GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Blackwing Lair Raider
To be fair its easy to forget a lot of the side shit in the books, especially in AFFC and ADWD. Some of the storylines were complete filler like the whole Aegon thing.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
To be fair its easy to forget a lot of the side shit in the books, especially in AFFC and ADWD. Some of the storylines were complete filler like the whole Aegon thing.
Is Aegon being filler a shut topic? Because it seems to me like he's making quite the mark in Westeros...


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Stannis is gunna rez up as a WW, claim to be the rightful heir to the Night Throne and lead an army of WW rebels against the Night King

This season has been chutes and ladders but the one thing that has been consistently good is rerolled fan theories.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
And Aurane Waters. What the fuck was that shit?
Aurane was just another piece on Cersei's stack of failures. I didn't think too much of it. The show is doing a pretty good job at showing the audience how much of a fuckup Cersei is even without using all the additional pieces from the books. Or if you meant Aurane being a dumb character, meh.

But you have shit like
-Cersei completely ignores/doesn't understand the threat posed by the Ironborn taking the Shield Islands
-Giving the expensive new Royal Navy to Aurane Waters. A highly questionable person for... reasons.
-Buying said royal navy by telling the Crown's moneylenders to fuck off.
-Allowing the Faith Militant to exist again to relieve the pressure of not paying off their debts.


Book Cersei is considerably more insane than show Cersei I think. But that's largely due to all of the internal monologues. Show Cersei seems more rational, just spiteful and short-sighted.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Yeah I never thought this was a filler?
Given that he completely does not exist in the show, and the Golden Company really hasn't been mentioned at all? I guess they could introduce him at this point but it seems to be that he got hit with the plot line consolidation axe. Introducing more splinter bullshit at this point with 2 seasons to go and all the characters in far-flung places in the world seems crazy.

We don't want it to be like a Rome hurry-up-and-finish warp speed consolidation either...


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I think Euron is going to be the final human Big Bad we have until the WW take their spot as the One True Big Bad of the series. They don't have the time to build up the Aegon thing reasonably. But I suppose that COULD be what Varys' secret mission actually is. But I am pretty confident he is returning to Westeros to destabilize the realm. Whether or not that includes Aegon we shall see.

Anything else might fuck up their pace f they only have 15 episodes left total after this season.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Given that he completely does not exist in the show, and the Golden Company really hasn't been mentioned at all? I guess they could introduce him at this point but it seems to be that he got hit with the plot line consolidation axe. Introducing more splinter bullshit at this point with 2 seasons to go and all the characters in far-flung places in the world seems crazy.

We don't want it to be like a Rome hurry-up-and-finish warp speed consolidation either...
I understand cutting him from the show and I guess the implication of well if he's not in the show he must not truly matter in the end.

But reading his storyline I never thought it was filler. Then again, the above does make sense so. Fuck you GRRM.


Unelected Mod
It was pretty obvious he was filler. A major gamechanging character introduced in book 5, that would invalidate many characters that have been around since the very beginning? Come on.


Molten Core Raider
It's too late to introduce any major players to the fold, only interesting supporting characters. The show has done nothing to make it seem like Euron is going to be important, he is only a facilitator. He has had 2 scenes in the show, his third will probably be his death at the hands of a dragon because Yara/Theon got there first.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It was pretty obvious he was filler. A major gamechanging character introduced in book 5, that would invalidate many characters that have been around since the very beginning? Come on.
Minor character =/= filler. I feel like you're conflating the two.


He's not filler, he's just set up for other shit. He's not in the show because the show doesn't have enough time and is ok with hand waving shit away in a retarded fashion. When your willing to do what they just did with Arya you don't need a character like Aegon because you can just write some bullshit that doesn't make any sense and move on.

Something will come from Aegon's invasion and a potential greyscale outbreak that will majorly influence the decisions of the major characters in the book, we just don't know what it will be yet.


privileged excrementlord
Aegon always seemed like something Gurrm just threw into the story late, and I have no idea why. Nothing about his plot seemed all that compelling. I agree that Euron will likely be our final human antagonist, especially after the latest WoW chapter that was released. I just don't know how he's going to steal a dragon without the horn. If they're going to introduce it later, why not at the kingsmoot? Show version was a literal dick contest.


Unelected Mod
Minor character =/= filler. I feel like you're conflating the two.
I think in this case it might be a distinction without a difference. Books 4 and 5 were padded to ridiculous levels. I think Aegon was to give all these characters some motivation, to pass the time. I don't think any of it was necessary, which is why I call it filler but I guess you can call it a minor character if you want.

Either way, very clear he wasn't going to take over and suddenly Daenery's entire arc would have been pointless.