GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Murder Apologist
Wonder if they'll all be getting dialect coaching from Pedro pascal. Be kinda weird if the only person well ever see with a Mexican accent died in a previous season.


Toe Sucker
They already have Euron, according to some theories :p
>implying Euron = Daario

Also.. I still don't see where maisie williams isconfirmedto be elie in TLOU? is there some bullshit lawsuit that would prevent the obvious choice of ellen paige being the actress?

also also.. I was thrown off by one of the sand snakes being asian... I understand them being bastards but.. all of the actresses are super ethnically diverse, it's not at all what i would have pictured lol


Trakanon Raider
Dr. Bashir was the bad guy in the final 2 seasons of Primeval, a British TV show that I am sure I am the only one here who watched it all. That said, I love him as anything, so this should be great.


Murder Apologist
No word on an Arianne tho... folks are thinking they'd smoosh her and trystane into one character, but it's possible they just haven't announced the actor yet. Though no Arys casting makes it look like they just cut them both out altogether.

I would've rather they cut back on the sand snakes to two and kept arianne and arys in. Cutting Arianne out puts all her plotting in Trystane's hands, which would make him a much more interesting character than in the books, so that his death by dragonroasting could potentially be a decent ep6/7 omfg moment.


Musty Nester
So this entire thing is happening in one of Quark's booths? It must have cost at least 2 strips of gold pressed latinum for this kind of processing time.


Potato del Grande
I don't see how they can cut out a PoV character like Arianne, especially when she could possibly end up being the queen.

Dr. Bashir literally out of nowhere. I haven't seen him in anything since DS9 ended, iirc. Good actor. Need to find a way to get Garak's actor involved now.
Wasn't this cast two months ago? I already knew when S4 was ending.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
He was also in that George Clooney movie where the CIA murders him at the end because he wanted to actually improve the lives of his people vs. being an oil whore to the US.


Murder Apologist
Syriana...prolly his most fictional role (even counting ds9).

His dialect work in both movies is a good sign though. But Pedro pascal did a weird Chilean-Moroccan thing that Indira varma had to struggle with.

Anyways we know they cast the waif, maggy the frog and young cersei and they weren't in that video, so maybe Arianne is still in.

Ko Dokomo_sl

Dr. Bashir literally out of nowhere. I haven't seen him in anything since DS9 ended, iirc. Good actor. Need to find a way to get Garak's actor involved now.
Have Andrew Robinson be the recast for Kevan Lannister. Interestingly though, he and Alexander Siddig do one act plays when they appear at Star Trek conventions together, so I guess they're still close.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
>implying Euron = Daario

Also.. I still don't see where maisie williams isconfirmedto be elie in TLOU? is there some bullshit lawsuit that would prevent the obvious choice of ellen paige being the actress?

also also.. I was thrown off by one of the sand snakes being asian... I understand them being bastards but.. all of the actresses are super ethnically diverse, it's not at all what i would have pictured lol
He did fuck his way across the world and back... makes sense.


Buzzfeed Editor
>implying Euron = Daario
I guess we will see, the theory itself is pretty compelling, but if it were true there isn't really a way to work around it on the TV show without showing it, so we should find out. Unless they cut it out, like Varys' involvement in Tyrion killing his father (Which GRRM intimated was an actual thing in the books, but was completely cut from the show.)


<Gold Donor>
No word on an Arianne tho... folks are thinking they'd smoosh her and trystane into one character, but it's possible they just haven't announced the actor yet. Though no Arys casting makes it look like they just cut them both out altogether.

I would've rather they cut back on the sand snakes to two and kept arianne and arys in. Cutting Arianne out puts all her plotting in Trystane's hands, which would make him a much more interesting character than in the books, so that his death by dragonroasting could potentially be a decent ep6/7 omfg moment.
Trystane doesn't get roasted, that's Marty. And most likely that whole plot is cut as well. They've aged both Trystane and Myrcella up, probably for some romeo/juliet-esque love plot.

No Arianne means no Arys and that subplot (which looks to be altered anyway, with Jaime heading to dorne and fighting one of the sand snakes) but much more importantly, it means no FAegon/connington/etc. Also you can't expect a season without peter dinklage up in the shit so expect tyrion to reach Mereen far sooner than it takes him in the books. No leisurely strolls down the Rhoyne. probably just some exposition with the two schemers (varys & Illyrio, and that scheme is entirely about danaerys) and off he goes with the information he needs to train her dragons and win her the seven kingdoms


Murder Apologist
Whoops meant Quentyn. I can see how they'd get rid of Arianne but I don't think they could remove Quentyn's mission to Dany, it's one of the few ways she can connect back to westerns.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
i thought they were going to showcase the romance between trystane and myrcella more and then have Doran ship trystane off to marry danny where he will be fried by dragons?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The whole "Jaime to Dorne" thing to me always just felt like he'll be replacing Arys Oakheart. He's been on screen for like 2 seconds and was played by an extra. The story will change some of course, Jaime probably won't be seduced and manipulated so easily and he certainly won't be killed by badass Areo Hotah. But I could see him being dragged in to the Sand Snakes scheming to get Myrcella on the throne and getting smacked down by Areo.