GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Tranny Chaser
Yet I would pay serious money for an outtake of Conleth Hill saying exactly that.
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Trakanon Raider
I have always hated my friend’s dog that happened to be named Khaleesi. I look forward to telling the dog “get away from me you murderous bitch” next time we have porch beers.
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Not Woke
<Bronze Donator>
I really, really hope the spoilers are wrong about the ending.
My CIO said this morning that he thinks the crossbow made a reappearance so that it ultimately is used by Tyrion to kill Daenerys. That would be better than what's out there...


NeoGaf Donator
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Doesn't Khaleesi just mean queen or something? I guess we only know of one Khaleesi while we know of many Kings, Queens, Dukes, Earls, etc so some of them being war criminals does not prevent their title to be used as first name.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
She worked in the kitchen. She kept saying that Dany wouldn't eat. Varys said they'd try again that night. The girl was worried about the soldiers watching her. Vary's tells her with greatest risk comes the greatest rewards. Varys was obviously trying to poison Daenerys. The writers just didn't hold everyone's hand through the scene and have Varys yell "OH GURL, WE GOTS TO POISON THAT BITCH"

Yeah that might be the best written scene in the last two seasons. Very true to Varys’ character and written in the style Martin would have...clues are there but not blatantly obvious.
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Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
So did GRRM cut all affiliation with the show at some point? I don't care how much writer's block he might suffer from, *surely* with him having penned the first word of the series 20+ years ago, he had more than enough time to come up with a better conclusion to his life's work than "Dany kills everything". There's just no way that fat fuck conceived of this ending-- it's like the producer's went "oh fuck, GRRM bailed on us, bring the writers for the A-Team out of retirement"


My thoughts while the scene was going on was just that Dany wasn't eating due to mysundae dying, and Varys was using a kid from the kitchens to spy on her to see if she was losing her shit, with the risk vs reward line just being a way to encourage the kid to not freak out about being watched.

I didn't immediately think he was trying to kill her because while Varys obviously had concerns and talked to Tyrion about them in the previous episode, I don't recall anything that indicated he was at a level where he wanted to assassinate her.

That jump, as well as the jump into executing him without actually clarifying why other than him betraying her just left me thinking that something was left out, and I still feel like it should have been connected a bit better.

What bugs me about Varys going out when he did was that he didn't get a chance to actually witness what Dany would do, making him come to the realization that he was the catalyst behind it all. The deaths of all those people are on his shoulders almost as much as they are on Dany's. Dany executing him via dragon in the final episode after him confronting her would have helped cement how far gone she is.
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privileged excrementlord
So did GRRM cut all affiliation with the show at some point? I don't care how much writer's block he might suffer from, *surely* with him having penned the first word of the series 20+ years ago, he had more than enough time to come up with a better conclusion to his life's work than "Dany kills everything". There's just no way that fat fuck conceived of this ending-- it's like the producer's went "oh fuck, GRRM bailed on us, bring the writers for the A-Team out of retirement"
I think Dany absolutely goes crazy and tries to kill everyone in the books, but it will be better written. George has already said that the majority of the endings for the characters will be the same, just how they get there is different.
My thoughts while the scene was going on was just that Dany wasn't eating due to mysundae dying, and Varys was using a kid from the kitchens to spy on her to see if she was losing her shit, with the risk vs reward line just being a way to encourage the kid to not freak out about being watched.

I didn't immediately think he was trying to kill her because while Varys obviously had concerns and talked to Tyrion about them in the previous episode, I don't recall anything that indicated he was at a level where he wanted to assassinate her.
Pretty sure Varys straight up mentioned having her killed to Tyrion in the throne room conversation at Dragonstone. He was definitely trying to have her poisoned, not sure how anyone isn't picking up on that lol.
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<Bronze Donator>
Anyone that named their kid Khaleesi should have spent a few minutes reading up on her on the various wiki sites. It's not like this mean streak came out of nowhere, it's been there since book 1. She's not blonde Jesus and never has been.
If they name their kid Khaleesi then they probably can't read.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
My thoughts while the scene was going on was just that Dany wasn't eating due to mysundae dying, and Varys was using a kid from the kitchens to spy on her to see if she was losing her shit, with the risk vs reward line just being a way to encourage the kid to not freak out about being watched.

I didn't immediately think he was trying to kill her because while Varys obviously had concerns and talked to Tyrion about them in the previous episode, I don't recall anything that indicated he was at a level where he wanted to assassinate her.

That jump, as well as the jump into executing him without actually clarifying why other than him betraying her just left me thinking that something was left out, and I still feel like it should have been connected a bit better.

What bugs me about Varys going out when he did was that he didn't get a chance to actually witness what Dany would do, making him come to the realization that he was the catalyst behind it all. The deaths of all those people are on his shoulders almost as much as they are on Dany's. Dany executing him via dragon in the final episode after him confronting her would have helped cement how far gone she is.

Did you miss the part where Tyrion is begging Varys not to kill her?!?! Varys has already made up his mind.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
This was an absolute shit show episode in every way. Yeah the visuals were great per usual, but the lazy writing has literally put a stranglehold on the show and almost makes all of this discussion and postulating pointless as characters are suddenly changing, and there is no rhyme or reason as to what is happening besides misguided fan fic service.

Falling Debris was really great in that episode though. They gave Falling Debris a good 27 minutes of screen time, I thought it did a great job, I mean Falling Debris killed the Kingslayer AND Cersei, pfffft, not even the Night King was as effective as Falling Debris!

Seriously though, how much did we need to see those shots of the ceiling falling down and people dying from it? How the fuck was this possible in the first place? The dragonfire siege damage thing has been beaten to death but I dont remember Drogon having that effect in Essos, or maybe Im not remembering right, but they are just outright exploding shit like his breath is nitro mixed with liquid tnt.

They spent so much time showing Falling Debris it ended up being the star of the show. We thought Arya might kill Cersei, or Jaime, or Tyrion, or ...anyone.


Falling Debris, ladies and gentlemen.

And what the fuck happened to Bronn? I hate this show now.
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Drogons fire was lighting hidden caches of dragon fire that had been placed around the city by her father the mad king.

Hence the random green explosions.

It's still shit but at least I can hand wave the falling debris with that.
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Did you miss the part where Tyrion is begging Varys not to kill her?!?! Varys has already made up his mind.

I just rewatched it and trying to kill her was never directly broached. Initially, I was still in the mindset of Varys supporting Jon, no matter the cost to himself or Dany, with Tyrion begging him not to. Though, with the the new episode his intentions are much more clear.
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2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
I for one am really happy that they only made 6 seasons and stopped after they had reached the end of the published books. It was a very very smart decision to make. Just imagine what the series would have ended up if they had continued...

also this




Varys' importance in the story might have been hurt by the writer running out of book material, but the general direction of the story also hurt Varys. A spy network in the 7 Kingdoms and intimate knowledge of politics are not great assets when fighting undeads and when the complexity of the political situation is reduced to almost zero. So he became the 2nd adviser to the queen which is better than nothing but not much.