GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Millie's Staff Member
The level of Astr0's hatred for Catelyn because she cares so much about her family makes me wonder what horrible family life he has to have such twisted views of thinking putting family first is bad.
oh boy another amateur psychiatrist troll. and no,my parents never ditched me to run off like a headless chicken to attack a nearly handicapped little person.


oh boy another amateur psychiatrist troll. and no,my parents never ditched me to run off like a headless chicken to attack a nearly handicapped little person.
Ok, I'm convinced you never read the books or watched the show. You just randomly comment based of stuff you hear on the internet.


Millie's Staff Member
Ok, I'm convinced you never read the books or watched the show. You just randomly comment based of stuff you hear on the internet.
im convinced you dont know what the fuck you are talking about.


You can post books all you like, but you keep talking about things that didn't happen. So if you did read them there is something horribly wrong with your brain.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Wait I thought we liked Dany because she isn't stingy on the tities, her chapters bored me to tears mostly only Unsullied was interesting.


Buzzfeed Editor
Cat was a good character how though? what positive result did she bring? even Dany who i disliked in book 4 and 5 had some decent accomplishments. Cat? everything she touched, turned to shit. shes even worse at stratagem than cersei is.
Is that the mark of a good character? Accomplishing "positive" things?

She tried to do some shit and she failed. She counseled Rob correctly and Rob ignored her. And she rose from the dead to murder Freys left and right. She is a pretty awesome character.


Millie's Staff Member
Is that the mark of a good character? Accomplishing "positive" things?

She tried to do some shit and she failed. She counseled Rob correctly and Rob ignored her. And she rose from the dead to murder Freys left and right. She is a pretty awesome character.
Lady Stoneheart is a bad mofo. lets not get the two mixed up even though one used to be the other. Superman is awesome, but Clark Kent is a wuss. there is room for distinction.


Buzzfeed Editor
That's just a nickname, she's still Cat, burning with furious rage against all things Frey and Lannister. Face it bro, Cat is awesome.


Millie's Staff Member
ok. un Cat IS awesome now that she is no longer giving advice. though you are right, deep down she is still Cat because Brienne tried to give the lowdown on whats going on and UnCat had her almost hanged, along with a young boy who did nothing to nobody. sounds like Cat jumping to the most wrong conclusion as usual.


Buzzfeed Editor
Her advice was the only thing she got right prior to her death, damn bro you are double harsh.

I don't think it was so much her jumping to the wrong conclusion as it was her giving zero fucks. All her fucks have been given, and now she just hangs motherfuckers.


Millie's Staff Member
yeah, everyone keeps saying that, i really didnt like her before i read the books, now i realy hate her, so yeah im pretty biased when discussing her actions. she couldnt even be civil to jon snow and he never did anything wrong to her. his mere existence was all it took. dunno why yall stick up for her, shes an abominable person.


yeah, everyone keeps saying that, i really didnt like her before i read the books, now i realy hate her, so yeah im pretty biased when discussing her actions. she couldnt even be civil to jon snow and he never did anything wrong to her. his mere existence was all it took. dunno why yall stick up for her, shes an abominable person.
He's not her kid? What kind of obligation to him does she have?

He is a living symbol of her husband betrayal of his oaths to her. Why should she not be pissed?


Millie's Staff Member
shes not pissed at ned, but she hates jon snow . is it normal to hate innocent people for things they had nothing to do with?

serious question. if your wife cheated on you, then got knocked up and had another man's baby. who would you be mad at, your wife or the baby she had?


Jon Snow is a reminded, every day she see's him, has to look at him she is reminded that this otherwise fantastic man she loves so much went and utterly failed her. It's like receiving the news again every time she has to look at Jon Snow. He is a painful, living reminder of a horrible betrayal.

She probably even knows, on some higher, rational level, it is wrong to hate Jon like she does. She just can't help it. He just brings out those emotions in her no matter what reason says.

Its the same as when there is a TV show, or song you strongly associate with an extremely emotional event. The two become linked in whatever weird way our minds work, when you hear that song again your mind goes back to that moment, and so on.


Karazhan Raider
chuk's argument rests on him having done it all. "he's been there" so to speak. heknows. he's right for a good reason (or trolling), and proclaims (or pretends) to know better.

lady stoneheart is the abomination. if cat was my aunt i'd probably be shitting my pants right now. not just out of grief, but really? how many funerals have any of us had to attened where sworn enemies silt the throats of our family members?

if i was a chick and my husband cheated on me, i'd have a hard time dealing with the whole thing. period. especially if he left to go play tin soldier right after we got wed and now i'm pregnant. i'm all happy and shit for him to come home, got a little newborn tyke ready to show him and bam. other kid that surely didn't come out of my vagina!!! i don't know how i'd react.

excuse moi, kyles and cartmans
I miss out on a lot of context stuff but the one thing I read today mentions that in the books when Robb marries Jeyne(Talisa) it's not long after losing his brothers(as far as he knows). So emotionally he's pretty fucked up with half his family just going poof, makes sense that he'd be kind of clingy and looking for someone to replace loved ones. In the show it's presented as just him falling SOOOO IN LOOOOVE! Bad decision either way, but seems a bit deeper in the book.
yep lots of nuances. aSoS deals with that much more effectively. part of the awesome thing about characters like robb and cat is that they just... do stupid shit. in the real world people do stupid shit all the time. senselessly, i might add. not a lot of stories convey that cos they're busy coming up with 'plot points' for every action. sometimes shit is what it is; life is stranger than fiction and so on.