GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
Varys' importance in the story might have been hurt by the writer running out of book material, but the general direction of the story also hurt Varys. A spy network in the 7 Kingdoms and intimate knowledge of politics are not great assets when fighting undeads and when the complexity of the political situation is reduced to almost zero. So he became the 2nd adviser to the queen which is better than nothing but not much.

but they only really fought the undead in like half the episode total. The undead was actually a minor subplot as it turned out.


FPS noob
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Drogons fire was lighting hidden caches of dragon fire that had been placed around the city by her father the mad king.

Hence the random green explosions.

It's still shit but at least I can hand wave the falling debris with that.

Yea, that was more of a secondary issue I had, but you're right I guess. Its more of how much screentime they gave to rocks falling on people, and the hilariously poor idea to have that be the thing that kills Jaime AND Cersei.

I mean, It was getting so ridiculous I almost wanted Arya to die by a random peasant stampede. I wouldnt put it past the writers at this point. I can picture them in the after the episode discussion like "Arya was pretty banged up, and she was kind of a regular kid again, and we thought it would be interesting to focus on the element of chaos and the randomness of war and how that can affect these characters in a real way".
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FPS noob
probably already posted but those rumors of book 6 & 7 being already done are confirmed fake (like... duh)
I will, however, say for the record — no, THE WINDS OF WINTER and A DREAM OF SPRING are not finished. DREAM is not even begun; I am not going to start writing volume seven until I finish volume six


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yea thats another thing LOL WHY THE FUCK WAS EURON COMMANDING A SUBORDINATE TO FIRE THE BALLISTA? The very episode before he created internet gold with his super rail gun ability and accuracy, but then during the ultimate showdown he wans to get his buddy some levels.



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Disappointing endings to series:
Mass Effect > GoT > Star Wars

I didn't watch Lost.

It's unbelievable that they took a year off to write this show and coughed up this pile of shit that is so internally inconsistent, lazy and ill-conceived.
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Even the two good scenes, Tyrion saying goodbye to Jaime and Cleganebowl, weren't good because of good writing. Both were great because of great performances from the actors.
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<Gold Donor>
Even the two good scenes, Tyrion saying goodbye to Jaime and Cleganebowl, weren't good because of good writing. Both were great because of great performances from the actors.

What's the best transformers movie.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
If rocks have any internal moisture, they will explode if they're heated quickly. Sometimes people learn this sitting around campfires. I learned it by heating a piece of steel with an acetylene torch that was laying on a concrete floor. I don't know how plausible it would be that castle walls would have moisture trapped inside the stone, but rocks shattering or even exploding when suddenly exposed to extreme heat isn't impossible.

I really thought the ballistas being ineffective made sense as well. When they got the dragon last week it was just cruising along, having no idea that anything was happening and suddenly got caught in a hail of bolts. This time they knew exactly where they were and that after they fired they were completely vulnerable for a couple of minutes while they reload. Approach on a trajectory that will make it hard to hit a moving target, let them waste their first bolt, burn them down. They worked last week because it was a surprise attack.

Dany being a wise and benevolent queen who would easily win the throne was telegraphed the entire series so they had to expect a twist. GoT isn't a children's story where the good guy wins in the end. There are no completely good or completely evil characters, just like in real life.

Presumably the walls of a castle right next to the sea probably have a reasonable amount of moisture in them so the exploding is not totally beyond the realm of possibility.


Got something right about marriage
Here's something I can't remember anything about. Why did the Golden Company agree to take the contract with Cersei? They are from Essos and their founder was a bastard Targaryen so they should be keenly aware of the power of dragons.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Here's something I can't remember anything about. Why did the Golden Company agree to take the contract with Cersei? They are from Essos and their founder was a bastard Targaryen so they should be keenly aware of the power of dragons.

Cersei paid them well was really the only explanation. Cersei had stolen the money to pay back the Iron bank of Bravos so the bank gave them a new huge loan to secure soldiers for the upcoming battle. Again pretty poor writing.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Here's something I can't remember anything about. Why did the Golden Company agree to take the contract with Cersei? They are from Essos and their founder was a bastard Targaryen so they should be keenly aware of the power of dragons.

Is the historical background part of the show? I know it’s rather important clue in the books in figuring out just who that “Aegon” is, or more importantly who he is not.


Got something right about marriage
I can't really remember anything about it in the show other than suddenly the golden company was a thing, and cersei had hired them. I guess they kind of forgot about dragons.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Cersei paid them well was really the only explanation. Cersei had stolen the money to pay back the Iron bank of Bravos so the bank gave them a new huge loan to secure soldiers for the upcoming battle. Again pretty poor writing.

yeah. there was a scene a few seasons ago that made it seem like the iron bank was going to turn on cersei. it was extremely obvious that the crown had no money left and for them to give her this big loan right away was super sketchy. cersei paying back her debt in one lump sum was just plain stupid because in reality, it's the ONLY thing keeping the bank interested in her staying in power. they want their money back and if she's not in power, they aren't getting it. as soon as she pays back her ENTIRE debt, the iron bank should have dropped her like a bad habit
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NeoGaf Donator
They were paying back some of the debt at least when they liquidated Highgarden(at least what didn’t get melted on the road). Plus, if I remember right, the Iron Bank was salty with Dany for fucking up the whole economy of Essos.


A Mod Real Quick
Here's something I can't remember anything about. Why did the Golden Company agree to take the contract with Cersei? They are from Essos and their founder was a bastard Targaryen so they should be keenly aware of the power of dragons.
And how lame they were. They didn't even get to fight, just instantly killed. Like the Dothraki. What a waste of CGI budget


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I have avoided this show during its entire run because I don't like GRRM's writing methodology, but I might have to revisit that policy. This thread is one of the best saltmines I have ever seen. Nothing unifies this community like having something terrible to bitch about.
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