Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling


Noah EQ2 said:
People would gain the initial concept and develop from there from the community.
I think one of the greatest side effects, was the often necessary interaction with people you didn"t know. I made many a doctor and enforcer friend tipping them at trade grid for Iron Circle and Behemoth.

FoghornDeadhorn said:
I think not being able to backstab or gouge with a staff or cast elaborate spells with a breastplate is pretty reasonable. There is a reason cloth classes wear robes instead of, you know, armor, in a world where they are constantly in mortal danger, after all. Not like it"s a concept that hasn"t been done.
I think the best example of this is EQ"s cleric. Imagine if they were able (through buffs, stats, and spec paths) to equip gear/items that improved thier healing abilities much further, but made them much less durable than thier native plate armor. I enjoyed my cleric immensely, but there were plenty of times when I knew I should be dead where I stood. NOT standing toe to toe and slugging it out with a mob as my mana insanely regenned.

Plate armor should have been a detriment to thier healing. Not a gimp level detriment, but not a huge bonus either. Complete Heal shouldn"t have been a spell clerics were handed at a specific level. It should have been anabilitythey moved thier specialization toward. And it should have been damn tough to obtain.


People whine enough about the metagaming aspect of WoW.. to make it necessary to even equip your gear would be fucking retarded. Just stop.
Considering we saw the "equip this to equip that" shit in Diablo I"m pretty sure it"s a feature they could avoid if they wanted to. It"s a really, REALLY stupid fucking feature, and not at all what I was aiming at, by the way.


FoghornDeadhorn said:
Considering we saw the "equip this to equip that" shit in Diablo I"m pretty sure it"s a feature they could avoid if they wanted to. It"s a really, REALLY stupid fucking feature, and not at all what I was aiming at, by the way.
Well, I certainly understand what you mean. All i"m saying is that a similar "type" of system without all the shit attached to frustrate players could open up a lot of possibilities.

At the end of the day, theres really not much outside of stats, items, abilities, and scripts that can be considered to build and tune encounters around. Especially when you come to the realisation that the only real "skill" you can possibly associate with an mmo is, more or less, reaction time. Strip away any of those things, and it becomes a shithouse mess.

These aren"t "physical" games were talking about. They"re things that require forethought, and at least a basic general knowledge of the type of character your playing, and how to play it most effectively. I think thats a big part of the problem. Effective replacing fun.

And thats before you even get into the "peer" aspect of it. Play your character the way thats most effective for the content, and you"re a huge asset to those you play with. Play your character in a manner thats fun for you, which may or may not conform to the "norm" depending on how you like to play, and suddenly, you suck at life and should DIAF.

Its opposite ends of a spectrum. And it always will be. Is there a middle ground somewhere that will please everyone? Of course not. But that doesn"t mean that the next WoW magnitude game can"t at least get a little closer.


What you are talking about is meta-gaming. Same shit we have been doing for years in WoW, only this time you have taken it from just being the best you can possibly be to requiring it to even equip gear enough to not get laughed at.

It"s one thing to do a PuG heroic with someone that doesn"t know optimal rotations, doesn"t powerlevel JC/BS to equip all the best prismatic gems in the right sockets for bonuses and doesn"t use spreadsheets and complex formula to determine how much DPS he could gain from dropping 10ap to gain 5 hit rating. Now you want them to jump through these hoops to even put on a pair of fucking pants.

No. Just no. The system sounds stupid. I have enough headaches everytime I get a single upgrade and have to spend hours calculating the optimal gems and enchants I have to do all over every week.


Twobit Whore said:
I have enough headaches everytime I get a single upgrade and have to spend hours calculating the optimal gems and enchants I have to do all over every week.
I go through the same thing man. I know what you"re saying. And i"m NOT saying I disagree.

Its a damned if you do, damned if you don"t thing.

Damned by those who want thier minds and reactions challenged further on a constant basis, or damned by those who don"t want to be bothered and get pissed because its required to do so in order to be most effective. You can only go so far in either direction before one camp or the other starts bitching about it.

Which is why I think AO hit a sweet spot with it. If you didn"t find any particular enjoyment in spending hours, or even days twinking your toon, you could still do just fine. If you did enjoy it however, the payoff was well worth the effort. But not much moreso than the alternative. At level 25, if me and 4 of my friends halt leveling to twink and you and 4 of your friends kept going, at the end of a week were still going to be in the same general area of content.

I"m not saying that such a system is a necessity. I"m saying that the underlying premise would be an asset rather than a hinderance. Its another aspect of the game that you can CHOOSE to take part in or not.


If I didn"t know Sessler and saw him on the street I know for a fact I would peg him as a child molester or something. That guy just gives me the creeps.


Avatar of War Slayer
GuyJantica said:
Was it weird having Adam Sessler talk to you over his shoulder like that the whole time while squared up with the camera? Looked awkward.
haha, I didn"t even notice that. I just turned it on and when back to photoshop. That is bizarre.


Hah, I wondered because he was considerably downstage of you... was it just a tiny area? Looked like a scene from Taxicab Confessions or something.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____


Hey guys, we"re internet famous!

The Escapist Schilling Article said:
"The GMG name was, and I know this is going to be impossible to believe, not named after the left field wall at Fenway," Schilling wrotein a message on the Fires of Heaven Guild forum."The name was made up by someone who knew next to nothing about baseball and isn"t even from this country." He"s right, I don"t believe him. It was renamed to 38 Studios in spring 2007.
Yeah, I know FoH isn"t exactly some unknown site, but it"s nice being part of a community worth mentioning in newsy articles.


Cadrid said:
Yeah, I know FoH isn"t exactly some unknown site, but it"s nice being part of a community worth mentioning in newsy articles.
I"d have thought more people read these forums than readThe Escapist.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I"d certainly be interested in seeing some traffic stats. Where"s an admin when you need one?


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
ToeMissile said:
I"d certainly be interested in seeing some traffic stats. Where"s an admin when you need one?
Escapist has a better rank. Although, I grew our network as a whole from 500k uniques/mo to 5 million uniques/mo, so we are a much larger entity.

Traffic Rank: 28,377 5,929


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
So I"m a bit slow or something, as I don"t quite understand how to read those graphs...


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
ToeMissile said:
So I"m a bit slow or something, as I don"t quite understand how to read those graphs...
Websites are ranked based on popularity, 1 is the largest website on the internet, 2 the 2nd, and so on.

Fohguild is ranked the 28,377th largest site on the internet and Escapist being the 5,929th largest site.

Left side shows the ranks and bottom shows the time frame. To put it simply, it demonstrates growth and loss over a period of time.

Alexa traffic rank for

Yesterday 37,325
7 day avg 30,185
1 month avg 27,924
3 month avg 28,377
3 month change 5,579

Alexa traffic rank for

Yesterday 3,758
7 day avg 4,406
1 month avg 5,385
3 month avg 5,929
3 month change -1,060

Alexa is usually what I use to figure out how large and popular sites are. The best way to find a site"s worth and growth is based upon their unique viewers over certain periods of time, but that isn"t exactly public knowledge.

I had to compile lists and contacts of all popular gaming sites on the internet so I keep in the know on where things are shifting.