GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


I guess I kind of share, Cracked was it?, view of season 1 where you had this awesome Drogo who was like this powerful beast ready to kill everyone with a mile of him at the slighted provocation, a mighty warrior and leader, just 10000% awesome. Then you had Dany who was this wet cardboard chick flopping around behind him in each scene and I just kept thinking "Go away girl, Drogo needs to kill some more motherfuckers!" and then he died and she survived the fire and all we got for it was some cute baby dragons and Jory. Just disappointing.

Beef Supreme_sl

Not gonna lie, Drogo was the main reason I wanted to watch the show.

Then I read all the books.

With all the R'hllor shenanigans, I'm pulling for a zombie Drogo.


Millie's Staff Member
Dany is the second worst character of the series after catelyn. She mooned over her middle eastern boytoy the whole fucking ADWD novel. Bitch needed a slapdown


Buzzfeed Editor
Quit crying. When you read a book about a 14 year old princess in waiting then you have to hear about her wet panties before you get to Drogon eating motherfuckers. Suffer now, feast later.


privileged excrementlord
Jozu was the faggot in the FoH spoilers thread that was defending the Mountain's recast, saying some stupid shit about how he's much better at portraying the "cold and cunning" version from the books, which is another completely different issue. His fuckshittery isn't just suspect, it's absolute.


Millie's Staff Member
Quit crying. When you read a book about a 14 year old princess in waiting then you have to hear about her wet panties before you get to Drogon eating motherfuckers. Suffer now, feast later.
lol if im not crying about something, then i aint a happy mofucker.


Not selfish? How many people have died for "her throne?"

I liked her towards the end of the book, once she left the city with Drogon and got her shit together.
Yea, I mean, wanting her throne is selfish, but throughout she seems to be the only one worthy of it, so I guess I don't really think of it as selfish. She does unsavory things, that she hates just to procure the safety and well being of the people who follow her. That doesn't strike me as extremely selfish.


Yea, I mean, wanting her throne is selfish, but throughout she seems to be the only one worthy of it, so I guess I don't really think of it as selfish. She does unsavory things, that she hates just to procure the safety and well being of the people who follow her. That doesn't strike me as extremely selfish.
I dunno, I think Renly could have turned out Ok, especially with that queen, she seems to know how to Get Shit Done. His boyfriend seemed pretty clever too.

I have yet to see Baby Aegon though.


Musty Nester
Weird. Dany is probably the most likable character (overall) in the show, but the most hated in the books!

Bitch has dragons. You'd be step the fuck off.

Mostly I hope the series ends with her setting all those other fuckers on fire, all of them, melting the iron throne into slag, and then saying "you know what -- fuck this" to return to the desert to lead her loyal band of steppes barbarians.

Kubla Kas_sl

We'll see how the show portrays the consequences of some of her decisions. Like, oh freeing the slaves and the city is a good idea... then leave and the city is in ruins, goes through a revolution and is right back where it started (maybe worse).


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
This thread reminds me of the official everquest forums.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
We'll see how the show portrays the consequences of some of her decisions. Like, oh freeing the slaves and the city is a good idea... then leave and the city is in ruins, goes through a revolution and is right back where it started (maybe worse).
Yeah my hope is that she's rebirthed into basically a new character that takes her good nature and personal strength and adds a lot more wisdom and maturity onto it. Combine that with my suspicion that she's going to be joined and advised by Dinklage and you have a character that is actually likable.

I kind of hope for the same thing for Sansa, who I think has a future but is also currently unlikable.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
We'll see how the show portrays the consequences of some of her decisions. Like, oh freeing the slaves and the city is a good idea... then leave and the city is in ruins, goes through a revolution and is right back where it started (maybe worse).
I'm curious how much of the political intrigue and social unrest the show is going to be able to go into. There is tons of stuff happening in Astapor, Meereen (sp?), etc. The Sons of the Harpy, that Butcher King who comes to power...I just don't see how any of that is going to fit into an already jam-packed show. I have a feeling most of the political/social side plots are going to be glossed over or left out altogether.

I just hope it's not in favor of more "WHERE ARE MY DRAGONS?!?!"


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yeah and all that plot is totally uninteresting because you assume that it's a sideplot that only serves to build up Daenarys before she goes to Westeros.


<Medals Crew>


Re: Dany

I actually think this will feature more prominently in the show than the book. As we've seen with Robb, the show puts more emphasis on the happenings of the main characters than anything. The show will almost certainly have Dany doing something in every episode, maybe except for one or two, throughout the next two seasons. Dragons are a huge part of why people watch.

And how many Dany chapters were there really in SoS? Astapor two (looking at the slaves, killing the slavers), four for Yunhai (arrival, meeting with the merc commanders, Daario in the night, battle outcome), four for Mereen (arrival/explanation, single combat, explaining the sewers, outcome), and maybe a couple setup and explanation of the butcher king, Jorah's betrayal, her people dying on the march, sex with Irri etc. That's twelve or so ... and we are looking at 20 episodes for seasons 3+4. Do you think that Dany will only be in every other episode going forward?

So I think we will get a treatment of what's going on over there. As to whether you get the full social/political nature of everything ... probably not, but I will bet they mention the butcher king and her freed slaves dying since that is a main motivation for her staying in Mereen. I thought they did an OK job of contrasting Joffery vs. Maergery in King's Landing, and if anything they will spend relatively more time on Dany.