Hey, you guys are the experts. Provide me with a reasonable number. I pulled ten out of my hat as a nice round number.Why not 9?
Your inability to conceive a solution outside of hamfisted and arbitrary bans on types of guns or magazine sizes doesn't mean that there isn't a solution, or that there is no debateSo if your answer is that any restriction on gun owners at all is stupid, why should I even bother engaging you? What makes you worth debating with?
there's my thoughts, put concisely.If we want to lower homicides in this country, the best way to do that would be to stop the war on drugs and try to clean up the gangs in places like Chicago. Not restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens.
If you're not willing to consider any restrictions on guns, ammo, or magazines, what is left to restrict? Sights? Slings?Your inability to conceive a solution outside of hamfisted and arbitrary bans on types of guns or magazine sizes doesn't mean that there isn't a solution, or that there is no debate
duppin, you're clearly not a stupid person. you need to switch perspectives for a moment, consider a waterfall effect stemming from X causing violence & unfortunately being carried out with firearms. Are the inanimate objects to blame, or X?If you're not willing to consider any restrictions on guns, ammo, or magazines, what is left to restrict? Sights? Slings?
Why are you considering these restrictions? What are you trying to stop?If you're not willing to consider any restrictions on guns, ammo, or magazines, what is left to restrict? Sights? Slings?
Once again, note how myopic and narrow your view is. You can't conceive of any solution except ban, ban, ban.If you're not willing to consider any restrictions on guns, ammo, or magazines, what is left to restrict? Sights? Slings?
That's a pretty accurate description of your average NRA member. Bully for you if you're the exception.As to your edit from above Duppin, everyone is being aggressive toward you cause of the reasons I stated previously. You came in calling all of "us" pussies and equated us to goverment fearing rednecks who sit in a chair with a black rifle across our laps as we face the door, fearing Obama Stormtroopers.
When the inanimate objects in question vastly increase a person's ability to inflict harm on others, it's stupid not to look and see whether there's ways to reduce that risk to society.Are the inanimate objects to blame, or X?
Are you really trying to pretend that one person's ability to quickly inflict harm on others hasn't scaled massively in the modern world?But getting rid of guns will make violence go away? Violence existed before the AR-15 and 30 rd mags
You dumb, duppin
It won't get rid of violence, it will dramatically reduce it. Yet you aren't even interested in discussing them, because it doesn't involve banning. God, you really are narrow-minded. As Araysar said, open your mind and think a little outside your banbox.Otherwise, you're left waiting for some dreamworld where people stop finding reasons to harm each other. It's why I'm ignoring the shit about the drug war and gangs that Khalid keeps spouting. People have found reasons to inflict violence on each other throughout all of recorded history. Getting rid of two of them isn't suddenly going to make violence disappear.
Yet violence has continued to decrease as the world has gotten more modern and guns have increased in lethality. Which essentially disproves your point.Are you really trying to pretend that one person's ability to quickly inflict harm on others hasn't scaled massively in the modern world?
I'm with you to an extent. But let's backtrack okay? If we were to let's say cut GUN related violence in NY, DC, LA, and CHI by 50% for the next 10 years, just those four cities - suddenly the US would rival Belarus and Barbados, and fall to the 11th for annual gun related violence...When the inanimate objects in question vastly increase a person's ability to inflict harm on others, it's stupid not to look and see whether there's ways to reduce that risk to society.
Otherwise, you're left waiting for some dreamworld where people stop finding reasons to harm each other. It's why I'm ignoring the shit about the drug war and gangs that Khalid keeps spouting. People have found reasons to inflict violence on each other throughout all of recorded history. Getting rid of two of them isn't suddenly going to make violence disappear.