Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


Fayvren said:
. . . While raiding my UI looked like a console of some air traffic controller. .
And this is why I just don"t raid anymore. With small groups, you actually play the game. With these large raids in WOW, you really don"t. My feelings towards mods are pretty much the same as Curt"s, so not going to repeat those.


Sunnyd said:

Granted I don"t raid any more in WoW, nor have I raided in EQ2, but the difference in player made mods I use between the two games is astonishing.
In EQ2 I use 1 mod, the EA2 map mod.
In WoW I use 40+. Granted, most of the mods wouldnt be needed if the defult UI was a bit more flexible. Let me move my hotbars around. Let me set the number of hotbars I see. Let me move around my buff/debuff bars. Let me move the portraits/bars of me, my group and the target etc.

Im not saying that EQ2 has the best default UI around, but certainly take a note from its books on the level of player customisation out of the box.
I agree, I am able to customize my EQ2 UI layout exactly the way I want it so much so that I find that I do not need a custom UI MOD installed. In fact the EQ2 Map MOD you mention is the only MOD I do use.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Gaereth said:
Aye....they removed anything that will select targets for you to do anything automatically. You can have macros that have choices on them...which basically become an if/then button. But in reality those are generally used simply to reduce barspace.
That"s good to hear. Thats hit was insane in pvp when I was playing.


I hope that article/IGN wasn"t mistaken and just figured since RA and Todd will be there that they will announce their IP/Name.

...I hope they announce it, it will be great news!


Gaereth said:
Basically, a lot of the UI mods allow notifications and info to be presented in a way that doesn"t make you stare at a certain spot incessantly until something does happen.
That is exactly what a good interface needs to do, and most MMOG interfaces don"t even come close to doing it. The WoW UI is generally conceded as the most intuitive, yet the number of useful mods out there shows how much it is lacking still. Any next gen MMOG must have options for:

- filterable, scrolling combat text above character

- important warning messages, with sounds if desired

- iteration on Offensive/Defensive targeting, with multiple designated targets, target-of-target etc.

- CT raid style MT/Assist windows for large groups

- target marking (preferably not based on Lucky Charms cereal)

- Cast Bar functionality, debuff/CC timer window for both yourself and enemies

- utilize nameplates and target markers as much as possible to keep players in the 3D world, not staring at 2D interface or scrolling text. You should be able to stack a ton of info on nameplates. Health, cast bar, combo points, etc..

- Decursive functionality (sorry for those who hate it, but manual dispel is the very definition of whack-a-mole UI monitoring)

- some automated heal options. i.e. heal most damaged, only heal sub 50%, etc. although this could be more appropriate for a ...

- good macro system

- real-time parsing utility (basically damage meters built in the UI. I never understood why this wasn"t built in every MMOG since developers actually parse stuff for class balance...right?)

- cooldown notification

Obviously all optional of course. Basically your goal as a UI designer is that players should rarely have to look at any character/numerical data except chat log.

One nice targeting system I have seen is Arena Live Frames. It shows class and life bars of all your enemies, and who your team has targeted in a very compact manner. Its the bar on the right in this 3v3 Arena video:

It was made by amateur modders, so I bet a real UI designer could iterate on it nicely.


I would also like to see a UI that adjust to the class. A lot of the mods used in WoW where class specific. Such as targeting mods for healers and stance and weapon switching mods for melee. Each class relies on different kinds of information and a good UI would take advantage of that.


Froofy-D said:
One nice targeting system I have seen is Arena Live Frames. It shows class and life bars of all your enemies, and who your team has targeted in a very compact manner. Its the bar on the right in this 3v3 Arena video:

It was made by amateur modders, so I bet a real UI designer could iterate on it nicely.
Bleh. Screw that addon. Mine (Arena Unit Frames) also shows opponent cast bars, ToT, debuffs, and mana/energy/rage. 3 months and I still haven"t gotten more downloads than live frames on curse Maybe mine isn"t pretty enough


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Curt Schilling is proud to present to you...Xena: The MMO

Chose from many various classes such as Warrior Princess, Lesbian Sidekick, Ted Raimi, and psychotic blond bitch! And only the truly hardcore will unlock the ultimate hero class: Bruce Campbell.


Cybsled said:
Curt Schilling is proud to present to you...Xena: The MMO

Chose from many various classes such as Warrior Princess, Lesbian Sidekick, Ted Raimi, and psychotic blond bitch! And only the truly hardcore will unlock the ultimate hero class: Bruce Campbell.
I would so plant some sandpaper in Curt"s hat before his next start.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Unless the IP is something really damned cool and original (instead of the usual teaparty of elves/orcs/dwarves/gnomes/midgets/obligatory furry race), I"d much rather hear about some of their gameplay idea"s, ie. why this won"t be WoW/EQ2 with prettier graphics.


If you read the press release you can see where some of the news outlets took their own spin and ran with it. There will be some cool stuff to see from an artistic standpoint, REALLY cool, but no, there won"t be any significant IP related announcements.

Apologies to those that got excited about that but it"s far too early to let you all start getting overhyped about something that"s that far off. We can only lose in that scenario, no matter how incredible the thing we create is.

Comicon is really a business opportunity for some people to see and meet Todd and RA, as well as Brett, Bill and Mary Kirchoff and some people on the business side of 38.

If we truly want to do more than just "make a game" we have to act as such. I think some of the leadership talent we have onboard is pretty impressive and there are panels and discussions they will participate in.

If you get a chance to hear them talk I think it will give you some incredible insight into us as a team and as a company as well as some of the vision we have for us, and the industry over the next decade.


Ngruk said:
If you read the press release you can see where some of the news outlets took their own spin and ran with it. There will be some cool stuff to see from an artistic standpoint, REALLY cool, but no, there won"t be any significant IP related announcements.

Apologies to those that got excited about that but it"s far too early to let you all start getting overhyped about something that"s that far off. We can only lose in that scenario, no matter how incredible the thing we create is.

Comicon is really a business opportunity for some people to see and meet Todd and RA, as well as Brett, Bill and Mary Kirchoff and some people on the business side of 38.

If we truly want to do more than just "make a game" we have to act as such. I think some of the leadership talent we have onboard is pretty impressive and there are panels and discussions they will participate in.

If you get a chance to hear them talk I think it will give you some incredible insight into us as a team and as a company as well as some of the vision we have for us, and the industry over the next decade.
Oh well, thanks for the clarification.


Yeah it"s pretty funny that IGN and the other MMO news sites have claimed that the name of the game and the IP will be revealed at Comic Con, when the press release only says that some 38 Studios staff will be there giving away things and having some discussion panels