Health Care Thread


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Additionally the tax is a noninvoice thing because it's assessed on the shipping company's taxes at the end of the FY according to how the ACA states it's to be assessed... You're likely seeing another tax and getting confused. (i.e. a few states have their own medical device taxes, MRIs have extra Federal ones for about a decade now, etc)

What was the tax listed as on the invoice?
I don't know where the receipt is, but it either said excise tax, or just tax and was listed as it's own line item (probably the only reason I noticed and asked about it).


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It should be listed as MDET and should be precisely 2.3% of applicable equipment which is rather narrow.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
AKA "Please forget about it, I'm stupid"
yeah ok, ignore the fact that a very large amount of contractors delay reporting injuries or deaths in iraq or afghanistan, because "i'm stupid" and you're ever so clever

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
yeah ok, ignore the fact that a very large amount of contractors delay reporting injuries or deaths in iraq or afghanistan, because "i'm stupid" and you're ever so clever
why would contractors delay reporting deaths?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Among other reasons like the deaths or injury might have occurred during the act of a crime they don't want to shed light on, because it's a business. Some of these contractors subcontract to people who subcontract to people who subcontract to people who might not even be Americans, the paper trail can get fairly lengthy.

on top of that tens of thousands of them are classified as "civilians" so sometimes when you see "civilian" died it could actually be a contractor in the supply chain.

Afghan War Risks Are Shifting to Contractors -

Experts who have studied the phenomenon say that because many contractors do not comply with even the current, scanty reporting requirements, the true number of private contractor deaths may be far higher. "No one believes we're underreporting military deaths," Mr. Schooner said. "Everyone believes we're underreporting contractor deaths."
Also bear in mind The pentagon doesn't keep track of contractor deaths the labor department does via insurance companies so they can track compensation. why would anyone ever try to deny compensation you ask??!??


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
"Might be"... With no evidenced cases so far of being accurate.

Fanaskin's might be retarded but I don't regularly throw that assault since I don'thave any solid evidence of its accuracy even though I do have suspicions. But if we're taking what ifs and might be's as debate evidence perhaps i should refute with that more often.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
"Might be"... With no evidenced cases so far of being accurate.

Fanaskin's might be retarded but I don't regularly throw that assault since I don'thave any solid evidence of its accuracy even though I do have suspicions. But if we're taking what ifs and might be's as debate evidence perhaps i should refute with that more often.
At least there would be some solid documentation to back up that claim.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
what are you talking about? theyfined one company 75k for under reporting, I might be retarded, but you actually are.
Fined for being off by THIRTY INJURIES AND DEATHS TOTAL FROM 2003-2005.

So assuming similar is going on now, a decade later after a relatively large fine, is all deaths (you didn't state injuries), and all the contract accompanies are doing it - it's probably 1-2 deaths assuming there was as much action now as back then. But whoops there isn't much action anymore.

But yes I'll admit there might have been 1-2 contractor deaths not reported. Not your retarded unfounded implications that there's a substantial number.

But even that lawsuit was about 1.25 injuries or deaths unreported a month assuming the shortest amount of time 2003-2005 can be. Longest is 0.8 or so. And injuries likely are far more common than death, but no clue for sure.

So yea, still being tad-like with the conspiracy theory bullshit. I bet we'll find the real contractor numbers in Iran.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
they ramped up the number of contractors and the obligations performed by them in country a lot around 2007 I believe. so you have false premise for "assuming" which is all you are doing because you know nothing more than an average person, but you feel entirely obligated to be the shit scorekeeper.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Fanaskin is lecturing people about "assuming" things

Pure comedy