Health Care Thread


Vyemm Raider
If someone is working less then the work doesn't magically go away. Someone else will have to be paid money to do that work. That seems ideal to me. Maybe their partner is more than making ends meet and they are choosing to spend more time making sure their kids don't grow up to be convicts. Why do you hate children?

For example, today I'm strongly considering cutting short my work day because I woke up at 4am with what felt like a cement block broken into lots of sharp edges moving through my bowels. It turned out to be more akin to jello pudding, which doesn't make a lot of sense given the amount of pain but there you go. I'll make less money for the day, therefore my choices are making me poor, but at least I'll get some god damn sleep.

EDIT: Should my reply make no sense, it's because fana's original post 37 minutes before his edit didn't even mention social security or contain an article. It was something like "but if people work less the economy suffers because they are spending less!"


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
In general employers ideal conditions are when they have a large labor pool to choose from (like right now) when someone leaves if they aren't irreplacable you can often see the employer just ask the other people to pick up the slack, atleast for a good period of time, don't like it? they know it will be harder to go find another job and if you do they know the labor pool will make it easier to replace you. the employer has alot more leverage when there is alot of unemployed.

skilled labor has more leverage against this behavoir but anything unskilled or even semi skilled is at a disadvantage.


Vyemm Raider
And it does the employer no good if the work isn't being done or is done in a sloppy shit manner.


Trump's Staff
My premium went from $33 a week for crappy insurance that I never used to $95 a week for even crappier insurance that I refused to be bilked for. The only people who I meet who like this abortion of a law are the shitstains who always feel like their neighbor should get up and go to work so they can sit at home and sponge off them and then complain that they still arent getting enough of their neighbors sweat. The people who actually do the work that keeps this country moving are getting screwed HARD and that becomes clearer and clearer everyday that passes.

This law is going to collapse and in a spectacular fashion.
Just because your premium tripled doesn't mean the cost of the plan tripled. Your employer probably just decided to pass the whole cost increase onto you.


Karazhan Raider
You have to suspend it to see whats in it. Amirite?

Employer Mandate Delayed another Year:



Vyemm Raider
YAY I hope it fails so I can go back to not being able to afford insurance or see a doctor. Victory! Soon we'll be back to the old system, with its rapid inflation and unsustainable costs. The most expensive, shittiest health care system in the developed world! USA! USA! USA!

Stupid poors shouldn't be able to go to a doctor, only an increasingly shrinking number of well-to-dos should be able to afford that privilege. Deductibles are growing, networks and coverage are shrinking, wages are stagnant - STAY THE COURSE!

If Obamacare fails then what the fuck are we going to have?


Avatar of War Slayer
i want the current system to fail.
it need to be reformed from the ground up and no one is going to support that, right now you just have peons being fleeced to feed the medical and insurance business


Vyemm Raider
But the only way to accomplish that is to put tens of thousands of people and an entire industry out of work. What politician is going to do that? Too big to fail, remember?

We're stuck with slapping band-aids over the system we have. And then bitching that the band-aid goes too far / doesn't go far enough.

Conservatives can talk about the magic bullet of tort reform and interstate competition blah blah but those are all things that can be done in addition to the ACA. You don't have to repeal it to do those things.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Technically tort and interstate competition were lightly included in the ACA even.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Fucking autocorrect.

@Kruegan. Obamacare is worse than what it replaced. So yeah bring back the old and busted. Better than the new and totally fucked.
Old and busted the conservative answer, how about single payer and scale isnt a valid answer until you can explain why scale prevents the US from implementing it.


Vyemm Raider
Fucking autocorrect.

@Kruegan. Obamacare is worse than what it replaced. So yeah bring back the old and busted. Better than the new and totally fucked.
Based on what? How many years of results and statistics do you have to back up the claim that you are pulling straight out of your ass?

Did you EVER think it was going to work? Were you calling it a failure before you even knew one single word of the actual law?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Fucking autocorrect.

@Kruegan. Obamacare is worse than what it replaced. So yeah bring back the old and busted. Better than the new and totally fucked.
Citation needed - remember every single metric needs to be covered and EVERY SINGLE ONE needs to be worse to make your statement accurate and not hyperbole - GO!

To make it easier for you, at least a few metrics are clearly improving with it - portion of people covered is growing.


Elisha Dushku
Old and busted the conservative answer, how about single payer and scale isnt a valid answer until you can explain why scale prevents the US from implementing it.
For today I'll go with you can't make doctors with 3d printers and you can't come up with new drugs with magic wishes.


Elisha Dushku
Based on what? How many years of results and statistics do you have to back up the claim that you are pulling straight out of your ass?

Did you EVER think it was going to work? Were you calling it a failure before you even knew one single word of the actual law?
it was never going to work. Obamacare relies on healthy poorer young people subsidizing the health care of unhealthy richer old people. Unless you are a baby boomer you should be outraged.