Health Care Thread


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Isn't hockey the sport that's so boring the owners are afraid of stopping a tradition of having their players pummel each other with fist fights, because it would affect attendance?


Elisha Dushku
The majority of you refuse to make simple deductions and too many of you are blindly supporting Obamacare. If this site is still around in 2016 it will be fun to watch the wailing as most of you lose your insurance and start facing the ridiculous deductibles and significantly higher premiums for sub-standard care and/or find themselves having to make appointments with their doctor three months in advance and/or wait ten hours in the ER for that hockey puck injury.

See the difference between the US and Canada is that we actually have roughly ten times their population and smart people realize that what works on a small scale doesn't necessarily work so well once you scale up.

As I said, it'll be fun to see reality intrude on your fantasies.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
why wouldnt healthcare work when scaled up from 30 million people to 300 million?


JunkiesNetwork Donor
We have ten times the population and ten times the GDP, your flimsy excuse is, well, flimsy. If scaling up never works then please explain to us why we can have the largest military force in the history of humanity and it isn't an abject failure?

Obamacare is going to suck because it's not socialized enough. Higher deductibles and higher premiums are symptoms of privatized health care, not socialized health care.


Elisha Dushku
why wouldnt healthcare work when scaled up from 30 million people to 300 million?
In this is why it's pointless to argue with you idiots. If you can't realize the difference between providing services for 30 million and 300 million then what's the point?

TheBeagle is just as, if not more stupid. The effect of socialized medical care is to de-incentivize people to become doctors, UK NHS has only worked because they stole doctors from the commonwealth resulting in worse care in India and elsewhere and adequate care in the UK. We don't have places to easily steal cheap doctors.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Please show us where this hyper-capitalistic utopian society that you conservatives espouse actually exists. A land free of governmental regulation and social safety nets.

Are you arguing that health care before Obummercare was passed was working out great and in the best interests of our country? Please tell us how you keep premiums affordable when 50 million people go uninsured and pass their healthcare costs onto the ER's which are then passed on to paying consumers.


Elisha Dushku
Please show us where this hyper-capitalistic utopian society that you conservatives espouse actually exists. A land free of governmental regulation and social safety nets.

Are you arguing that health care before Obummercare was passed was working out great and in the best interests of our country? Please tell us how you keep premiums affordable when 50 million people go uninsured and pass their healthcare costs onto the ER's which are then passed on to paying consumers.
Healthcare was better before Obamacare. Currently looks like there will be more uninsured Jan 1, 2014 than before.

The only people who benefited from Obamacare were baby boomers not yet eligible for Medicare.

Basically Obamacare takes money from poor people (the young) and gives it to the rich (baby boomers).

Yet again Obama shows that the only group he gives a shit about are white baby boomers. Blacks, Hispanics, teens, young adults and retired all have done worse under Obama and Obamacare is the biggest middle finger yet.

Keep defending it bro!


JunkiesNetwork Donor
You are a retard, I haven't been defending Obamacare. I think it's a pile of shit. I also think the previous system was a pile of shit. But keep slaying those imaginary dragons in your head.


Elisha Dushku
You are a retard, I haven't been defending Obamacare. I think it's a pile of shit. I also think the previous system was a pile of shit. But keep slaying those imaginary dragons in your head.
You're arguing with every point I've made against Obamacare. That's termed "defending it" you total fuckwad.

If you're on meth and you're thinking you're making cogent arguments: you're not. You still haven't told me where you're going to magically make all the doctors appear that you need to appear for a single-payer system to work. You going to institute press gangs in India? Or force people to get M.D.s now that you've made it as economically appealing as a mealy apple? You're going to wish them into existence? Please, enlighten all of us.

But hey if you're really just trolling, well then fuck off.


Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Tad10 is truly amazing in just how retarded he is, the state of health care in this country is fucking garbage for everyone involved with the exception of insurance companies. The insured pay for themselves and the uninsured and everyone gets a worse experience for it but we can't move to a universal health care system where everyone pays their own share because dumb fucks like Tad10 think its literally impossible to implement. A country that put a man on the moon, the Hubble telescope, etc etc etc can't figure out how to copy another country because "LOL SCALE".

Let's pretend if we can manage to get them to admit that medicare for everyone isn't that hard to implement, we will move to the next retarded argument which passes as logic with them idiots. Fraud and Waste, any amount of fraud of waste and the whole thing has to be scrapped, even if it's actually cheaper to just accept the fraud and waste we have to throw the baby out with the bath water because if even one fucking dead beat son of a bitch waste money or gets something free then FUCK EVERYONE. As if fraud and waste are only present in government and not a part of everything that we as a species have ever done. Just think back to school when you got placed in a group, there was the lazy guy (dead beat/waste), the guy who did nothing but takes all the credit (fraud) and the one guy that does all the work. Though for some reason waste and fraud in defense spending is perfectly acceptable when it helps to kill brown people.

So yes Tad it is pointless to debate with us, when nothing you say is based on logic or fact it's kind of hard for us to say anything that will get through the wall of stupid you have built around yourself.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
I was half assed arguing for socialized medicine, which Obummercare most decidedly is not. Thanks for the - net though, cry harder.

Your strawman argument of disappearing MD's is completely made up and without merit, I'm not going to fall for such a ham-fisted attempt at a trap. Every single medical school in the country still has more people applying than being accepted. Where is the shortage of doctors in Canada? If your argument is based on 'they have ten times fewer people, derp', guess what, they also have ten times fewer MDs.

How come we can have the most elite military force in the world and it's completely socialized and run by the Federal Government Turd10? What is so magical about running the military that it can be done at a federal level but health care can't?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
well the american association of medical colleges says there is going to be a shortage. they list adding 30 million new people into the system as part of the main reason (+ baby boomers retiring )

The shortfall in the number of physicians will affect everyone, but the impact will be most severe on
vulnerable and underserved populations. These groups include the approximately 20 percent of Americans who
live in rural or inner-city locations designated as health professional shortage areas.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
well the american association of medical doctors says there is going to be a shortage. they list adding 30 million new people into the system as part of the main reason (+ baby boomers retiring )
Jesus Christ you guys are psychopaths. You guys are pissed because MORE people will have insurance? You will only be happy as long as you are comforted in the fact that 32 million Americans remain uninsured? Is that the point of linking the article? Because what you linked makes no mention of a doctor shortage because they aren't getting paid enough, but because baby boomers are getting old and the previously uninsured will now have coverage.

he Census Bureau projects a 36 percent growth in the number of Americans over age 65, the very segment of
the population with the greatest health care needs.
The passage of health care reform, while setting in motion long-overdue efforts to insure an additional 32 million Americans, will increase the need for doctors and exacerbate a physician shortage driven by the rapid expansion of the number of Americans over age 65
In fact, your article actually argues for MORE assistance from the Federal Government in shoring up our health care. Do you even fucking read what you link garglechimp?

Congress must lift the freeze on Medicare-supported residency positions.
Medicare must continue paying for its share of training costs by supporting at least a 15 percent increase in GME positions


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
You guys are pissed because MORE people will have insurance?
Bear in mind the majority of these people are the ones that DON'T WANT IT TO BEGIN WITH, and are having it forced on them.

You realize the way you align your positions you're actually arguing it's better to hurt large groups of minorities so pampered white kids who where never for the most part in danger can pay for their elderly parents who have nothing better to do than watch politics and vote?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Doctors boycotting California's Obamacare exchange |

An estimated seven out of every 10 physicians in deep-blue California are rebelling against the state's Obamacare health insurance exchange and won't participate, the head of the state's largest medical association said.
California's doctor rebellion isn't unique. Pollock previously reported comparable situations at 15 other locations around the country. Not only are thousands of doctors saying no to Obamacare, so are major health insurance providers, including United Healthcare, Aetna and Cigna, as well as some of the nation's most famous hospitals. Among the latter group are Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, Memorial Sloan-Kettering and NewYork-Presbyterian in New York, and the Physicians Regional Hospital in Naples, Florida, which was formerly associated with the Cleveland Clinic.

These developments herald an approaching crisis for Obamacare that will dwarf the present confusion and political damage caused by disastrous launch of The coming crisis will force the hands of President Obama and the program's main congressional advocates, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. If just half - to say nothing of 70 percent - of America's doctors refuse to treat Obamacare patients, Obama, Reid and Pelosi will have to decide whether to throw in the towel or to ramrod through Congress legislation to force doctors to do their bidding.
Examiner Editorial: Obamacare will end up forcing doctors to take patients |

Just as cars can't go anywhere without drivers and employees can't work without bosses, health care doesn't happen when there are no doctors around. And when an estimated 70 percent of the doctors in the nation's deepest-blue state are rebelling against Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act is forcing a critical decision: America will have to junk Obamacare and go back to square one on health insurance reform, or trash the last vestige of private health care in this country by forcing doctors to do the government's bidding.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Whether it's better or not, this should tell you that insurance companies are going to start narrowing the networks they operate in order to cut their costs, your ability to chose the doctor you like would also have to be narrowed as a consequence.

Ezekiel Emanuel

WALLACE: Wait. No. He asked a question. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Did he not say that, sir?

EMANUEL: He didn't say you could have unlimited choice.

WALLACE: It's a simple yes or no question. Didn't he say if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?

EMANUEL: Yes. But look, if you want to pay more for an insurance company that covers your doctor, you can do that. This is a matter of choice. We know in all sorts of places you pay more for certain -- for a wider range of choices or wider range of benefits. The issue isn't the selective networks. People keep saying, 'Oh, the problem is you're going to have a selective network.'

WALLACE: Well, if you lose your doctor or lose your hospital --

EMANUEL: Let me just say something.People are going to have a choice as to whether they want to pay a certain amount for a selective network or pay more for a broader network.

WALLACE: Which means your premiums will probably go up.

EMANUEL: They get that choice. That's a choice you've always made.

WALLACE: Which means your premium may go up over what you were paying so that, in other words --

EMANUEL: No one guaranteed you that your premium wouldn't increase. Premiums have been going up.


The hilarity of your argument is that we handed, or more like, the government seized control of healthcare, fumbled around and fucked it all up exactly as conservatives predicted they would because they fuck up everything they are handed, and the liberal argument is that the government didn't have ENOUGH control and if they did, it would be this healthcare utopia and we would all gather round and sing fucking kumbaya. Shit don't work, and it will never work because the government is a running fucking joke filled with incompetents and idiots. The ACA is just the latest example of how NOT to run something. But sure guys, I'm sure your right. Based on the history of government in charge of programs, lets do single payer. I'm sure THAT will work.


Buzzfeed Editor
Bear in mind the majority of these people are the ones that DON'T WANT IT TO BEGIN WITH, and are having it forced on them.

You realize the way you align your positions you're actually arguing it's better to hurt large groups of minorities so pampered white kids who where never for the most part in danger can pay for their elderly parents who have nothing better to do than watch politics and vote?
If a man doesn't want insurance, and then he goes in for treatment, who pays for his care?