GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Can't beleive they think Tyrion did it
Well... Joffrey pointed at him and last thing Joffrey did was drink from the cup Tyrion gave him. Obviously, Tyrion could hardly foresee that he would become cup bearer so he is not much of a suspect.

That said, when I first saw the scene, it felt that Tyrion brought a cup that was not Joffrey's, but Margaery's mother's. Maybe she was the intended target. She is after all the mastermind of the Tyrell and as such could be seen as a big threat by Tywin (though why would he pick the wedding diner to have her killed?).

We'll know soon enough... but the pie is the prime suspect.

EDIT:Could it be an accidental death by swallowing a bird bone? Chocking would turn your face blue... but would it make your nose bleed?


I think it was a plot on Joffrey because the Jester grabs Sansa out immediately.

I'm hoping its not the main focus of the season. There is just so much other stuff to cover then a murder mystery.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yeah that was 100% on Bobby B. It's not like Lancel was goading him on. Bobby B got drunk as fuck and tried to melee a boar.

Now if she poisoned him with the wine it'd be different, I just remember her giving Lancel really strong wine, which even if you gave Bobby B 20% abv port wine he'd know it immediately and it'd be on him to hold his liquor which he is a professional at.


Vyemm Raider
Yeah. I'm guessing it was the Pie as well. They did that really uncomfortable zoom shot of the dead birds at one point.

Also, It's probly not anyone that was focused in on at the wedding. Maybe Littlefinger? Why wasn't he at the wedding?

Can't beleive they think Tyrion did it
I'm probably overthinking it, but as I was remembering the scene and trying to figure out who had an opportunity to mess with the pie slice or wine cup, I recalled there was something odd when he chopped the pie. I went back and rewatched the scene and there's a puff of white powder as the birds come out. Probably nothing, but it is a possible alternate method of poison delivery. Also noticed that the pie slice he ate was brought to him by a servant, which is important, since obviously the whole thing wasn't poisoned.

And to the people that have mentioned the old Tyrell women's wine cup, or her having access to Jeoffrey's cup, if you watch it again you'll see that Margaery takes the cup from him (right after the kneel! scene) and sets it on the table behind her. There's a gap between tables and old lady Tyrell is too far away to reach the cup without being noticed. And it's the same cup Tyrion picks up again.


Trakanon Raider
I don't see how a Tywin fucks Shae subplot is worth anymore more than a cringe or an eyeroll.
Because it shows, once again, how much alike Tywin and Tyrion are. Which makes him an even bigger hypocrite. Tywin has always hated Tyrion for how much alike they are given Tyrion's obvious deficiencies.


Because it shows, once again, how much alike Tywin and Tyrion are. Which makes him an even bigger hypocrite. Tywin has always hated Tyrion for how much alike they are given Tyrion's obvious deficiencies.
Reminds me of this quote from Jamie's Aunt Genna from book four."You smile like Gerion and fight like Tyg, and there's some of Kevan in you, else you would not wear that cloak... but Tyrion is Tywin's son, not you."


Toe Sucker
I thought they drugged his wine.
I don't believe that is implied, she just gives him stronger wine than he's used to saying it is his favorite.
I really don't think she would be deemed a kingslayer for giving her husband some strong wine lol, if she laced that shit with "the strangler" then yeah, totally.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So I get the whole poison was in the necklace thing, but when did the poisoning actually happen? Like did we see when the poison was put into the Kings cup? Was it when Sansa picked up the cup for Tyrion? She didn't even know what was happening.


Potato del Grande
his point still stands though, its kinda weird for Tywin to be fucking Shae, but I am optimistic we will see some shit where she does some super kinky shit to turn him on right as he is about to kill her. There is also the theory that Shae is actually in Pentos now, and will NOT die this season. Instead Tyrion's original whore wife (Tysha I think?) will be replaced by Shae, since he looks for her in book 5 in Pentos. I don't really like that theory, but it does remove the one thing that may weird out TV viewers: Tyrion choking a bitch. I doubt this will happen though, as they mentioned Tysha in season 2 during the tent scene with Bronn, Shae, and Tyrion getting drunk together.

Number of Kings Marge has had sex with: 0/2
Number of Kings Jaime has protected: 0/3
Number of Kings Cersei has killed: 2/2
Number of Kings Melisandre's leeches have killed: 2/3 (3/3 soon)
Leeches "kill" (pretty sure she just saw it in a vision and tried to claim credit) and Cersei only kills Robert?


Musty Nester
Sure. That's true. What I'm sayin is that there's a less hackneyed way to do that. Especially in the context of prose. It would fit better in the televised format because you lack that ability to deliver internal monologue and exposition. I hope they keep it out of the televised format, all the same. And they might.

It's not exactly subtle, is it.

But there was no monster under the bed. He was the monster all along. I mean...


NeoGaf Donator
Hopefully next episode we get see a brother and sister make sweet sweet love in front of their son's corpse.

That's some Antichrist shit right there.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
So I get the whole poison was in the necklace thing, but when did the poisoning actually happen? Like did we see when the poison was put into the Kings cup? Was it when Sansa picked up the cup for Tyrion? She didn't even know what was happening.
While Joffrey is cutting the pie, he hands his cup to Margary and she sets it down in front of Olenna. The next time we see the cup Tyrion picks it up from in front of Olenna and hands it to Joff, he drinks, and tips over. It isn't shown but I think the best bet is that Olenna slipped it into his cup while he was cutting the pie.
Fucking great , hate that i noticed who did what though.Then when that dude came and took Sansa cemented my feeling on it. At first I thought it was a fuck up and was laughing at it , then i realized i probably spoiled the next few episodes for myself already knowing who did what. Fuck Joffery , that shit leading up to that really made his death all that more enjoyable.


Molten Core Raider
+1 Well done.

With regard to the dwarf duel, I knew it wasn't going to happen, but I wanted to see a midget ride a real pig. I still want to.
That irony is what cracked me up. Hollywood has crazy rules. They'd be more worried about the pig than the midget. Insurance would probably say ok. But animal cruelty folks would be screaming for the midgets head.


Toe Sucker
That irony is what cracked me up. Hollywood has crazy rules. They'd be more worried about the pig than the midget. Insurance would probably say ok. But animal cruelty folks would be screaming for the midgets head.
I doubt that's even the case... training a pig to joust on the other hand.. probably the actual problem there lol

I can see why they cut out the girl dwarf as well, unless they decide to introduce her later on when tyrion is actually enslaved. Theres already enough faces for people to remember and shes also a very minor character anyway


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My wife asked if Joffrey was going to die about 3 minutes before it happened. I just tell her everyone is going to die at some point.

I thought Joffrey dying was a pretty significant event but I guess it wasn't nearly as unexpected as Robb and Cat because no one seems to give a fuck about this.


Molten Core Raider
I doubt that's even the case... training a pig to joust on the other hand.. probably the actual problem there lol
Yeah...if you think riding a pig is okay in Hollywood, I'm curious how far your head is up your ass. The OC Fair was forced to stop putting anything on the backs of their pigs during races years ago. FFS we have legislation in Ca to free the god damned Orcas because of a movie. No one cares if dogs maul kids, we must save the god damned whales in captivity because movies told us to.

Seriously, they're not going to let anyone ride a pig in Hollywood.