Health Care Thread

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
technically it wasnt his money.

it was our money, that the government gave him


no, the media was better back when it wasn't a infotainment centralized corporate conglomerate for profit.

the shit they used to say in the 1800's was more sensational than now.

seriously the activists in the 60's would have literally killed for tools like the internet but we are so passive and trained at our chattel role as "happiness machines" we literally lay around in apathy and bacon.
Where do you come up with this ? Journalism back in the 1800's better then now? Some of the stuff you spout I think you were born a hundred or so years late, you hate progress like no other. If you go back take Troll with you as well.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
1800s sure were but only around 10-20% of people read papers back then (largely because of literacy), modern media touches near 100% of people that have any interest. Not to mention frequency counts for something as well as distance of coverage.
and most of that time in the modern era was spent imprinting positive images of state power via propaganda techniques learned in places like the creel commision, if anything it's progressively masked the incompetence, marginalized and demoralized the population , the internet has kinda chipped away at that at least.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
and most of that time was spent imprinting positive images of state power, if anything it's progressively masked the incompetence, marginalized and demoralized the population, the internet has kinda chipped away at that at least.
Some of the most widely circulated early political writings was the Anti-Federalist Papers - so I'd really posit that to be false - there's always been a pushback from too much dependence prevalent in the media, that was turned around harshly by the Depression however - but that's more to do with the mentality of the nation because of the Depression not because of the media changing at that point. Only really big eras for change in media came with TV news and then 24H News + the Internet (which came so close to each other they're pretty much the same effect on the consciousness).


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Some of the most widely circulated early political writings was the Anti-Federalist Papers - so I'd really posit that to be false
see but here is where you pointed out that most people couldn't read and it wasn't as widely circulated so it wasn't having the same daily impact on everyone like a television does.

I don't blame the television just like In the same abstract I don't blame a gun. I just look at it's relationship with people.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
The same guy who thought 6 in seal team 6 meant the amount of people in the team, Nater Silva was a partisan hack and full of shit and the lame stream media was just lying (hey look yet again) to make Romneys chances look bad, thought citation=plagiarism, can't do simple addition and subtraction, can't figure out the difference between you're and your thinks they are lying.....Who the fuck gives a shit what your dumb ass thinks?

Oh and I forgot to add agreed with Ed Norton's character in American History X (and hes not racist for it) and has never seen a single example of racism in Alabama in all his life.


Ssraeszha Raider
Nope. Are you so blind you believe the shit the government is telling you? If the Obamacare web site has signed up 7 million people in less than a month, I have seafront property to sell you in Arizona. CHEAP!
You seem pretty confident, bro. Would you say you're more or less confident about this than you were about that comical Unskewed Polls debacle?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
January, February, November, April... where did you guys go to school, Merlin is right guys..

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Ted Cruzs Obamacare Facebook Poll Totally Backfires on Him | Mediaite

Last Monday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) posted a "quick poll" on his Facebook page asking his followers if they are "better off" now than before the Affordable Care Act passed four years earlier. A week later with the Obamacare sign-up deadline upon us, the unscientific results and in and they likely aren't what Cruz was expecting.

Cruz neglected to use Facebook's official poll feature, instead asking people to comment with a simple "YES" or "NO." After seven days, the post has accumulated more than 47,000 comments with a startling number of people answering in the affirmative. The way Facebook works, the comments with the most "Likes" rise to the top of the post. As you can see by viewing the comments on the post below, every single one of the most-liked comments answers a resounding "Yes" to Cruz's question.

"Yes! Everyone in my family has a pre-existing condition that range from minor to serious," Felicia Willems wrote. "We were uninsurable on the individual market. Now we've got great coverage through We did NOT get a subsidy but it still fits our budget!"

"YES, best law ever!" Lili Ann Fuller said.

"YES, YES & YES!! Hands Off My Obamacare!!" Shelley Laysi Peterson added enthusiastically.

And it goes on and on from there. One does not have to "Like" Cruz to comment on his post, but the results of his "quick poll" indicate that many of the 651,000 people who do probably follow what he has to say because they disagree with his views and not because they are supporters.'s Reno Berkeley delved into the post's responses even further on Sunday and noted that the "vast majority of the people responding to the senator's question liked the law."

Cruz may be convinced that Americans hate Obamacare, but at least on Facebook, he just proved that's not necessarily the case.

Republicans still trying to figure out how this internet thing works


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
from a theoretical standpoint that would have been ridiculous because the websites weren't working?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
yeah because theres no other way people could register other than a website


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I'm sure it was smooth as silk signing up over the phone those first few months.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Denying reality is now republican SOP. Birth certificates, climate change, polls, obamacare numbers? I reject reality and substitute my own!