Health Care Thread


Obamacare enrollment tops 5 million amid surge in sign-ups -

More than 5 million people have now signed up for health insurance on marketplaces created by President Obama's healthcare law, thanks to a surge in enrollment over the last two weeks, the Obama administration announced Monday.

The quickening pace of sign-ups confirms that many Americans are using the new marketplaces as a March 31 deadline approaches for getting coverage this year.

The latest figures indicate that roughly 1 million people enrolled during the last two weeks, surpassing the total for all of February.

If the pace continues, the Obama administration may come close to registering 6 million sign-ups in the first year that Americans are able to get guaranteed health coverage under the Affordable Care Act.

That would still fall short of the goal of 7 million that administration officials had hoped to reach before the botched rollout of the new law last fall.


Avatar of War Slayer
My wife's employer is mostly saying "F-it" just go get obama care yourself because they are small and their group healthcare costs have skyrocketed for this next year because of obamacare. My workplace that owns their own insurance company and pays a management company is offering nothing but "high deductable" options, and I belive that is all that obamacare plans are (at least florida)- by own i mean we own the company that has the big chunk of money- then a company manages it and is "the network" for doctors etc- like aetna or whatever.

Obama should make cell phone companies let people out of their contracts to afford med insurance and give us all obamaphones


Silver Baronet of the Realm
He sounds like he really knows his shit to avoid getting tax credits for what he would pay in premiums and causing his employees to pay the single instead of group rate.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You do realize Obamaphones were the result of an adjustment to Lifeline that W spearheaded and Obama basically did nothing for, right?

Not to mention most people don't have equivalently costed phone plans.


Registered Hutt
The issue with Florida is that we have a Tea Party Governor and a significant republican presence that is playing politics with the whole thing to try to turn the public against the democratic party's initiatives. In the case of stupid people it's working.

Obamaphones are not a thing, and your employer is either incompetent or evil.

Despite Florida not expanding medicare, we're still paying the taxes that support it. So our representatives are just fucking us in the 20 something states that did this.


Avatar of War Slayer
The issue with Florida is that we have a Tea Party Governor and a significant republican presence that is playing politics with the whole thing to try to turn the public against the democratic party's initiatives. In the case of stupid people it's working.

Obamaphones are not a thing, and your employer is either incompetent or evil.

Despite Florida not expanding medicare, we're still paying the taxes that support it. So our representatives are just fucking us in the 20 something states that did this.
He is tea party? never struck me as that..more like dumberfuck party.. people liked his business minded process approach that he was to bring to the state- but we all figured he would- you know... marge politics and business practiaces to do things in a positive way- but he has just attempted to run the goverment exactly like a business- and you cannot do that... also it does not help that he ran on a platform that included helping education and within 3 months of starting fucked it over hard and backwards.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This system is fucking retarded. The insurance rate I'd have to pay through this site is identical to what I pay before it went in.

Thanks Obama.


<Bronze Donator>
This system is fucking retarded. The insurance rate I'd have to pay through this site is identical to what I pay before it went in.

Thanks Obama.
I didn't check beforehand, but I just got a new job where they pay for the employee's premiums(and not the rest of your family's) or you pocket that and go get some health insurance on your own. So, I can either buy through my employer with pretax dollars amounting to $19k per year, of which they will pay $7k, or I can buy health insurance through NY's exchange with post tax dollars. If you assume you blowout the deductible every year, every plan costs about ~18k.

Who exactly is this helping?

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I didn't check beforehand, but I just got a new job where they pay for the employee's premiums(and not the rest of your family's) or you pocket that and go get some health insurance on your own. So, I can either buy through my employer with pretax dollars amounting to $19k per year, of which they will pay $7k, or I can buy health insurance through NY's exchange with post tax dollars. If you assume you blowout the deductible every year, every plan costs about ~18k.

Who exactly is this helping?
Me? I was paying slightly under 600 a month for a shit insurance that no one took. It had no deductible. Now i have a plan that is slightly under 400 a month with 2.2k deductible from a carrier that almost everyone accepts. Assuming i blow the deductible (i do not) every year, the price is the same however my network of services expanded greatly. And i am in NY as well. Also, what the fuck plan are you buying that is 19k a year?


<Bronze Donator>
I didn't qualify for any subsidies. Not that I'm expecting to. If I make the money, I'll gladly pay full sticker price if it means less fortunate are getting better healthcare. But every plan I looked at, premiums * 12 + deductible = ~18k. I was expecting some sort of competitive advantage to shopping around instead of automatically going with the almost no deductible plan my work offers.

I understand that my formula is crude. If there's a better way for comparing different types of plans, I'd like to try it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If you fall into the category of being in a "vetoed medicare expansion" state is it illegal claim you made more on your taxes (just claim a few thousand dollars from mowing lawns or some shit) and voluntarily pay more taxes to get the Obamacare subsidies?

I would assume that people who work 30+ hours a week and still earn below the threshold to gain subsidies wouldn't have to claim that much in earnings to hit the required levels of income.

Would the IRS come after someone for paying too much?

And would it be insurance fraud if it wasn't the insurance company you were defrauding?

It seems like if people were willing to pay the additional taxes, on that pretend income, there would be no net effect on projected government deficit.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Subsidies go away if you earn too much, if anything you'd be doubly screwing yourself. Unless you're talking about being in the weird gap between Medicaid and subsidies starting. If it's for that I'd ask the ACA navigators for your region.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
That's hilarious. I can just hear the Tea Party blood boiling when they see it.



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Subsidies go away if you earn too much, if anything you'd be doubly screwing yourself. Unless you're talking about being in the weird gap between Medicaid and subsidies starting. If it's for that I'd ask the ACA navigators for your region.
It was simply a hypothetical. I do live in a state that vetoed the medicaid expansion (Maine), but I earn enough to qualify for the subsidies. My insurance plan got significantly less expensive (around $120 / month). I also lost a small amount of coverage, but I haven't been to the doctors in a few years. My circumstance is a little unique in that, of my two step-parents, one owns a dental practice, and the other owns multiple veterinary practices, so a large amount of the typical monthly expenses I would actually pay frequently are free.

Edit - Step-fathers became step-parents.... I didn't have two Moms growing up.


FTFY. It's like some of you don't really care about medical care costing so much.
Does medical care cost so much because it is expensive to produce or does medical care cost so much because there is a system in place that allows it to cost so much?

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I didn't qualify for any subsidies. Not that I'm expecting to. If I make the money, I'll gladly pay full sticker price if it means less fortunate are getting better healthcare. But every plan I looked at, premiums * 12 + deductible = ~18k. I was expecting some sort of competitive advantage to shopping around instead of automatically going with the almost no deductible plan my work offers.

I understand that my formula is crude. If there's a better way for comparing different types of plans, I'd like to try it.
Yeah i can see it being that much if you have a wife and a kid. A silver plan covering me alone runs about 7 grand a year, so 18k for a family sounds about right. I have been buying my own insurance for years now and these costs are not surprising. I can see how it can be a shock for people who have never seen the prices before though. It has nothing to do with Obamacare, this shit was like this before obama.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Does medical care cost so much because it is expensive to produce or does medical care cost so much because there is a system in place that allows it to cost so much?
The second thing. The first thing you said happened because of the second thing too.