GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Potato del Grande
If they kill Tommen, then Margaery would just become Queen, wouldn't she? And rule would pass through her line unless she was killed? idk, it is complicated at that point I guess. But the Tyrells are certainly better equipped to stage a coup than Dorne.
The fuck? You haven't heard about how a Monarchy works before Game of Thrones? Hell, all of the scenarios I am about to list have already happened in Game of Thrones.

Rule is passed only through blood relatives only. The wife/husband of the Monarch is NOT of equal status. Myrcella is next in line to the throne.

If we are going off English rules then if Tommen dies, his older sister Myrcella becomes Queen, if Myrcella dies then her uncle Stannis becomes King as brother of a previous King, if Stannis dies then you go back a few generations down the family tree and find some distant Baratheon cousin. Any children of these people come after their parents, so if Margaery became pregnant then her child would be next after Tommen. If the child is too young to rule then someone is appointed regent, thiswasCersei but it's basically whoever has the most political support (likely Kevan Lannister (as in the books) or Mace Tyrell, possibly a neutral party like Littlefinger, not Margaery).

If we are going off French rules then just ignore all women and their children. Since Westeros hasn't had any ruling Queens so this is possible, however Daenerys fancies her chances so it can't be taboo to have a Queen.

Dornish rules would have Myrcella be Queen right now, since there women inherit before their younger brothers. This was the book plot.

Having a giant army and taking the throne by force trumps regular succession as long as you can keep down rebellions.


A Mod Real Quick
The rule is no posting unaired spoilers, no matter what precedence GRRM/DB have setup prior to this episode. I'll just infract people talking about unaired episode stuff outside of spoilers. I'll work on removing the picture discussion in a little bit, but I won't infract on that yet (except Fedor).




I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I like the fact that people (who are mad about the spoilers) talked about the spoiler pics in great detail, then when the pics where removed the comments talking about them were not. The people who where mad about spoilers actuated ended up being the people who spoil!!
This is a common problem. Having multiple threads makes it easy because you can completely evaporate spoilers by moving them to a different thread.

The threads will probably be called:

[Show Only]Game of Thrones [NO PUSSY SHIT]
[Published Only]Game of Thrones
[Spoiler/Casting/Leaks] Game of Thrones [Full Pussy Shit]


Mr. Poopybutthole
The fuck? You haven't heard about how a Monarchy works before Game of Thrones? Hell, all of the scenarios I am about to list have already happened in Game of Thrones.

Rule is passed only through blood relatives only. The wife/husband of the Monarch is NOT of equal status. Myrcella is next in line to the throne.

If we are going off English rules then if Tommen dies, his older sister Myrcella becomes Queen, if Myrcella dies then her uncle Stannis becomes King as brother of a previous King, if Stannis dies then you go back a few generations down the family tree and find some distant Baratheon cousin. Any children of these people come after their parents, so if Margaery became pregnant then her child would be next after Tommen. If the child is too young to rule then someone is appointed regent, thiswasCersei but it's basically whoever has the most political support (likely Kevan Lannister (as in the books) or Mace Tyrell, possibly a neutral party like Littlefinger, not Margaery).

If we are going off French rules then just ignore all women and their children. Since Westeros hasn't had any ruling Queens so this is possible, however Daenerys fancies her chances so it can't be taboo to have a Queen.

Dornish rules would have Myrcella be Queen right now, since there women inherit before their younger brothers. This was the book plot.

Having a giant army and taking the throne by force trumps regular succession as long as you can keep down rebellions.
That's the whole damn point of the argument, is that the Tyrells might not want the Martells in control of the Iron Throne through Myrcella, which is why they would push Margaery's "claim" to the throne.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'd love it if the Sparrow plot continued post-Cersei, and caused some kind of popular revolt after Tommen/Myrcella die.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Or, and this might sound crazy, you have a spoiler and non spoiler thread.
Sure. But right now you have three groups of people:
1. Those who want to only know about what's happened in the show.
2. Those who want to only know about what's happened in the show, books, games, extra publications etc.
3. Those who want to know about anything and everything.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Might I suggest a 4th thread where we can only post pictures of MS Paint recreations of GoT scenes?

FYI, group 2 and 3 can function fine with the use of spoiler tags. I don't get the complete aversion to spoiler tags in this thread, when they are the standard for every other show/movie thread here.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Or, and this might sound crazy, you have a spoiler and non spoiler thread.
I'm sort of with this. After this season ends I'm moving into the non-spoiler thread and if the people who haven't read the books yet want to cry about it, too fucking bad. The only thing that might still come up from the books is the Greyjoy succession argument, and I think we all know that if they do put it in the show, it will be so chopped up as to only have some vague resemblance to the story in the books. Yara will make a play for the throne, won't get it because she's a chick just like everyone who hasn't read the books would have already guessed, and then maybe she gets captured by Stannis, maybe we never see her in the show again.


Buzzfeed Editor
We're gonna need at least 7 GoT threads just to cover all bases.

Pussy shit is out of control in this thread.


Millie's Staff Member
might i suggest a 4th thread, a chuk GoT thread where we keep all the crazy theories and youtube videos in one place and if people want to respond they can and have no right to complain because its the crazy theory thread.


privileged excrementlord
This is a common problem. Having multiple threads makes it easy because you can completely evaporate spoilers by moving them to a different thread.

The threads will probably be called:

[Show Only]Game of Thrones [NO PUSSY SHIT]
[Published Only]Game of Thrones
[Spoiler/Casting/Leaks] Game of Thrones [Full Pussy Shit]
Your naming scheme is funny considering the very original "NO PUSSY SHIT" thread was created due to some pussy mods infracting people over the season 2 episode leaks and HBO promo content. The no pussy shit rule was that anything related to the show that aired or leaked was fair game.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ok so maybe some of you have an opinion on the discussion we're having in the spoiler thread, and since it affects you, maybe you want to have some input.

Fedor posted some screen caps from the unaired season finale. A lot of us book readers who avoid discussing book spoilers in here still don't want gigantic spoilers like that, since the images included stuff that hasn't even happened in the books, as well as stuff that may not have happened the same in the show as it did in the books. So the argument is whether to open a third GoT thread (so there would be No spoilers, Book readers, and MEGA SPOILERS threads) or to just have the book readers who don't want those kinds of spoilers to stay in this thread once the next season starts. My thoughts are that we should just keep two threads, and the book readers will merge with those who have only watched the show.

My main reason for thinking this is that we're caught up to the books, and in some places past the books, or else the show has wildly diverge from the books because of the need to consolidate characters. At this point there is there is only one vaguely important plot line from the books that might still find its way into the show, aside from that, we're pretty much on equal ground. I don't think it would ruin anybody's show watching experience if we were speculating on information from both the books and the show, and some of you might find it interesting to find out what was done differently between the two.

So what are the thoughts of the people who avoid the spoilers thread? Lumped in with the book readers who don't want spoilers for the rest of the series, or create a third GoT thread?