GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Trakanon Raider
The show already costs 6 million an episode on average and that's paying the actors peanuts. To pay all the key actors a conservative 1-2mil per episode which is what they would get for an 8th+ season that adds 20millionper episodeto the production costs.
I see this argument a fair bit, but it always seems to just assume that every actor involved is a greedy parasite just begging for their chance to demand 30x their current salary.

Is it a thing where actors in general sign up for 7 years at 'peanuts' of 150k an episode just so they get a chance to fuck the producers if the show is ever successful ?

Everyone seems to gloss over the suggestion that they actually might be capable of not sinking a show out of pure greed ? Even if it's in their own best interest ?


Millie's Staff Member
I see this argument a fair bit, but it always seems to just assume that every actor involved is a greedy parasite just begging for their chance to demand 30x their current salary.

Is it a thing where actors in general sign up for 7 years at 'peanuts' of 150k an episode just so they get a chance to fuck the producers if the show is ever successful ?

Everyone seems to gloss over the suggestion that they actually might be capable of not sinking a show out of pure greed ? Even if it's in their own best interest ?
its happened so many times that the odds of your favorite star not caring about getting a huge slice of the pie is very small. i could name you hundreds of TV and movie actors who thought their shit was made of gold (pun intended hehe) that they thought they were irreplaceable enough to demand an unreasonable salary where it can sink the show they are on and if they do the standoff route it can sometime sink both. if a show caves in and pays the star the big money they demand, the show ends up short on their budget and production value decreases and it will cause your costars and audience to hate your fucking guts. do i think dinklage would do this? heh not many midgets getting roles in big films besides warwick davis (or tom cruise!), if he is smart, he will take what he can get and not be a greedy cunt because after game of thrones wraps up, he will be lucky to get bit parts for the rest of his career.


Registered Hutt
Yea, asking to be fairly compensated for being pivotal to the success of the show is being a greedy cunt.

They should ask for royalties. HBO is making bank on the IP. The show is just the launchpad. Being paid for your performance in the show is like being the construction crew of cape canaveral. I imagine BBT will be similar with syndication.

As far as Dinklage is concerned, he's an amazing actor that people will alter roles for unless he's too difficult to work with on set. Bolivar Trask wasn't a midget until they wanted Dinklage to play him.


Millie's Staff Member
Yea, asking to be fairly compensated for being pivotal to the success of the show is being a greedy cunt.

They should ask for royalties. HBO is making bank on the IP. The show is just the launchpad. Being paid for your performance in the show is like being the construction crew of cape canaveral. I imagine BBT will be similar with syndication.

As far as Dinklage is concerned, he's an amazing actor that people will alter roles for unless he's too difficult to work with on set. Bolivar Trask wasn't a midget until they wanted Dinklage to play him.
the crew at cape canaveral is not really a great analogy considering whats happened to our space program or lack there of. i didnt say dinklage is a greedy cunt. i think he has been fairly compensated and when he renegotiates his contract he is smart enough not to ask for the moon, i say that because as i said, hollywood is extremely fickle when it comes to their leading actors. women get it the worst, after they hit thirty their value starts to plummet. and when a well known actor hits their fifties unless they are extremely famous they more or less get retired and are lucky to find roles as a bumbling dad or matronly mother or grandparent bit character. its basically why stallone had to reprise his rocky and rambo roles in order to get a foot back in the door. yeah dinjlage will get some roles due to his current fame from GoT. but when the show is done in a few years, lets see how often the guys is starring in a film. everyone thought Locke from lost (terry oquinn?) was gonna be a big star, after lost ended the guy appeared in a few new tv shows but he is basically lucky to get guest appearances these days.


Millie's Staff Member
Yea, asking to be fairly compensated for being pivotal to the success of the show is being a greedy cunt.

They should ask for royalties. HBO is making bank on the IP. The show is just the launchpad. Being paid for your performance in the show is like being the construction crew of cape canaveral. I imagine BBT will be similar with syndication.

As far as Dinklage is concerned, he's an amazing actor that people will alter roles for unless he's too difficult to work with on set. Bolivar Trask wasn't a midget until they wanted Dinklage to play him.
the crew at cape canaveral is not really a great analogy considering whats happened to our space program or lack there of. i didnt say dinklage is a greedy cunt. i think he has been fairly compensated and when he renegotiates his contract he is smart enough not to ask for the moon, i say that because as i said, hollywood is extremely fickle when it comes to their leading actors. women get it the worst, after they hit thirty their value starts to plummet. and when a well known actor hits their fifties unless they are extremely famous they more or less get retired and are lucky to find roles as a bumbling dad or matronly mother or grandparent bit character. its basically why stallone had to reprise his rocky and rambo roles in order to get a foot back in the door. yeah dinjlage will get some roles due to his current fame from GoT. but when the show is done in a few years, lets see how often the guys is starring in a film. everyone thought Locke from lost (terry oquinn?) was gonna be a big star, after lost ended the guy appeared in a few new tv shows but he is basically lucky to get guest appearances these days.


Trakanon Raider
Yea, asking to be fairly compensated for being pivotal to the success of the show is being a greedy cunt.
I'm not sure if you are agreeing or disagreeing with me here ?

Is what the GoT actors are being paid now 'fair', or is 30x that 'fair' ? If the latter, why did they sign up for 1/30th of a fair salary for 7 years in the first place ?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Actors gotta eat. Also keep in mind that this show could be "it" in terms of success for many of the actors, so may as well get what money you can from it...especially if HBO is making money hand over fist on it.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
its happened so many times that the odds of your favorite star not caring about getting a huge slice of the pie is very small. i could name you hundreds of TV and movie actors who thought their shit was made of gold (pun intended hehe) that they thought they were irreplaceable enough to demand an unreasonable salary where it can sink the show they are on and if they do the standoff route it can sometime sink both
I'd actually love to see these hundreds of actors (Or just a few) that did this. Is there a list of shows that got torpedo'd after 7 seasons because their main actors demanded unreasonable salaries?


<WoW Guild Officer>
the crew at cape canaveral is not really a great analogy considering whats happened to our space program or lack there of. i didnt say dinklage is a greedy cunt. i think he has been fairly compensated and when he renegotiates his contract he is smart enough not to ask for the moon, i say that because as i said, hollywood is extremely fickle when it comes to their leading actors. women get it the worst, after they hit thirty their value starts to plummet. and when a well known actor hits their fifties unless they are extremely famous they more or less get retired and are lucky to find roles as a bumbling dad or matronly mother or grandparent bit character. its basically why stallone had to reprise his rocky and rambo roles in order to get a foot back in the door. yeah dinjlage will get some roles due to his current fame from GoT. but when the show is done in a few years, lets see how often the guys is starring in a film. everyone thought Locke from lost (terry oquinn?) was gonna be a big star, after lost ended the guy appeared in a few new tv shows but he is basically lucky to get guest appearances these days.
O'Quinn came on as a supporting actor in Hawaii 5-0 and now is one of the main cast members in a new Fox drama. I don't understand how you're considering that a guest appearance. Granted I personally think the show is shit, but w/e he's not having a problem getting work.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Oh good, let's do the "let me tell you how Hollywood works" wank fest again.


Musty Nester
I'd actually love to see these hundreds of actors (Or just a few) that did this. Is there a list of shows that got torpedo'd after 7 seasons because their main actors demanded unreasonable salaries?
I know they exist. I don't know if it's hundreds.

I'm pretty sure that they got rid of the original blonde in Threes Company because of her salary renegotiation. She (or her agent) thought that Threes Company money was gonna give her leading lady in movies. And I think that Moonlighting also suffered from similar issues with both Bruce and Cybil being absurd.

But I think it's much more common for actors to just be fucking delighted that they have a steady paycheck. It's not until you start running up into Seinfeld / Friends / GoT territory where it starts to even become an issue.

And the opposite happens. The Simpsons crew took pay cuts just to keep the show on the air.

The list of shows that never got made or got made 2nd rate and 2 bit because the initial casting negotiations went retarded is probably much larger.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Will Smith's mom in Fresh Prince.

Didn't VH1 do a "I can't believe this role was recast" show at some point?

Fuck I hate myself for knowing that.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The actress that used to play Dax must have been kicking herself for leaving DS9 a season early...she pretty much did shit afterwards. So much for that big Hollywood break!


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'd take some 1999 naked Ezri girl-on-girl action in GoT. But let's face it, most of that cast did not go on to better careers.


Buzzfeed Editor
The cast deserves a fair shake of the success of this show. You jealous bastards would begrudge them that?

But, yeah, this is why it will end in 7 most likely. HBO wants to maintain the gravy train, and the gravy train will have a little less gravy in it if they have to renegotiate contracts with all the cast. At least that is what people who are "in the know" keep predicting. Me, I don't see why they wouldn't if the success continues. It isn't as if they would give the cast so much that they would be losing money.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Knowing who is and isn't in contract negotiations would be a huge spoiler as to which cast members actually survive, though.


<Gold Donor>
The cast deserves a fair shake of the success of this show. You jealous bastards would begrudge them that?

But, yeah, this is why it will end in 7 most likely. HBO wants to maintain the gravy train, and the gravy train will have a little less gravy in it if they have to renegotiate contracts with all the cast. At least that is what people who are "in the know" keep predicting. Me, I don't see why they wouldn't if the success continues. It isn't as if they would give the cast so much that they would be losing money.
A little less gravy? What are we talking about here, 50k more an episode per actor? Thats a million more per episode or 10mil more per season. The economicsmightwork out at that rate. But who is going to lock themselves into another 3+ years of GoTs extremely arduous filming schedule for such a piddly raise? Actors who can't get anything better, the ones playing in the minor roles who they could just as easily replace anyway.

Anyone in any breakout role is going to demand more, much more. Maybe they even deserve it, unfortunately the cast is too large and the show is too expensive to even consider it. In a cast with so many players it's never going to happen. Which is why showrunners and hbo execs have repeatedly stated 7 and done, despite all the ill informed fanboi forum posters arguing otherwise. It is never going to happen. The possibility of an 8th+ season is exactly 0.

So again, back here on earth the show runners are crafting the next 3 seasons to complete the entire asoiaf arc, and everything irrelevant to that story is getting cut. You guys will probably still be here debating whether "maybe they are saving lsh for season 8?" Long after season 7 ends, spring arrives, the great other is defeated and X is sitting the iron throne.


Buzzfeed Editor
If HBO is only making a couple mill profit off of their most popular series EVER, they should just hang it up. Seriously, if they aren't making money hand over fist off this series then what the fuck are they even doing.

They have also repeatedly stated 8 seasons, or 80 hours. None of us really know what they are going to do.