Silver Baronet of the Realm
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According to the Lisbon Treaty...'Article 49 ASyriza is campaigning to stay in the EU but Greek banks are saying otherwise. Syriza wouldn't want to preside over the Greek secession since once the EU isn't around to catch all the blame, the Greeks might actually realize who they voted for.
The Troika has exhausted all the haircuts its creditors are willing to take so 30-50% debt forgiveness isn't happening. Remember that during the last round of debt forgiveness, Greece's creditors had already taken a 54% haircut. That's why Syriza hasn't pressed too hard on further debt forgiveness despite the fact that ONLY more debt forgiveness or just plain default are the only real options for Greece having a chance to dig out. Staying in and keeping that insane 175% debt-to-GDP ratio means that even if the Greek economy somehow grew at the rate of China's 7%, it'll keep sinking further and further into debt since it still wouldn't be able to service the debt and it would keep outgrowing the economy.
There's really no mechanism for kicking Greece out of the EU---there's not much in the Lisbon Treaty for leaving the EU at all tbh---so the likely scenario is quite literally the worst one: Greece stays in and their economy crashes without a clear path to fix it and Brussels kinda keeps them around to point at whenever a European city thinks about hosting the summer Olympics.
1. Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.
2. A Member State which decides to withdraw shall notify the European Council of its intention. In the light of the guidelines provided by the European Council, the Union shall negotiate and conclude an agreement with that State, setting out the arrangements for its withdrawal, taking account of the framework for its future relationship with the Union. That agreement shall be negotiated in accordance with Article 188 N(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. It shall be concluded on behalf of the Union by the Council, acting by a qualified majority, after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament.
Greece has to pay 360 BILLION euros. The EU, IMF demand they pay that amount in almost the same period of time as Portugal did (we all know they will not pay, just like Portugal didn't and Portugal "only" asked for 70 billion). When the former governments of Nea Demokratia ("Social Democrats") and PASOK ("socialists"), the only 2 parties that ruled Greece since '73, approved for more and more bailouts, everyone applauded. IMF, EU, Merkel, etc...they all said it was needed and they were in right path. And NOW a government , which the ruling party only got there because the other 2 only did shit FOR DECADES and the greek people was fed up, just wants more time and less harsh measures to fufill the agreement, everyone is like "oh those bastards, they don't want to pay."
So they want Greece to become some kind of beggars.
Fuck the EU really. Solidarity between people and blablablabla ...yeah yeah. Germany and France say jump and the rest will jump just because.
Just want GB to say yes, Le Pen in power and maybe, MAYBE then, european leaders will realize how incompetent they are.
Oh and one more thing, does the EU realize how important is Greece's geostrategic position? because even if Turkey is a NATO member, we all know how they deal things in that area. We need a country we can trust to secure that region.