GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Silver Knight of the Realm
Can't see Aegon and Connington being cut, it just seems so vital to a lot of the stuff going down in TWoW. Also, hope they keep the epilogue of ADwD in with Varys and Kevan, it'll be amazing to see.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I'm looking forward to some of these apparent changes from the books for the upcoming season. I think, as a book reader, it makes the show a bit more interesting to watch because I really won't know what to expect in many cases.




The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
This dude's real name is quite a mouthful. It's longer than Daenerys' introduction.



scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
If they are completely cutting Connington/Aegon & Victorion/Euron then it means those ultimately don't go anywhere in the books... right? Could they be saving Aegon/Connington for the next season?

I'm really curious where next season will go now. My guess is a lot of it will be stannis/Jon, Margaery/Cersei, and Dany/Tyrion (who might be playing the part of Quentyn to give Dany a connection to Westeros minus the dragon-flame bit). What other major storylines am I missing? Jaime/Brienne?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I don't think Tyrion will get to Dany that fast. Won't he have to get captured by Ser Friendzone and lugged around for a bit first?

Also aren't you missing all the Arya stuff?


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I don't think Tyrion will get to Dany that fast. Won't he have to get captured by Ser Friendzone and lugged around for a bit first?

Also aren't you missing all the Arya stuff?
But since nothing really happens on the river, it seems like they'll cut most of that if they are also cutting Aegon. Its been a while since I read ADWD but wasn't most of Tyrion's action talking to Aegon/Connington/Jorah (most cut) and moping over his lost whore wife (who was also cut) and befriending the pig-riding midget girl (also cut) ?


<WoW Guild Officer>
But since nothing really happens on the river, it seems like they'll cut most of that if they are also cutting Aegon. Its been a while since I read ADWD but wasn't most of Tyrion's action talking to Aegon/Connington/Jorah (most cut) and moping over his lost whore wife (who was also cut) and befriending the pig-riding midget girl (also cut) ?
His bit as a slave, interaction with his master and his master's favorites, him signing with the Gold Company?


Potato del Grande
If they cut Connington, Arianne, Quentyn and Victarion... then what the fuck are they going to film for two seasons?


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
If they cut Connington, Arianne, Quentyn and Victarion... then what the fuck are they going to film for two seasons?
Thats the thrust of my question - if they haven't cast any of these people, is it fair to say they are getting cut?
Arianne, Quentyn, Connington, and Big Vic are all POV characters, how the fuck do you cut them all?

They've totally made up shit before, like Daenerys in Qarth (Season 2, iirc?) but it ended up being ok because they mostly got back on the book storyline when she left. Minus one dead-on-TV-only Xaro Xhoan Daxos or whatever. I dunno how you just delete POV characters and try and resume the storylines later, though. Unless we're being indirectly spoiled and the hard truth is that 50% of ADWD is bullshit storylines with no future, heh. George can seriously kiss my ass in that case.

Hoping this is just yet to be announced casting or something.


Murder Apologist
For one thing folks are jumping the gun based in that new cast video released for sdcc. We already knew about myrcella and the high sparrow but it seems they only cut in selfies from fan favorite chars and actors (makes sense for comicon). But they didn't have several other castings that have already been announced (maggy, Imogene/young cersei, the waif) so it's possible arys and Arianne may yet be cast, just not in time for that video.

For another thing they could just as easily put quentyn and aegon next season, Quentyns reveal has more impact once the situation and tensions in dorne have already been established... Just like it was in the books, at the end of AFfc.

Lastly I'm pretty sure Victarion is just cut, and good riddance. They cut him with a single scene from Daario/Euron in a council meeting claiming he just 'stole' 900 ships last season. They even explained how they can stuff all the unsullied and dragons onto the ships and capture kings landing.


Log Wizard
They're sandbagging a lot of main characters to make up time for fucking GRRM writing shit. Seems pretty obvious.

Fucking Tyrion can take a seat for this season then season after could be Turtle River Adventures With The Dwarf Twins.


Murder Apologist
The truth is they've got plenty of shit for s5, folks just kinda gloss over it since they've blocked AFFC from their minds. Arya's ninja training (already got locations and casting), the High Sparrow religious uprising (already cast Jonathan Pryce). Casting Maggy the Frog and young cersei for this season pretty much guarantees the whole arc will be built on Cersei's downfall...they've even filed permission for Cersei's nude walk of shame in King's Landing/Dubrovnik.

Just with those two arcs they'd have 10 episodes... with Margaery's arrest then Cersei's plotting and eventual arrest etc. They can pepper in a few scenes with Tyrion, a few scenes of Stannis being miserable and cold whilst Jon is shipping off Sam Gilly and Aemon... yeah there's tons for 10 episodes without even MENTIONING Dorne.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Tyrion can be condensed as: Varys ditches him eventually after setting him up. Tyrion ends up running into Ser Friendzone and Ser Friendzone thinks that presenting Dany with a Lannister might get him back in her good graces. They can play off eachother like the Hound+Arya scenes, then they run into the Golden Company/Slavers/whoever. That is more than enough story for S5, then S6 they delve into the new book material.
yeah there's tons for 10 episodes without even MENTIONING Dorne.
But you have Doran Martell already cast for S5. And Trystane. And a few sand snakes even. Arianne and Quentyn are both integral parts of Doran's grand scheme to ruin the Lannisters. So unless it's just a small handful of scenes to introduce Dorne and keep the show watchers reminded of why Oberyn's stuff happened, how does it work without deleted characters and/or wholesale changes to the story?