Health Care Thread


Ssraeszha Raider
Is this the thread where Merlin tells us he thinks all of Europe has the same healthcare system? "Their system"? Jesus Christ, Merlin...

Leave that fucking idiot fucking moron redneck of a state you call home, and actually learn about the world. God you're fucking stupid. You "researched" the European system? Fuck you. That's the most offensive thing I've ever heard in my life.


Molten Core Raider
Is this the thread where Merlin tells us he thinks all of Europe has the same healthcare system? "Their system"? Jesus Christ, Merlin...

Leave that fucking idiot fucking moron redneck of a state you call home, and actually learn about the world. God you're fucking stupid. You "researched" the European system? Fuck you. That's the most offensive thing I've ever heard in my life.
holy fuck you're pissed. calm down, bro it's a video game message board.


Is this the thread where Merlin tells us he thinks all of Europe has the same healthcare system? "Their system"? Jesus Christ, Merlin...

Leave that fucking idiot fucking moron redneck of a state you call home, and actually learn about the world. God you're fucking stupid. You "researched" the European system? Fuck you. That's the most offensive thing I've ever heard in my life.
Merlin anf all of his family should be brought into the woods and shot in the head. The same should be done for all other individuals incapable of critical thinking. Wasting limited resources on such people is a crime agaiant humanity and only hinders the progress of pur civilization.

I hope I topped Merlin for the most offensive thing you have read.


Ssraeszha Raider
Europe, explain the healthcare system that you have. You know, the one system, that you all share because you're a country. As far as Merlin knows.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
As far as I can tell, he's the only one on this board who actually went the extra step of studying the European healthcare system. We should at least try to appreciate the conclusions of his research.


The estimates of the net costs for 2014 stemalmost entirely from spending for subsidies that are to be provided through insurance exchanges(often called marketplaces)and from an increase in spending for Medicaid.

So Americans are getting smarter. Why pay for it when I can have everyone else pay for it. Thanks for adding the correction.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
The estimates of the net costs for 2014 stemalmost entirely from spending for subsidies that are to be provided through insurance exchanges(often called marketplaces)and from an increase in spending for Medicaid.

So Americans are getting smarter. Why pay for it when I can have everyone else pay for it. Thanks for adding the correction.

Yep, CBO screwed up big time here. According to their revised projections, the dreaded evil Obummercare will actually cost $165 Billion dollarsLESSthan originally projected


The CBO does it best to provide accurate analysis and provide statistics that are reliable. However the downside is, they can only use the information provided to them by the federal government. So whatever numbers the government provides them, they are obligated to use. Does anyone here really believe that mere months before midterm elections that the administration is going to provide realistic numbers to the CBO allowing them to announce serious changes in the estimates they provide?

Araysar, get the fuck out of here with that garage. This isn't my first rodeo.