GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Murder Apologist
They'd have to introduce the dornish characters and play up the tensions between doran and the sand snakes clamoring for revenge against the lannisters so they'll probably spend a lot of establishment shots in dorne... The payoff at the end of the dornish arc this season will almost certainly be the same as it ws in the books: despite everyone around him claiming the prince is weak and ineffective against the people who killed his brother it will turn out that doran had been playing the game all along by sending quentyn to dany. Obviously they'd need to fan the tensions against doran to make that reveal work.

It also means we wouldn't need to see or even cast quentyn this season.... Hell they may even have Arianne go with him for all we know.


Millie's Staff Member
But you have Doran Martell already cast for S5. And Trystane. And a few sand snakes even. Arianne and Quentyn are both integral parts of Doran's grand scheme to ruin the Lannisters. So unless it's just a small handful of scenes to introduce Dorne and keep the show watchers reminded of why Oberyn's stuff happened, how does it work without deleted characters and/or wholesale changes to the story?
the greyjoys have been turned into jokes. last we saw asha she was running away ala monty python and the father is still living and breathing. if they have cut the greyjoys nuts off off (pun intended) they wont hesitate to do the same to the martells. they must have gotten so much flack about introducing new characters that its hard for show watchers to follow so they have decided to keep it down to as few new ones as possible. i can understand this, before i read the books i had a hell of a time keeping them all straight. 5 seasons in people are finally used to what they see every week, especially now that they are whittling them down due to horrible deaths.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Unless we're being indirectly spoiled and the hard truth is that 50% of ADWD is bullshit storylines with no future, heh. George can seriously kiss my ass in that case.
Doesn't filming start in a month or 2? Does anyone remember from the last few seasons how they handled casting of major characters? Trystane seems like a useless throwaway but they've cast him, Quentyn was important but they seem to have omitted him.


Molten Core Raider
The Dornish outside Oberan is some of the most boring shit parts of the book. Dedicating a season to them seems like a poor decision. Probably see some nice T&A though.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Dorne will factor into the later Dany storylines more than likely, so they need to start introducing them now. They also serve as a good rival for the Lannisters.

Ko Dokomo_sl

The Dornish outside Oberan is some of the most boring shit parts of the book. Dedicating a season to them seems like a poor decision. Probably see some nice T&A though.
Doran Martell disagrees.

She narrowed her eyes. "What is our heart?s desire?"
"Vengeance." His voice was soft, as if he were afraid that someone might be listening. "Justice." Prince Doran pressed the onyx dragon into her palm with his swollen, gouty fingers, and whispered, "Fire and blood."


AFFC and ADWD both took place simultaneously, right? is this enough to account for the missing characters? I was under the impression that the show was not planning on splitting the narrative by characters like the books did.


Murder Apologist
The show can get away with it by cutting in some "maintenance" scenes with the chars that won't be doing anything major during the season. 3-5 mins every other episode of Tyrion on the river, drinking with mercenaries and shooting the shit should tide ppl over and a couple scenes with Jon giving gormless stares at Melisandre up on the wall also. They won't be doing shit but they'll effectively be splitting their narratives between two seasons while the writers work through the high sparrow/cersei stuff.

Really the big question is why didn't GRRM do this with adwd and affc---especially since he had big chunks of both manuscripts done around the same time.


El Presidente
AFFC and ADWD both took place simultaneously, right? is this enough to account for the missing characters? I was under the impression that the show was not planning on splitting the narrative by characters like the books did.
The first 2/3 or so of ADWD was like that yeah. The last part of it went past all that though.


<Gold Donor>
you people seem to forget that they have only 3 seasons (5, 6, and 7) to completely finish the entire SONG OF ICE AND FIRE. That thing which is only 5 of 7 books complete (oh wait, now it's probably going to be 8, says the guy who is still no further writing book 6 than he was 3 years ago)

Shit is going to get cut. Yeah, huge book spoiler!!!! shit that gets cut, is grrm fluff that doesn't mean shit in the long run, hence it's cut. Faegon, the cool ironborn, arianne, etc all mean jack shit to the actual story GRRM started off with in Game of Thrones. It's all ancillary fluff cus george decided to go off and go robert jordan on us (who went and turned a 5 book series into what, 15 goddamn books, 10 of which are bullshit meaningless fluff. and oh yeah, he went and died on us before finishing the last 3 books).

Luckily george already signed a deal with HBO to actually finish this story right around the time the 4th book was coming out so we will actually get to see the end of this story. The specific details about characters may be different, and the books certainly have a ton more side stories/plots which we now know to be ultimately meaningless anyway, because George already told D&D how the story ends for every character that matters. Also George has already decreed nobody is allowed to finish his novels if he dies before he finishes it, meaning you probably will never get to read the ending, and if you do, at the pace he writes it will be a decade after HBO spoils it for you anyway.

edit: Here's a book spoiler for you guys:
No. Hear me, Daenerys Targaryen. The glass candles are burning.
Soon comes the pale mare, and after her the others. Kraken and dark flame, lion and griffin, the sun's son and the mummer's dragon. Trust none of them. Remember the Undying. Beware the perfumed seneschal."
Quaithe to the golden child heroine Dany, thus like all other prophecies she gives it's pure truth. tear down all the anti-tropes and shock value from asoiaf and it's pretty much the same story as every other fantasy story. There are a handful of characters that matter, jon snow, bran, dany, etc. Dany is the heroine she is going to win. Quaithe appears as her deus ex machina and fixes shit the same way that gandalf does in LOTR.

That quote translated into english reads as such:
Yo girl, magic is back. There's going to be the bloody flux hitting Mereen, not that you should really give a shit about mereen anyway. Here's a list of people you are going to meet, some are going to show up, some you will meet later: some Iron born (Vic and Euron), Moqorro (Rhllor's peeps), Tyrion Lannister, Jon Connington (the whole golden company included), Quentyn Martell (and the whole of dorne really), oh and a fake targ heir. It's your boy's Illyrio's puppet. None of them are important, don't trust any of them. You know what, just go ahead and feed them to your dragons, they're only here to stretch 5 books into 8. Oh and did I mention that the shavepate you trust as councillor is mereen's version of petyr baelish? Oh you don't know who he is? when you meet him, don't trust him either. I think i said fuck mereen already, right? Yeah fuck mereen. aight i'm outtie, lemme know when you get stuck again so I can magically appear to you and tell you what to do next. peace girl.


Murder Apologist
you people seem to forget that they have only 3 seasons (5, 6, and 7) to completely finish the entire SONG OF ICE AND FIRE. That thing which is only 5 of 7 books complete (oh wait, now it's probably going to be 8, says the guy who is still no further writing book 6 than he was 3 years ago)
That 7-season number was a vague suggestion by Dan, whereas Michael Lombardo and his parent company bosses at HBO have actually REFUSED to discuss an end to the series as recently as last month even going as far as saying to GRRM"you keep writing, we keep making the show". They've already signed george to adapt more of his works (probably dunk and egg) and, quite honestly, they'd LOVE for GRRM to drop dead and leave the franchise squarely under the HBO umbrella.

You've picked up Game of Thrones for Seasons 5 and 6, which are going to cover the next book. Is there anything you can conceive of, that would prevent HBO from carrying out the entire run of the story?
LOMBARDO: We're committed to it, and Dan and Dave are committed to it. So, as long as David and Dan are in, as they are, we're happy.
RICHARD PLEPLER: Our line to George has always been, "You keep writing, and we'll keep making the show."
So, just because you haven't picked up beyond Season 6, it's no indication that there is a possibility of it ending there?
LOMBARDO: No, we're not talking, at this point, about ending the show in the next two years.
I wouldn't give much credence to their reliance on Dan and Dave either. GoT is their most visible and most profitable product now---if DnD decide they're done at season7 you can bet your ass HBO will crawl on shattered glass to find other showrunners to squeeze more seasons out of the show. And really, there's a huge line of talented showrunners who would jump at the chance.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
HBO would like that, but if the showrunners decide to stop, HBO can't do much (especially if the cast stays loyal to the showrunners). Think Deadwood.

Plus, if you read that article, the quotations are directly mentioning the next 2 years (ie, season 5 and 6). Most of the questioning was around "Will you let the show finish to a conclusion?".


FPS noob
screen actor guild rules limit TV show contracts to 7 seasons, which is why so many shows end then - cast costs balloon way past profitability. Big Bang Theory for example has halted production as the cast negotiates their 8th+ season contracts, the cast was paid $100k/episode up until now and its expected to jump to $1-3m/episode, or 10-30x per actor - its an extremely profitable show so its a lock they will come to an agreement, but few shows have that kind of revenue model with syndication and prime time.

I guess in GoT its only a handful of actors who are more or less carrying every season but its still a lot of people. HBO is pretty smart though and already developing lots of new shows for the next few years.


privileged excrementlord
don't forget no one has ever looked unhealthy in any film or show ever unless they were actually sick


<Gold Donor>
screen actor guild rules limit TV show contracts to 7 seasons, which is why so many shows end then - cast costs balloon way past profitability. Big Bang Theory for example has halted production as the cast negotiates their 8th+ season contracts, the cast was paid $100k/episode up until now and its expected to jump to $1-3m/episode, or 10-30x per actor - its an extremely profitable show so its a lock they will come to an agreement, but few shows have that kind of revenue model with syndication and prime time.

I guess in GoT its only a handful of actors who are more or less carrying every season but its still a lot of people. HBO is pretty smart though and already developing lots of new shows for the next few years.
too much facts in this post (which itself has already been discussed to death and already explicitly clarified by the show runners and HBO execs, 7 seasons period)

leave khorum to his delusions. HBO will totally renegotiate the salaries of the largest ensemble cast ever assembled and pay those dozens of actors 30x their current salary even though it's already the most expensive Television show ever made at only 50-150k per actor per episode and only 10 episodes per season.

you're totally right Khorum. keep writing george they are totally not going to spoil the ending to your series in 2017, before you even publish winds of winter.

back on earth though, the only way you are getting an 8th+ season is
a: They completely recast every single character on the show (Maybe Warwick Davis is available for the role of Tyrion? everyone else would need to be unknown actors) and lock them into the current actor's salaries for another 7 years
b: HBO somehow convinces the 1 million people who torrent GoT immediately after it airs (actually like 800k but lets round up) to, instead of stealing the show for free, pay $20per episodeto download the show legitimately straight from HBO.

The show already costs 6 million an episode on average and that's paying the actors peanuts. To pay all the key actors a conservative 1-2mil per episode which is what they would get for an 8th+ season that adds 20millionper episodeto the production costs.

at best, we'll maybe get a split, extended 7th season. like 6-7 episodes then a long break then another 6-7 episodes. but even that would cost a ton of time and money and the viewership would need to be astronomical to warrant it. A 10 episode season already takes like 7 months to film and cgi and other post production is still in work for episodes all the way up until they air. An extended season filming would take a year or more, they would still be filming the 2nd half of the season as the first half was airing, and the break between the two halves would need to be like 6+ months