It's only character development if something develops from it. Jaime has had way more introspection, not-arrogant scenes previously. Like, good ones. I don't blame him for standing around taking stock of the clusterfuck of a "fight" they're in but then he just grabs a lance and charges at the dragon and dragon queen from way too far away to expect anything to then be pushed into the lake that is apparently 20 feet deep right at its edge by Bronn who continues to be ignored by the enemies surrounding them because of no doubt excellent writing. My problem wasn't with the standing-around bit but with the lack of anything else happening. People have already commented about Tarly just vanishing for the entire scene.
So you're complaing that nothing came from Jaime charging the dragon and falling into the water? You're complaining about shit that you haven't even seen yet? Maybe he was suicidal? Maybe him and Bronn will have a nice chat about "throwing your life away for some twat" or something to that effect.
Also, Tarly fucked off BEFORE all this shit happened. They even have a shot of him fucking off to help get wagons across the Blackwater. You're mad he didn't just come back?
For the record, Cersei didn't know that...hence the whole Skull demonstration below the Red Keep. Again, Dramatic Irony. I get that you and others here would have this whole Game of Thrones wrapped up in a month or so if you ran one of these fantasy houses in a fantasy show...For the record, Meraxes was killed by one of these scorpion-like weapons, so they are effective.
And everything you named was explained ad nauseum by people that are watching the show and not spending their time complaining about the show while it's in front of them. I mean fuck think Drogo died past season 4 and from a cut?Reading comprehension? Everything I named and take issue with has occurred past season 4. My entire point was the season 1-4 was engaging from start to finish, not just "here's a cool battle" followed by 50 minutes of dry, uninspired bullshit.
Holy shit you're dense.
Hahaha. The Hound should have died. The Mountain should have died. Beric Dondarrion should have died MULTIPLE times. Jon Fucking Snow should have died. You have people literally coming back from the dead and your gripe is some assassin girl didn't get an infection from sewage?Fair enough. The point nevertheless is Arya should have died, either from infection or from bleeding out from the damage of that scene. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned Drogo.

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