I was rather confused he left her behind but took the suits and his own personal silver team sniper. Hell he took the artifacts which were right there to the little AI dongle you could just pick up and run.could have been a lot worse. lots of really REALLY stupid shit though like letting Cortana get taken. have to assume the one elite is the Arbiter but until I hear Keith David i'm just going to assume it's still shit tier writing.
This episode...
Weakest so far, and that's saying something. The only saving grace for me was the ending scene.
Looking forward to next week if it shows them training the Spartan III's at Camp Currahee. However knowing that show is already so far off the rails I doubt we get more than the closing scene of the three company's of Spartan III's. Makes sense that they gave up Reach believing the Spartan III's would save humanity.
Seriously, I was thinking the writers knew Jack shit and Trans dad was no surprisejohn was sedated for 2 days and woke up, then he slept again for 3 days, vannak just laying there for 5 days at room temperature isn't maggot food. i'm guessing kessler is gonna be a spartan iii
horrible episode, it's like 15 girls came together and wrote it
i was close, that looks like someone that would write such a shit episode
This is why you don't make lady Spartans.
Giving up a planet like Reach with out a fight is never worthwhile.
If you were going to make a super soldier why start with the physically inferior sex?In this universe yeah. In the game universe two of chief's usual squad are women and they're kind of awesome.
I haven't seen it. don't sub to cruchyroll or anything. but thought it was funny soI'm fine with those of you that have the SJW take on it with women in these roles. I mean, really, it doesnt fucking matter in this universe because the show is almost directionless. "Almost" because the last scene in the last episode. I cant wait for Master Chief, Pablo Schreiber, to go off on some solo self found quest with Dr. Halsey, ultimately making him less relevant. Meanwhile, we have Kai-125, Kate Kennedy, playing the leader of the army role, getting into the most action packed battles etc. Doing all the shit master chief would be doing if he wasnt playing second fiddle to the SJW motives that the cucked out directors/writers have in mind.
Every single fucking show that gains at least "some" traction with a mostly male audience, they dive off the fucking deep end and make it all about women. Ffs, its tiring. But again, its whatever, because the show is barely on my watch list as it is. I'd rather watch a fucking anime, Frieren, a show purposefully made to have a female lead.