Health Care Thread


Vyemm Raider
But but 6 million people LOST their insurance! They weren't given a choice of a new plan that was ACA complaint, it's just gone and they can NEVER GET IT BACK! BEEENGAAAAZIIII

/sorry, was reading about CPAC, and laughing.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Why do we do a survey of 23,000 people? Why aren't the actual numbers available?
There's no public database of insured people yet - after the insurance mandate is in place there will MOSTLY be one (those that take insurance and opt to not report it and take the penalty will be the only "hidden ones" then) - until then there's literally no way to track it other than voluntary polling.

(You know, this is all part of why you can't just have your insurance tied to your SSN or something else so you don't have to give all your insurance information to every single doctor you see rather than just keeping it up to date and giving them only a few data points... that whole inefficiency for the sake of privacy)


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
apparently insurance companies can't add up how many policies they have without attaching something to your social security number


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
That's a ton to track plus the whole thing with secondary and tertiary policies, my wife and I carry 3 standard health insurances each so we'd count three times under each insurance company reporting.

If that was even an option which it's not under HIPA without a waiver per client.

So good job on ignoring reality. Privacy laws get in the way of stuff like this, it's impractical to have it both ways.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
apparently insurance companies can't add up how many policies they have without attaching something to your social security number
You couldn't get a fucking Block Busters card without your social security number, what the fuck are you so pissed that medical people want your social for? When they ask for it at the doctors office do you get up and leave, what about the ER? Show them you wont stand for this injustice, refuse to seek medical attention if they want your social security for once in your life have the courage of your convictions!


Vyemm Raider
You couldn't get a fucking Block Busters card without your social security number, what the fuck are you so pissed that medical people want your social for? When they ask for it at the doctors office do you get up and leave, what about the ER? Show them you wont stand for this injustice, refuse to seek medical attention if they want your social security for once in your life have the courage of your convictions!
Slight derail. I never give the doctor's office or Blockbuster (your example) my SSN and I'm never denied service. They don't need it, they know that and I think those forms were designed at a time when ID theft was not the big deal it is today. /derail


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The President responded that "if you looked at their cable bill, their telephone, their cell phone bill. it may turn out that, it's just they haven't prioritized health care." He added that if a family member gets sick, the father "will wish he had paid that $300 a month."

Thats it gameover for the democrats trying tell america to give up cable TV and there smart phones to pay for Obamacare. He may as well have told them to sale there guns and bibles to psy for Obamacare as well.


Vyemm Raider
Where they screwed up was going after the quality of insurance plans instead of just focusing on the subsidy side and pre-existing condition stuff. In loosely regulated states where any piece of shit was allowed to be called "insurance" the rates went up so massively that it created this nice number the GOP can scream about while conveniently ignoring all the states where this didn't happen. North Carolina managed to go from one of the cheapest states to one of the most expensive - and I'm quite sure the hillbillies in charge are quite happy with that result. There's no reason for their rates to be so much higher than the states around them. There is no way it is an accident.

The amount of absolute bullshit and lies on the internet and media is so overwhelming that it's impossible to even guess at the true rates. Right wing organizations have absolutely flooded the media with propaganda. Searches just bring up months old speculation with projections like "an exponential increase of 30-40%!" Exponential, really? x^0.3? No bias there, right? The misinformation campaign surrounding Obamacare is like nothing we've ever seen. Freedom of the press? More like the freedom of a handful of people with money to drown out everyone else. Why the fuck are the only studies you can find either the CBO's projections, or funded by some right-wing organization? And none of it from after Jan 1st, when the real rates were finally known and locked in.

All I know for sure is that I can look at what I'm paying and say that it's in line with what I've always paid. Even if I didn't have a subsidy, I wouldn't have been negatively impacted in any way. And I can look at what we pay here at work, and there's no spike at all. In fact, in the last 3 years our insurance costs have basically flatlined. Yet that doesn't stop every person I know from being frothing at the mouth, red faced with rage about how much Obamacare is fucking them. Fucking you how? What were you paying before and what are you paying now? How much was your company paying and how much were they passing on to you? You don't even fucking know? Your company doesn't even have 50 employees, it's never been forced to provide insurance. And so on. I ask these angry people how they personally were affected AND THEY DON'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW.


Trakanon Raider
The President responded that "if you looked at their cable bill, their telephone, their cell phone bill. it may turn out that, it's just they haven't prioritized health care." He added that if a family member gets sick, the father "will wish he had paid that $300 a month."

Thats it gameover for the democrats trying tell america to give up cable TV and there smart phones to pay for Obamacare. He may as well have told them to sale there guns and bibles to psy for Obamacare as well.
It was gameover when they came up with a plan that allowed people to freeload so easily. Most american uninsured will continue the time honored tradition of bitching about those on the dole until they get sick and go on the dole themselves.

Americans in general are just too stupid to fix imo.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Obama Admin Trots Out Angry Mom to Push Obamacare | Truth Revolt

Wow are these ads for real? I would feel insulted if I was in the demographic being targeted with this garbage.
The Keg Stand Obamacare Adscovers half of the ads they mentioned in the article... the fact that they missed a major fact check on them makes me wonder what facts are misconstrued on the first newer half.

And I love that the innocuous one BO was actually directly associated with they poo-poo'ed when it was a little oddball but nothing offensive/edgy/anything about it - "Talk about it" - wowsers, he's suggesting people discuss it. You know like rational people do, he doesn't even say "Hey, talk people into getting healthcare" - just suggesting discussion, you know a cornerstone of how our nation is supposed to operate.

Fucking morons.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well I finally got signed up today. I was late because the web site issues just scared me away, and then we found an adviser in the area so we went to them. In the end we are basically paying the same amount for the insurance we could have gotten on our own privately with the lone exception of pre-existing conditions not blocking us now. The subsidy thing seems to be not as prevalent as you get higher in income, as we get nothing and we are pretty well south of the 90k threshold that seemed to be thrown around. It is definitely not sky is falling, OMG I'm paying out the nose, and really I'm happy we have insurance now, but I can't help but admit I'm a bit under whelmed that a major medical plan is still just as high as before.


With two weeks left to sign up for coverage, California's health insurance exchange announced Monday it has surged past a major milestone -- 1 million enrollments -- well ahead of its March 31 goal.
"The California market was highly concentrated in 2012, which means it was not competitive,'' said Cynthia Cox, one of the study's three authors. But the exchange market, she said, has altered the landscaped to make it "moderately competitive."
Obamacare: California health exchange tops 1 million, big motivator in type of plan -- price -


Vyemm Raider
Report: Many Americans intend to stay without health insurance - CBS News

"A third of Americans without health insurance intend to stay that way, according to a new report. Although the most common reason for doing without coverage is the expense, 70 percent of those planning to stay uninsured did not know about the subsidies afforded under Obamacare that reduce the cost."

Keep that Tea Party propganda flowing. Especially in redneck states that refuse to educate the public on Obamacare out of spite.