GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I assumed Tyrion is taking on the role of my boy Barry. Even in the books Barriston acknowledged that shadow deals wasn't his strong suite so now they have a character who does have that character trait. Dany will marry her dude, she'll fly away then Tyrion will be left in a similar capacity of Barriston where he is forced to be there because Dany ordered it but the new king don't give a fuck about him.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Interesting thread on Reddit. Does anyone else think that Ramsay's attack talked about last episode should fail? I mean, something bad has to happen to him right? I think that Ramsay will be taken out of the Game abruptly and without too much buildup.



Bronze Knight of the Realm
Interesting thread on Reddit. Does anyone else think that Ramsay's attack talked about last episode should fail? I mean, something bad has to happen to him right? I think that Ramsay will be taken out of the Game abruptly and without too much buildup.

Ramsey is super smart. They've shown him as such. He doesn't seem to act without a plan behind it. I don't think he's going "Hurp durp I can beat Stannis with 20 men hurrr look how strong I am, daddy!" No he's got something else going on.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Is it generally known outside of Castle Black that Stannis has his wife and daughter with him?


Mr. Poopybutthole
*shows quick cutscene of random Night's Watch deserter telling Ramsay what's going on at Castle Black*

Problem solved? I mean Ramsay could literally be doing anything, and they can easily explain it in ways that still make sense.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Hell, Ramsay could be the one who stabs Jon Snow.

I don't see Roose being stupid enough to give Ramsay enough leverage to betray him, and I don't see Ramsay being stupid enough to try it unless he was sure it would work.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah. Ramsay won't be dead in the books until the WW invade Westeros. It's a Martin theme of "here's a bigger more evil fish". We only got Ramsay after we thought Theon was bad enough...

And on another level, the Boltons are Martins best written characters IMO.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
*shows quick cutscene of random Night's Watch deserter telling Ramsay what's going on at Castle Black*

Problem solved? I mean Ramsay could literally be doing anything, and they can easily explain it in ways that still make sense.
There is a massive snowstorm. Granted Stannis got caught harder because of his giant host but I don't see how the deserter would make it to Winterfell so rapidly nor why Winterfell would raise the gates for a stranger when they know they're being marched upon.


Millie's Staff Member
with cersei laid low, in KL and tommen a big pussy, there is no strong villain there. the martells arent bad so who is the big bad of westeros? the boltons , specifically ramsay. so yeah ramsay aint going anywhere for now at least until the WW break through the wall and actively threaten the lands. i think they will just keep ramping up his fuckedupness til the end of the season when maybe sansa escapes, though i think she will be stuck right where she is.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I didn't say it would make a lot of sense, it would pretty obviously be a stretch. Maybe a spy at Castle Black sent a raven with the relevant info before the snowstorm got too bad for ravens, and Ramsay is only now acting on it.

I'm just saying, they could come up with basically anything.

with cersei laid low, in KL and tommen a big pussy, there is no strong villain there. the martells arent bad so who is the big bad of westeros? the boltons , specifically ramsay. so yeah ramsay aint going anywhere for now at least unto the WW break through the wall and actively threaten the lands. i think they will just keep ramping up his fuckedupness til the end of the season when maybe sansa escapes, though i think she will be stuck right where she is.
Maybe the show will end up different, but I think that's been the whole point of the books (and the series so far) is that there IS no big bad. Everybody is bad.

When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground. If you are playing, you will do anything to win because if you don't win, you die. If you aren't playing the game, you either aren't an important part of the story, or you get used and discarded by people who are playing the game.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
with cersei laid low, in KL and tommen a big pussy, there is no strong villain there. the martells arent bad so who is the big bad of westeros? the boltons , specifically ramsay. so yeah ramsay aint going anywhere for now at least until the WW break through the wall and actively threaten the lands. i think they will just keep ramping up his fuckedupness til the end of the season when maybe sansa escapes, though i think she will be stuck right where she is.


Registered Hutt
The Freys had their moment and have been discarded. They can't pay for more than a few evil families at a time.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The Freys had their moment and have been discarded. They can't pay for more than a few evil families at a time.
I was kind of surprised they're either downplaying or completely removing the Freys from the TV show Winterfell. They were an important part of the book obviously since they're the ones that made Winterfell go full civil war until Roose said "Nah lets kill Stannis instead of ourselves."


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
And on another level, the Boltons are Martins best written characters IMO.
I dunno. Don't get me wrong, I like Roose (on the show where he is a stronger character much moreso than the books) and love to hate Ramsay, but it's hard to beat the depth of interest to House Lannister.