Godzilla (2014)


Vyemm Raider
hopefully they're able to build in some character development to draw the audience into the emotional responses that we see on camera. last thing i want to see is just huge monsters just fucking up cities!


Mr. Poopybutthole
I am not here to judge either way, but trying to make your point by bagging on Serenity in this forum is a horrible plan of attack.
Serenity was kind of hit and miss. Plenty to bag on in the movie, although calling it bad enough to walk out on is a bit of a stretch.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
calling it bad enough to walk out on is a bit of a stretch.
On Astr0meth no retardedly wrong and stupid opinion is a stretch.

Serenity was hit and miss, in the sense that it hit all the right notes and made me miss the series.

Man, I should write snarky reviews for some shitty website with that kind of wit.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
I don't think there's too much wrong with the trailers seen so far. My only concern is the need for a scene showing what looks like a Tsunami ( perhaps caused in some way by Godzilla ) it just seems like a crap load of work (by the film-makers + SPX people) put into what likely just a collateral damage event. But that's just a case of me drawing a big conclusion based on just some shots in the trailer. Likely to make more sense in its place in the film

But I'm really liking the look and feel of the bulk of what I've seen so far, certainly enough to get me keen to see the film.

The trailer is only really supposed to get you keen and interested in the film, so it's working for me.


2 Minutes Hate
Why should any expect anything amazing? The originals were all fucking retarded and we got to see plenty of shitty Japanese acting as Godzilla was still getting ready to fuck bitches up. This won't be any different outside Godzilla won't look like a dude in a rubber costume.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Walking out of a movie you paid for is silly, IMO. I don't walk out of anything. One time I walked into my parents bedroom and caught them having sex. I didn't walk back out. I stayed. Now I have a cute story to tell about when my sister was conceived. She doesn't know that I'm her father.
Maybe not walk out, but you could have pulled out.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I am confused about how this kind of movie can suck. Is it because of a good story line and not enough destruction that makes a Godzilla movie horrible? If this is the case, I guess I can understand the hesitation. No Godzilla movie to this day had a good plot beyond the destruction. That is what these movies are all about. The previews look pretty damn good to me so far, as long as they have not already shown the best parts of the movie, destruction wise.

I hated the last Godzilla movie because not nearly enough people died in it. Also the whole baby Godzillas thing was stupid and campy. Having a creature this large(Yes it defies physics) walk up on land would indeed cause a tsunami that would drown many people. They showed this and I liked it. I am hoping they show mass destruction of cities where bodies are laid out everywhere because that is what would make Godzilla something to fear. Two planes took down two of the largest buildings in America. The people inside were pretty much vaporized inside these buildings. Now imagine what a creature like Godzilla should be able to do to a city. This is what I hope to see. If they add a WWW event with a second creature to the mix, even the better, as long as cities and life are completely destroyed in the process.

As a writer I would add a small teenage angst moment that takes place mid level in one of the buildings.

" Oh Billy, I love you so much. I hope we can be together for the rest of our lives"

SMASH!!!!!!!!!!! as Godzilla's tail swipes right through the room.....


Millie's Staff Member
Mahes, the last godzilla movie was awesome. That was not the 1998 usa version featuring most of the cast of the simpsons. After that shitfest japan kept right on making them. The last one, Final Wars is baller.

This movie can suck if they tease godzilla's scenes or hide shitty cgi behind rain.


Trakanon Raider
Final Wars is indeed baller. They even make a point of derisively killing American 'Zilla.


Leakded Footage Shown At Wonder Con For Godzilla Has Arrived

That went from meh to me to must see. We are getting the monster battling King of Monsters again!!

Although, god there is some stupid shit allready in that film. Like that glass not breaking instantly...



Silver Baronet of the Realm
oh come on....thousands (or even millions) of people can die but a dog?fuck no.
and remember kids,if a tsunami is coming towards you,just shut your glass door and everything will be fiine.

yeah i know i'm being picky but that is some bs
but fuck yes!godzilla fighting another big monster


There is some unwritten Hollywood rule about dogs dying on screen (it rarely happens, and if it does it has to drive the narrative).