Health Care Thread


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Maybe I took you wrong, you were anti the past few pages - assumed it was sarcasm making a really poorly thought implication. Otherwise it's just redundant with what others have already said (I know myself for one...)


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
That's why the employer mandate wasillegallyextended.
Woah..woah..woah. Hold the fucking phone here. I thought the ACA was illegal in the first place? Sorry, I'm just trying keep up to date on all the GOP rhetoric. How can something be doubly illegal? Is that like double-secret probation?


Trump's Staff
YAY I hope it fails so I can go back to not being able to afford insurance or see a doctor. Victory! Soon we'll be back to the old system, with its rapid inflation and unsustainable costs. The most expensive, shittiest health care system in the developed world! USA! USA! USA!

Stupid poors shouldn't be able to go to a doctor, only an increasingly shrinking number of well-to-dos should be able to afford that privilege. Deductibles are growing, networks and coverage are shrinking, wages are stagnant - STAY THE COURSE!

If Obamacare fails then what the fuck are we going to have?
Obamacare doesn't address any of those issues. It's insurance reform, and none of those problems have much to do with insurance. Insurance companies had/have profit margins of 3-5%, there's simply not much "extra" money there that you can take. The rapid inflation comes entirely from two sources:

1. Medicare/Medicaid pumping $600 billion of borrowed money into the system every year.
2. Massive, incredible amounts of price gouging by pharmaceutical and medical supply companies. When you get handed a monopoly on the production of something that a lot of people need to live, the sky's the limit on how much you can charge.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Obamacare doesn't address any of those issues. It's insurance reform, and none of those problems have much to do with insurance. Insurance companies had/have profit margins of 3-5%, there's simply not much "extra" money there that you can take. The rapid inflation comes entirely from two sources:

1. Medicare/Medicaid pumping $600 billion of borrowed money into the system every year.
2. Massive, incredible amounts of price gouging by pharmaceutical and medical supply companies. When you get handed a monopoly on the production of something that a lot of people need to live, the sky's the limit on how much you can charge.
The insurance companies may only have 3-5% profit margins (I'm not disputing or agreeing with this number) but thats not their "cost". The amount of bureaucracy they add has a tremendous cost which isn't reflected in their multi-billion profit numbers.


Trump's Staff
The insurance companies may only have 3-5% profit margins (I'm not disputing or agreeing with this number) but thats not their "cost". The amount of bureaucracy they add has a tremendous cost which isn't reflected in their multi-billion profit numbers.
Why does this bureaucracy exist if it's not needed? If it was superfluous, the insurance companies would have gotten rid of it a long time ago. To say otherwise is to claim that they hate making money and/or don't know how to run their own companies and are wasting the money. This is why the enforced 80/20 split from Obamacare is so retarded, all it does is make everything cost more. They wouldn't devote more than 20% to "bureaucracy" if they didn't maximize profits by doing so, and since there's no "excessive" profits for any savings to come out of by enforcing this, either, it's just a terrible idea.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Why does this bureaucracy exist if it's not needed? If it was superfluous, the insurance companies would have gotten rid of it a long time ago. To say otherwise is to claim that they hate making money and/or don't know how to run their own companies and are wasting the money. This is why the enforced 80/20 split from Obamacare is so retarded, all it does is make everything cost more. They wouldn't devote more than 20% to "bureaucracy" if they didn't maximize profits by doing so, and since there's no "excessive" profits for any savings to come out of by enforcing this, either, it's just a terrible idea.
I'm not saying the bureaucracy is superfluous to the insurance company; obviously they would eliminate it if they could. But since they have to administer their own independent health plans, they need certain infrastructure that is duplicated over and over throughout each company.

There's a cost to administrate the plans, advertise, handle claims (i.e. deny claims), ensure compliance with federal regs, administrate the company itself, HR, managers, etc...

Whereas if medicare just covered everyone, that whole layer would be redundant because medicare already makes all the coverage and cost decisions.

Not to mention the increased cost to Hospitals and Doctors offices who hire entire departments and exterior companies to handle dealing with insurance companies.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No. That's why insurance was cheaper for healthy people before they were forced onto Obamacare. That's why the employer mandate was illegally extended. Because democrats didn't want 40 million healthy people to realize they have been conned before midterms. Did you not read anything about Obamacare in the last 6 years?
He only reads the approved Obama sound bites and like a good little robot he believes them all.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It was only funny (and true) the first time. You'll have to use one of your 2 neurons and try harder.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sorry chump, I stopped reading when I saw
Of course you did. But you missed the part where the author is a liberal. But since your 2 neurons can't handle that dichotomy, you instantly went towards your favorite bigoted position. Like all true idiots.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Why would I care if the author is a liberal? Seems like you're the one who has trouble getting your neurons to fire.


Trump's Staff
I'm not saying the bureaucracy is superfluous to the insurance company; obviously they would eliminate it if they could. But since they have to administer their own independent health plans, they need certain infrastructure that is duplicated over and over throughout each company.

There's a cost to administrate the plans, advertise, handle claims (i.e. deny claims), ensure compliance with federal regs, administrate the company itself, HR, managers, etc...

Whereas if medicare just covered everyone, that whole layer would be redundant because medicare already makes all the coverage and cost decisions.

Not to mention the increased cost to Hospitals and Doctors offices who hire entire departments and exterior companies to handle dealing with insurance companies.
What does this have to do with the ACA? You're now talking about some theoretical future system that doesn't exist yet.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
if government nationalizes the entire health care industry, people would probably go to hospital on the basis of need instead of want, which could remove money from the equation.

I mean who the fuck wants to go to a hospital?

sort of funny that free market isn't really a good option for higher tiers of health care (i.e. surgeries). probably less efficient than government bureaucracy.

i also noticed that people insured everything, including dental check ups and simple treatments. I never did that shit in South Korea. We paid like $10-20 per meeting and shit. Never cost more than $40.

And then I come to Canada and get charged $60 for fucking eye check up.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Actual socialized medicine would be way better than Obamacare. Pretty much everyone agrees with this now, even some republicans.

And Obamacare is still better than the system we had before the ACA.