GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
This slowing down the show frame by frame to look for a split second motion is retarded. You all realize that no one was actually poisoned right? That the show isn't real? If there is something going into a cup it's because the director chose to show it, and if he chose to show it, then it would have been because he wanted the audience to see it, and if he wanted the audience to see it then he wouldn't have made it a split second thing that you can't see without going through the scene in slow motion.
Which gif are you talking about here?

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
You know i just had a thought. Cersei fucking did it. They made it a point to show how she no longer has any power so i think she went ahead and seized that shit and murdered that annoying tumor Joffrey.


Molten Core Raider
This slowing down the show frame by frame to look for a split second motion is retarded. You all realize that no one was actually poisoned right? That the show isn't real? If there is something going into a cup it's because the director chose to show it, and if he chose to show it, then it would have been because he wanted the audience to see it, and if he wanted the audience to see it then he wouldn't have made it a split second thing that you can't see without going through the scene in slow motion.
That's what makes it so fun! D&D are always doing real subtle things like this to amuse and keep bookreaders wondering. The deed never was described in the books, so when you translate this to a show where the scene IS depicted, of course it's going to be scrutinized. I wanna see if I can get a glimpse, even in the show version, of what happened, especially considered GRRM wrote the episode himself.

One reason this show is so great is precisely for the way D&D are able to do these subtleties, and shots that just give the tiniest bit away while not making it obvious. If everything were obvious, the show would suck.


You know i just had a thought. Cersei fucking did it. They made it a point to show how she no longer has any power so i think she went ahead and seized that shit and murdered that annoying tumor Joffrey.
People have been discussing who did it for the last page or so. Just click the "How it really happened" link and it shows screenshots of it all happening.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
People have been discussing who did it for the last page or so. Just click the "How it really happened" link and it shows screenshots of it all happening.
Yeah i saw that. Its people grasping at straws.


FPS noob
i don't like the purple wedding at all, plot wise. It feels very weak. Red Wedding made sense - Lannisters get what they want, they get Roose as a new ally, and the Frey's get the blame down in history for fucking King Robb in a despicable way.

Purple Wedding makes absolutely NO SENSE. Olenna poisoning Joffrey before Marge has a baby in her has the potential for Marge becoming worthless, it was complete plot-armor-luck that the Lannisters agree to marry Tommen to Marge, it seems more likely for them to say "fuck that shit" and marry him off to someone else, making Marge the Unlucky Queen for a day. Getting rid of Tyrion and Sansa is pretty worthless to the Martell's, they should be concerned with Tywin's power and Jaime becoming the Lannister heir, not fucking around with Tyrion. Olenna keeps implying she is super smart and cunning but that whole sequence was boneheaded and depended on too many people outside her full control, especially if she worked with Littlefinger.

The only saving grace really is that Littlefinger is a goddamn erudite liar, so its entirely possible the stuff he has said in the books to Sansa are total lies and that we still don't really know the truth of what happened or who did it exactly, and that Littlefinger was not really involved at all (except to know it was going to go down) and took advantage of the situation to get Sansa out. i.e., Olenna was not working with Littlefinger but Varys instead to poison Cersei (or Tywin) but Littlefinger found out and manipulated events to kill Joffrey and bring out Sansa, sowing chaos.

Unfortunately I think the series is gonna explain next week that Olenna was working with Littlefinger and Joffrey was their target.


Trump's Staff
It wasn't really luck that the Lannisters agreed to marry Tommen to the Tyrells as well. Didn't the Lannisters need them, like, big time? Both for military power and money. Who else would the Lannisters turn to?


Molten Core Raider
Olenna cares about Margaery and spent a lot of time finding out exactly the type of person Joff was - The wedding night might not have been a pretty thing for Margaery, and Joff's tastes are more to the sadistic/perverted than normal sex (he's supposed to be only 13). It was shown that Margaery could not control Joffrey. If Dorne had been accused rather than Tyrion, the Lannisters would need Highgarden's support, swords, and money, and be more likely to marry Tommen, who is much easier to control than Joff, since the whole point of Marge/Joff was to tie the two houses together. The only question is if the throne is controlled by the Lannisters or the Tyrells. Prior, it was the Lannisters. But if Tywin were to go marching off to war (him dying is even better), it would be Highgarden's voice in the King's ear, assuming you found a way to get rid of Cersei - hence the marge/cersei war and the way they get rid of Cersei, or at least away from Tommen.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, the marriage was made because it was beneficial to both sides. Joffrey dying doesn't change any of that, so it's just common sense to go ahead with the arrangement as planned by marrying her to Tommen.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It wasn't really luck that the Lannisters agreed to marry Tommen to the Tyrells as well. Didn't the Lannisters need them, like, big time? Both for military power and money. Who else would the Lannisters turn to?
Exactly and spronk makes it seem completely one dimensional. I'd say Littlefinger played as large a part in the happening of this as Olenna did, maybe even pushed Olenna to have it happen sooner. Joffery needed to go ASAP and that was the best opportunity to have it happen and have someone who everyone already hates take the fall for it. There's no on-going investigation or thoughts of corruption. Every believes it was Tyrion and that's reaffirmed when the supposed gods decided it by having the mountain kill Oberyn. The timing might not have been good but the execution was perfect.


Vyemm Raider
Applying Occam's Razor results in the answer being that Jeoffrey died because he was too damn stupid to live.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I don't think you know what Ockham's razor means.
Yeah you are right. The Tyrels, who have everything to lose (not to mention the stupidity of sneaking the poison in through that necklace. What, the fucking TSA is frisking the grandmother of the queen upon entry to the wedding?), killing Joffrey is the more obvious possibility than Cersei or Tyrion or Sansa offing the little shit.


Trump's Staff
What exactly do the Tyrells have to lose? Who else can the Lannisters look to for a new queen, if they get rid of Margaery? They would have lost King's Landing if Loras hadn't come to save the day and the royal bank would be in very much trouble without them.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah you are right. The Tyrels, who have everything to lose (not to mention the stupidity of sneaking the poison in through that necklace. What, the fucking TSA is frisking the grandmother of the queen upon entry to the wedding?), killing Joffrey is the more obvious possibility than Cersei or Tyrion or Sansa offing the little shit.
I'd say now having a queen, loved by the people of King's Landing, as a claim to the throne means they have more to gain by killing Joff than they have to lose by killing Joff