Health Care Thread


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Watching people methodically explain their lowered expectations of government and the world is depressing.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Watching people rationally explain their lowered expectations of government and the world is depressing.
It's more depressing to have to explain how math and the universe operate, personally.

So many, "I expect X" nonsense without considering what is possible. And of course on top there's those that fake it with constant pessimism where every figure is assumed to be it's worst, rather than closer to the average where reality tends to dictate.

It really must be depressing walking into McDs with $5 expecting them to have changed into a steakhouse with the same pricing since your last visit. But for those of us living in reality, we're not shocked.

Not meeting rational reasonable expectations are another thing, but 90% of the arguments out there against current stuff are just random appeals to emotion that fail the test of being realistically possible. (I.e. the stupid debt, not deficit argument)


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
And who frames those expectations for large masses of people? Obama could have say gone for a public option there's no reason why he couldn't have championed that cause that had overwhelming majority support, but instead he surrendered it for nothing without a fight, so he can cater to the real people he serves. All the while the corporate media kept giving people the idea that it wasn't feasible.

Noam Chomsky on - YouTube


Sign ups to hit 7 million.

The initial enrollment period for President Barack Obama's healthcare plan ended with the program on track to achieve its original goal to provide coverage to 7 million Americans, administration officials said on Tuesday.

Monday's deadline came after a surge in registration despite a return of technical problems, including a longer-than-expected maintenance session, although nothing as serious as the problems that beset the launch of the website in October.

The site on Tuesday announced that open enrollment for Obamacare had closed but people whose applications were thwarted by technical problems would be given a chance to finish their registration.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
And who frames those expectations for large masses of people? Obama could have say gone for a public option there's no reason why he couldn't have championed that cause that had overwhelming majority support, but instead he surrendered it for nothing without a fight, so he can cater to the real people he serves. All the while the corporate media kept giving people the idea that it wasn't feasible.

Noam Chomsky on - YouTube
What the fuck are you talking about? He went for a public option you fucking moron - perhaps you meant UHC but you in your normal retardation are using words without understanding them. (Every exchange is required to have a state run plan as one of the options in case you're uninformed - so there's ALWAYS a public option, it's not the only choice however)

As for UHC you can thank the right wing media for that, they created backlash against the idea enough that UHC would never get the votes to pass. Not to mention for huge changes in politics stepping stones to the distant goal is generally the most successful... (i.e. Medicare started out very limited took almost 40 years before it covered the disabled and 25ish before a second solution to make sure the poor can access healthcare via Medicaid)


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I would be willing to pay an additional 5-10% in taxes if it meant comprehensive universal healthcare. This would be good for businesses and pretty much everyone not rich.
How do you feel about 10-20%? Cause you're going to have to pay mine too.

This is his pre-edit quote (he was responding to wormie) - I think he caught what he ended up saying not realizing that we've been reducing things the last few years... (except 2012 I think? Or was it 2011?)

Our current administration clearly has that in mind since they've been motioning that direction bringing things down more and more at a steady, but safe, pace.
1. Looks like you're getting debt and deficit confused again. The thing only thing we've been reducing is the deficit.

2. Since you used 'we', I guess that means you now identify with us tea party terrorists. Speaking for the tea party as a whole, we are not happy to have you aboard. Please go continue to be retarded under the democrat tent.

Once again with the ad-hominem.
Yeah, you're going to have to get over the ad hominem thing. We kind of pride ourselves on that around here. It's a weakness of your character if you're not able to get past the ad hominems and address the points that were made (or ignore it altogether if none were made)


In California, signups have been extended until the 15'th whether you started an app. or not, but they can only be done through an insurance agent. So expect the number to climb even higher now that the procrastinators can sign up, since the website wasn't really working yesterday.
Seems to be a good first step toward bringing the cost of health-care down. Hopefully.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
1) Debt is a symptom, deficit is the cause - you deal with the deficit to deal with debt, they are inexorably intertwined with deficit being the method for action on the latter. The only exception being a massive windfall happening, but when you're talking a national level that's impossible. There's no confusion anyone who speaks of action on the debt being a big deal and doesn't praise deficit work needs their head checked.

2) To date there's been minimal Tea Party influence on budget cutting, zero of their big targets at all have occurred. So about that... (I think none of their small ones that weren't D supported as well, but not going to check personally).

Hoss, still being stupid - good to see the status quo still exists.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So the government who couldn't tell us how many people have signed up can now magically tell us the numbers once they hit their projections?
Amazing what a functional website does for tracking things doesn't it?


Amazing what a functional website does for tracking things doesn't it?
"I can't tell you because I don't know that," Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Wednesday when Republicans asked about the number of paying Obamacare customers during hearings on Capitol Hill. "We don't collect it." She reiterated her contention Thursday, telling lawmakers that she'd provide the information as soon as it's available.
The White House insists that industry claims notwithstanding, it can't provide precise enrollment totals - and may not be able to for months because major, "back end" components of are still under construction. Those pieces are supposed to collect data directly from insurers about the number of premium-paying customers on their rolls.

Read more:So how many have paid ACA premiums? - Kyle Cheney -
But magically a month later everything is fixed, working, and all the enrollment numbers are suddenly available? Come on, just lol. This is so rigged and obvious bullshit all one can do is laugh out loud.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
He went for a public option you fucking moron
indignant shit response

man I'm really glad this non-bullshitting non con-man liberal progressive laid it out on the line for the little guy.

Miles Mogulescu: NY Times Reporter Confirms Obama Made Deal to Kill Public Option

And I think what you're interested in is that in the background of these deals was the presumption, shared on behalf of the lobbyists on the one side and the White House on the other, that the public option was not going to be in the final product."

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
But magically a month later everything is fixed, working, and all the enrollment numbers are suddenly available? Come on, just lol. This is so rigged and obvious bullshit all one can do is laugh out loud.
You would think someone who has a lot experience playing MMO's and how things can have a rocky start and fucked up to begin with can be turned around after a bad launch, but nope not with someone as fucking stupid as you. Believes Seal Team 6 was 6 people, but refuses to believe a website can be fixed in a month. Jesus titty fucking christ you are one willfully ignorant petulant shit stain of a man.


Vyemm Raider
I like that Anthem is blaming the Obamacare surge for their customer support problems. When said problems predate Obamacare by a decade or more. They've had problems with claims being fucked up by whatever dirt eating country they outsourced their systems to for years, and good fucking luck getting anyone on the phone if you don't have a rep you can contact directly. Their customer service rating has been in the toilet for as long as such ratings have widely existed.

But free market solves everything right? Except where do you go when ALL of your options cut every possible corner when it comes to customer service? What then? I looked into the other options and they are all 1 star rated in customer satisfaction. Joy. Good thing they are running at a 20% profit margin while being absolute fuckheads to their customers.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
But magically a month later everything is fixed, working, and all the enrollment numbers are suddenly available? Come on, just lol. This is so rigged and obvious bullshit all one can do is laugh out loud.
Merlin, how long do you think a website should have taken to fix?