So here you nod your head sagely as CBO seems to confirm your preconceptions and agree with itThe estimates of the net costs for 2014 stemalmost entirely from spending for subsidies that are to be provided through insurance exchanges(often called marketplaces)and from an increase in spending for Medicaid.
So Americans are getting smarter. Why pay for it when I can have everyone else pay for it. Thanks for adding the correction.
But once I tell you what the report really says, you do 180 and now its Obama and the feds providing phony numbers before the upcoming election and the report is garbageThe CBO does it best to provide accurate analysis and provide statistics that are reliable. However the downside is, they can only use the information provided to them by the federal government. So whatever numbers the government provides them, they are obligated to use. Does anyone here really believe that mere months before midterm elections that the administration is going to provide realistic numbers to the CBO allowing them to announce serious changes in the estimates they provide?
Araysar, get the fuck out of here with that garage. This isn't my first rodeo.