Health Care Thread

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
I like that Anthem is blaming the Obamacare surge for their customer support problems. When said problems predate Obamacare by a decade or more. They've had problems with claims being fucked up by whatever dirt eating country they outsourced their systems to for years.
What Obamacare surge, didn't you Merlin just tell you that shit is lies and propaganda? I bet that fucker believed the missing plane was in Iran as well.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Merlin, how long do you think a website should have taken to fix?
When it was fucked up he couldn't believe they fucked up something as simple as a website, now that numbers are coming in and it's detrimental to his world view, they couldn't have fixed something as complicated as a website so quickly.


Vyemm Raider
Technically the website isn't even feature complete. Only the most vital functions are working. There's still no billing system to handle your initial payment, which is fine it just means the insurer takes care of it. (which took ~2 1/2 months for Anthem, and then they helpfully billed me for the months I had zero coverage - thanks bros, can I back charge you for all the health care I didn't get in that time?) But there's still no way to change any of your information once you've completed an application. There's no working system for altering your income level or any such thing. So if your income changes dramatically tomorrow, you're stuck at whatever rate for god knows how long. (not that this is worse than the old system of "Fuck You, pay us the same as everyone else") If you are getting a subsidy but your income goes up, be prepared to pay for it at tax time. Which is fine and easy to plan for, but if you lose your job you're stuck at the full rate for god knows how long and it could suck until they fix it. I know the "fun" of watching your health insurance bill eat every cent of your unemployment check and more. Do I go through the god damn hassle of dropping my insurance (takes at LEAST a month) and then shopping for it again later (ENORMOUS pain in the ass prior to Obamacare - hello filling out ten years of medical history, even with the same fucking company) or do I watch every cent I have get destroyed by my fucking health insurance in the hopes that a job comes soon? Well I've been there, and that has a lot to do with my attitude about our entire health care system.

At least now you'll get reimbursed eventually. But being on the hook for the full payments for months could be bad until they get it fixed.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
if Obama contracted McQuaid to build - merlin would be telling us all how awesome the site is


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Technically the website isn't even feature complete. Only the most vital functions are working. There's still no billing system to handle your initial payment, which is fine it just means the insurer takes care of it. (which took ~2 1/2 months for Anthem, and then they helpfully billed me for the months I had zero coverage - thanks bros, can I back charge you for all the health care I didn't get in that time?) But there's still no way to change any of your information once you've completed an application. There's no working system for altering your income level or any such thing. So if your income changes dramatically tomorrow, you're stuck at whatever rate for god knows how long. (not that this is worse than the old system of "Fuck You, pay us the same as everyone else") If you are getting a subsidy but your income goes up, be prepared to pay for it at tax time. Which is fine and easy to plan for, but if you lose your job you're stuck at the full rate for god knows how long and it could suck until they fix it. I know the "fun" of watching your health insurance bill eat every cent of your unemployment check and more. Do I go through the god damn hassle of dropping my insurance (takes at LEAST a month) and then shopping for it again later (ENORMOUS pain in the ass prior to Obamacare - hello filling out ten years of medical history, even with the same fucking company) or do I watch every cent I have get destroyed by my fucking health insurance in the hopes that a job comes soon? Well I've been there, and that has a lot to do with my attitude about our entire health care system.

At least now you'll get reimbursed eventually. But being on the hook for the full payments for months could be bad until they get it fixed.
what do u do in life bro.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
When it was fucked up he couldn't believe they fucked up something as simple as a website, now that numbers are coming in and it's detrimental to his world view, they couldn't have fixed something as complicated as a website so quickly.
Its just a variation of "obama is so fucking lazy and incompetent, all he does is play golf and go on vacation" while claiming at the same time that he is some sort of evil conspiracy amstermind


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
It's been a staggering display of increasing mediocrity in presidents since FDR.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
indignant shit response

man I'm really glad this non-bullshitting non con-man liberal progressive laid it out on the line for the little guy.

Miles Mogulescu: NY Times Reporter Confirms Obama Made Deal to Kill Public Option
The original version where the exchanges would've only have been a PO changed to PO and other choices, with the PO having a fixed rate to make sure rate hikes never leave people in a lurch. It's half assed compared to the original theory, but it's still got a public option lowercased even though it's not Public Option uppercased.

Look at your own exchange and you should note a weirdly expensive policy on each tier, that's the PO one. And yes they're administered by the state not the Fed so some might be administered by a standard insurance company while it is managed by the state as their public option. (MDs is administered by Aetna for example)

It's complicated and a shadow of the original idea so I'll forgive you for being confused this time though.

And I will give you that the PO was neutered but it's not dead like you claimed either - just irrelevant unless rates spiral upwards quickly.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
But magically a month later everything is fixed, working, and all the enrollment numbers are suddenly available? Come on, just lol. This is so rigged and obvious bullshit all one can do is laugh out loud.
You don't think a working website is easier to poll for data than a broken one? Wow.

I guess is still a good place to discuss things as well, right?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
no, the media was better back when it wasn't a infotainment centralized corporate conglomerate for profit.

the shit they used to say in the 1800's was more sensational than now.

seriously the activists in the 60's would have literally killed for tools like the internet but we are so passive and trained at our chattel role as "happiness machines" we literally lay around in apathy and bacon.


Merlin, how long do you think a website should have taken to fix?
They had millions and millions of dollars and what, three years to create a fucking web site and it was a complete clusterfuck. So now you ask me how long I think it should take to fix? Well if we use the same standards as it was created, six years and another half a billion dollars.
A conservative figure would be $70 million. A more modest figure would be $125 million to $150 million. Or one could embrace the entire project, as outlined by GAO, and declare that it is at least $350 million.

At this point, we have not reached a firm conclusion, and we find it telling that officials in the administration and on Capitol Hill are not able to provide a definitive answer either. We will continue to monitor this question and expand this column as necessary. But in the meantime, readers should be wary of many cost estimates uttered by lawmakers.
How much did cost?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
So you think that a website should take six years to fix?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
no, the media was better back when it wasn't a infotainment centralized corporate conglomerate for profit.

the shit they used to say in the 1800's was more sensational than now.

seriously the activists in the 60's would have literally killed for tools like the internet but we are so passive and trained at our chattel role as "happiness machines" we literally lay around in apathy and bacon.
1800s sure were but only around 10-20% of people read papers back then (largely because of literacy), modern media touches near 100% of people that have any interest. Not to mention frequency counts for something as well as distance of coverage.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
They had millions and millions of dollars and what, three years to create a fucking web site and it was a complete clusterfuck. So now you ask me how long I think it should take to fix? Well if we use the same standards as it was created, six years and another half a billion dollars.

How much did cost?
EQ another online product took 4+ years to develop, yet even when catastrophic shit happened they had it back and square in under a few days, usually hours. With a smaller budget and fewer employees at that...

So about that whole doubling schedule thing.... horseshit.


EQ another online product took 4+ years to develop, yet even when catastrophic shit happened they had it back and square in under a few days, usually hours. With a smaller budget and fewer employees at that...

So about that whole doubling schedule thing.... horseshit.
That's an unfair comparison. Everquest had competent people working for them (minus Brad).

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Merlin is a treasure chest of stupid, if his stupidity was a stick it would be a blue chip stock. He honestly believes that it should take 6 years to fix the site roflmao. Also claims Brad was incompetent yet him and his wife donates 500 bucks to his kick starter, fools and their money.