had a handful of girls mention that to me and it pisses me off more each time. Especially since I was in the midst of a lovely case last night.

Only reason it came up last night was because she was stopping me from going any further than making out (which is totally fine), but kept coming back for more making out and I was like "okay, we have to stop, my balls are going to explode."

I dunno about you guys, but once that shit starts even jerking it only stops the pain from getting worse, and typically the discomfort continues for a couple hours after. It"s as much stomach cramps as anything for me, just lower.


Confirmed Male
Eomer said:
So, I want to fucking know who is telling chicks that blue balls don"t happen and that it"s just a myth for guys to try to pry their way in to girl"s pants? I"ve had a handful of girls mention that to me and it pisses me off more each time. Especially since I was in the midst of a lovely case last night.

Only reason it came up last night was because she was stopping me from going any further than making out (which is totally fine), but kept coming back for more making out and I was like "okay, we have to stop, my balls are going to explode."

I dunno about you guys, but once that shit starts even jerking it only stops the pain from getting worse, and typically the discomfort continues for a couple hours after. It"s as much stomach cramps as anything for me, just lower.
This. My wife thought this was a myth, I told her whoever told her that is full of shit (that blue balls is a myth). Same deal, as a matter of fact, storytime.

Making this short:

Was in the military at the time, stationed at Bragg. Went to Myrtle Beach on a 4 day. Our group hooked up with a couple of chicks from Oklahoma, so the games begin since they were 2 and we were 4. End story, I get one. When we get back to the motel I go down on her etc etc (foreplay follows, mostly her getting it).

I try to insert, cant, wont fit or something. It just wouldn"t go in, dunno if she was tense/nervous or whatever. So anyways I continue to try and insert this time in a different position, still no luck. Anywho I give up for a bit, its late, I am tired, but I cant fall asleep because I have raging blue balls at the moment. So I try some more and she decides that she is tired or maybe it hurts to much, dunno, didnt ask. She commences to a nice blowjob, blow my load, clean up, and literally fall asleep the next minute we get done cleaning up.

Two things: no way was a I falling asleep, mainly due to blue balls, and second there was a dull ache afterwards even after climax. Blue balls is very real.
Eomer said:
So, I want to fucking know who is telling chicks that blue balls don"t happen and that it"s just a myth for guys to try to pry their way in to girl"s pants? I"ve had a handful of girls mention that to me and it pisses me off more each time. Especially since I was in the midst of a lovely case last night.
Guys with low sex drive and/or guys who want to be sensie buddy-fucking dickheads. Ex girlfriend told me her ex-boyfriend said it was a myth. We were out at a bar with a couple of other dudes and all three of us were like "NAH." Surprise? Guy not very much into sex.

Had one girl giving me blue balls like three days a week. It wasn"t her fault: we had opportunity for heavy petting etc but much less for actual sex. Gave it to me on the fucking phone. My balls hurt like all the time.


Trakanon Raider
brekk said:
Yeah, but then if you click on one of the external links (Discovery Health "Blue Balls") and go to the second page, and you see shit like this:

The condition usually does not last long andthe level of pain associated with blue balls is usually minor and can be exaggerated.Most men have been socialized to ejaculate when they get an erection during sexual activity. Failure to ejaculate and to feel orgasm often adds frustration and disappointment to the reality of the physical sensation.

Men who believe that they should ejaculate every time they have an erection are likely to exert pressure on their partner to proceed with sex without taking her feelings into consideration.

edit: to be clear I"m not saying I was pissed last night that she didn"t put out, absolutely not. Just pissed that yet another girl has been told that we"re just making it up to get in their pants. The dinner and booze were to get in your pants. The blue balls are my own special bonus, thanks.
Who wrote that? I once got that shit so bad it fucking hurt to sit down at work, like THE ENTIRE DAY.

I mean yes, if she doesn"t want sex she doesn"t want sex but we aren"t making this shit up.

And...raise your hand if you got "socialized" into ejaculating when you get an erection. What the hell does that even mean?
You know just the other day I was sitting around with my friends at work, and I was like "So I got this erection..." and they were like "You ejaculated, right?" but I was like "No...was I supposed to?" and then they put a burlap sack over my penis and beat it until I ejaculated.

So now it"s just...I mean I do it because that"s what I"m supposed to do.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
It"s gotta be a sometimes thing, because I can literally stop mid-fucking (which happens a lot when you have a kid and you thought stupidly thought you had 5 minutes with the wife), put it away, and be fine the rest of the day.

I dunno what to tell you, but it doesn"t happen to me, and the above scenario has happened more than once.
Never had that problem with actual sex, and have had plenty of coitus interruptus. It"s always the heavy petting / dirty talk. Actually gotten a mild case from sexually charged chatting/texting more than once.

projectoffset said:
Is this blue balls pain thing the same as the pain you get from having too much sex and orgasming like 5 times in a row?
Nah my experience that is just your PC (not actually PC, can"t remember what the right name is) being sore. Then again I take too long to ever have that many orgasms in truly quick succession so YMMV.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Heylel Teomim said:
edit: Ravvenn, whether it gets him in trouble or not your friend should report domestic violence, and if he"s keeping money that is supposed to go to her then he"s breaking a boatload of laws. The military gets a bad rap sometimes because of douches like this guy, and if she"s letting him get away with it then she"s enabling him and every other enlisted man like him to continue serving dishonorably. If she"s fearing for her safety, report that too. The Army doesn"t play around in these sorts of cases. It"s not easy to work up the courage to do that, but if you can help her, you should.
Fuck Ravv, PM me the peoples info and I"ll call their Top myself. He"s not only screwing her over, he"s screwing the military and everyone else besides. I don"t pay taxes so some shitheel NCO can drive a hummer while abusing his spouse. Heylel is right, unless the 1Sgt is a completely worthless shitstain, her husband will be on the carpet pronto and things will be made crystal clear.

I might come off sounding like an ahole on this, but people are always trying to screw the system over, especially when it comes down to BAH/BAQ and the like. I had a hard time when I was in with it because so many people like this were gaming the system that they started making it more difficult for everyone.


Trakanon Raider
TheCutlery said:
It"s gotta be a sometimes thing, because I can literally stop mid-fucking (which happens a lot when you have a kid and you thought stupidly thought you had 5 minutes with the wife), put it away, and be fine the rest of the day.

I dunno what to tell you, but it doesn"t happen to me, and the above scenario has happened more than once.
I think it"s really dependent on the circumstances. I hadn"t jerked in a couple days, haven"t had sex in a month or two, and was horny as shit because it was the first time messing around with a new girl who"s really attractive. Add all that up and it was a recipe for blue balls. Or a 30 second lay.

Maybe the blue balls weren"t so bad in retrospect.