GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Oh are you bitching because we're calling a hammer a mace? Get fucked.
thats clearly a warhammer, brah.

but how do we know that the artist didnt screw up and draw a warhammer instead of a mace?



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
thats clearly a warhammer, brah.

but how do we know that the artist didnt screw up and draw a warhammer instead of a mace?

Good question. If that is not an officially sanctioned picture by George RR Martin, then I don't believe it.

Mace vs Warhammer is the new Magazines vs Clips debate


Buzzfeed Editor
Alright motherfuckers let me fix some shit...

Areo Hotah, not Oberyn. Oberyn used a (poisoned)spear, not an axe(longaxe).
Bro, no one gives a shit about Areo Whosits and his Axe of +1 WhothefuckamI?

But yeah I forgot about him (like everyone else), and I thought the specific comment GRRM made that he was referencing was talking about how Oberyn was awesome and still died.

Kubla Kas_sl

I am still a little bitter that Oberyn lasted like 3 chapters and was dead... what a waste. He sounded like an awesome fella. Only person GRRM seemed to kill faster was Ned. Start killing off some of your horrible female characters please... rather just see bad ass mofos and whores than chicks who suck at being sneaky and conniving.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
There's a difference in me telling you who the best baseball player is and Babe Ruth saying who the best baseball player is. If someone who is as arrogant as Jaime and skilled enough to back it up says that barristan is the best... then i'm inclined to agree with him.
I never knew babe ruth to exaggerate when came to matters of combat.

Robert was warhammer all time referenced a few times in the book


Trakanon Raider
I always assumed Robert used a giant fuck off 2handed warhammer, not what's pictured in that painting. I wonder if he ever gored anyone with his hat.
That *is* a giant fuck off 2handed warhammer in the picture - it's like 5ft long and has what would be ~20lb head on it. It's even got a two-handed grip, Robert is just 1handing it coz he is a boss ;p


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yeah he uses a warhammer, I just got that and mace confused. More to do with medieval weapon confusion than not being able to remember those sweet fan fic pics of Robert.

I'd love to see a GoT season showing Robert's Rebellion.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I wonder what Walder Frey is going to do now that Robb married the medic wench.

I dont see him joining the Lannisters but I also see him fucking Robb in the ass along with his whore mother.


Yeah he uses a warhammer, I just got that and mace confused. More to do with medieval weapon confusion than not being able to remember those sweet fan fic pics of Robert.

I'd love to see a GoT season showing Robert's Rebellion.
That is actually the cover for the re-release of the (pen and paper) RPG specifically for the Game of Thrones show tie in.

The original RPG edition had half-assed art and a fair amount of errors and was released before the show. Once the show came out and even more people wet themselves over it, and the game itself was round to be actually good, demand went up. They re-released it with errata, improved art and "Game of Thrones Edition" on the cover (As the title is "Song of Ice and Fire RPG", as someone made a shit Game of Thrones one years ago).

The game is an excellent system in its own right and I must say does a rather good job of getting the feel of the show/stories. Playing in the world that GRRM has made and fleshed out gives plenty of stuff to draw upon as there is a lot of known areas to give you familiar contact points with the show/books, but enough kind of vague or unknown areas, even in Westros itself, that you have plenty of room to make your own minor house and do your own thing. It is all quite clever.

Sorry, I'll now return you all to your regularly scheduled thread.

That is actually the cover for the re-release of the (pen and paper) RPG specifically for the Game of Thrones show tie in.

The original RPG edition had half-assed art and a fair amount of errors and was released before the show. Once the show came out and even more people wet themselves over it, and the game itself was round to be actually good, demand went up. They re-released it with errata, improved art and "Game of Thrones Edition" on the cover (As the title is "Song of Ice and Fire RPG", as someone made a shit Game of Thrones one years ago).

The game is an excellent system in its own right and I must say does a rather good job of getting the feel of the show/stories. Playing in the world that GRRM has made and fleshed out gives plenty of stuff to draw upon as there is a lot of known areas to give you familiar contact points with the show/books, but enough kind of vague or unknown areas, even in Westros itself, that you have plenty of room to make your own minor house and do your own thing. It is all quite clever.

Sorry, I'll now return you all to your regularly scheduled thread.

A Game of Thrones the Boardgameis good as well. Kind of Risk-ish, but way better.


Potato del Grande
...and it's Lord Paramount of the Trident
Not Warden of the Riverlands!

There are the Wardens of the North (Stark), South (Tyrell), East (Lannister) and West (Arryn) who are the supreme military commanders for each region. So the great families don't fight over who is in charge during an invasion.
Lord Paramount is the title of the ruler of some of the Kingdoms - it's not clear if they all use it as the Iron Islands have Lord Reaver (Greyjoy) but I think at least Trident (Tully) and Vale (Arryn) have used Lord Paramount so far.
Then Dorne has it's Prince (Martell) because they didn't get Dragon'ed quite so badly so they negotiated better terms.


Buzzfeed Editor
I bow before your mighty British knowledge of GoT.

I need to reread these books more often so I can outnerd you nerds, but I fail at even that.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
We've all read all the books and they have been discussed to death. People have nothing left to do but complain and nitpick about every little detail in the TV show. It amuses me that some of your are surprised that this is what we are talking about.

it's either that or continue to speculate that Martin will die before he finishes the series.
There is no speculation about if he will die before he finishes the books. The dude is old and fat and that will catch up to him in the next 10 years for sure.