GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


There is a war going on over control of your mind
I'm glad something interesting happened, before that point I was getting bored of the season as a whole.

Every time I try to get away they keep bringing me back!

Also wish they would explain more characters before introducing even more, still don't know who the hell the kids with Bran are. Now the new dude with Theore and the brotherhood without a banner guys, I'm keeping up but it just seems excessive.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
o yea and they explained the demon thing asassin thing, was my only gripe with the plot thus far


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Also not sure where they're going w/ the Theon stuff... but I happened to like the Pod/Tyrion/Bronn stuff. My only complaint this week, again, is time. 52 minutes isn't enough to flesh out a show this broad, and 3 seasons of the current format isn't enough to capture how brilliant this book (SoS) was.
Feels like a lot of other people also had the benefit of marathons/netflix/on demand to watch most of the first 2 seasons in a short amount of time, and now getting less than an hour a week just leaves us wanting more.


I'm glad something interesting happened, before that point I was getting bored of the season as a whole.

Every time I try to get away they keep bringing me back!

Also wish they would explain more characters before introducing even more, still don't know who the hell the kids with Bran are. Now the new dude with Theore and the brotherhood without a banner guys, I'm keeping up but it just seems excessive.
The side by side app for the iPad is a great companion. I said the same thing. It was so hard to keep up with all the storylines and kingdoms but this definitely helps.


Trump's Staff
...if this was Emma Watson when she was 16 everyone would've been cool with it. In fact right now we'd all be having beers and laughing about which way wed desecrate hermiones body.
You might be too new to know this, but the Emma Watson shit got so creepy that the biggest pedophiles ended up leaving FOH and starting their own board.

Back to GoT: ... DAT HAND


A Mod Real Quick
Like 3 years ago some dude was reading storm of swords at work and I commented how I was reading clash of kings. He asked me if I read the part where they cut off Jaimes hand yet. Thought the dude was trolling me until tonight.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Fantastic episode. "Lord Twat-beard" and Podrick's scene were hilarious. Really like how they're setting up what Dany does to get her army and also getting to see what Theon was going through. And the tension at Craster's Keep. Only small complaint is Edmure looks nothing like how I pictured him.

I don't get what they're going to do with Gendry, though. Since he's replacing Edric, he goes to Dragonstone, almost gets sacrificed then flees to the Free Cities? Doesn't he show up later to save Brienne? Maybe he'll just flee back to the BWB. I guess it's not a huge deal, but this is probably what GRRM was worried about when he mentioned the butterfly effect.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
dodging spoilers for this show all over the internet is like walking through a mine field


Millie's Staff Member
great episode could have done without the whore scene, only because the episodes are so fucking short. these 2 minute scenes are giving me fucking ADD.


Millie's Staff Member
Tonight's episode highlights the reason why if you have not yet read the books, you should not read the books. Ignore the advice from those who would have you miss the enjoyment of enjoying a well-done television series. ----Let me repeat: ---- -- If you have not yet read the books, Don't read the books.
i only agree with this on the fact once you get started you will not be able to stop yourself until all 5 books (at this time) are read and enjoyed. if you like to read, read the books and enjoy the fully fleshed out story.


I'm With HER ♀
Good times had by all. I talked shit about the last episode but people were in the right by looking on it as "Episode I: Part 2." Even with the entirely unnecessary expositions they insist on giving Cat every episode there was a lot to like besides- though i was sort've at a loss of explaining to a non-book-reader what the fuck is going on with Theon's storyline.

This might be the latent douche in me but I like the breaks from certain storylines. A season and a half of Bran wandering aimlessly in the wilderness with (an albeit well-casted) Jojen and Meera is a snorefest.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Awesome episode, the whole Pod thing cracked me up. Even Dany was better than usual. I was kinda confused by the music at the end though, at first I thought someone had editted the torrent version to fuck with people.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Best episode of the season so far. I was wondering if they were going to get to the hand cutting. Still miss Vargo Hoat though (Kingthslayer).

I still contend that the added scenes, while some aren't that bad, are taking away from certain storylines. The ones that seems to be suffering the most is Jon and Arya. Showing scenes of Pod getting laid or even Talisa talking fairy tales about Robb to the two Lannister boys could probably be better devoted elsewhere. I get why they need to show Theon scenes, which convinces me that if the show gets to past next season, it'll have to combine scenes from ADWD into Feast of Crows or else half the actors will not be on screen.


I thought it was a great episode, but I was quite disappointed that Sam hasn't killed the Other yet. If they follow the story from here, he will be with Gilly after leaving Crasters and there wont be any Crows to witness the act so its doubtful anyone will believe him except Jon if it happens out in the wilderness somewhere. I always felt that was a real turning point in the character and his increased acceptance by the other crows (especially the core group of Jon's friends) was a big part of it.