what Suineg set it to
No I don't now about it because I'm ignorant about it. Like most things in life, I don't research it until it becomes relevant to me or I become interested in it academically. I don't qualify for any of the benefits, nor do I hold office. As for voting, it's never hit the top of my list so I've never qualified candidates based on their elder-care stances. I'm not debating, I'm simply recanting personal (or at least ones that I'm privy to) interactions with a broken system. I could care less what your stance is and calling me a 'proud repub' is far from the truth."I have to pay for my insurance and healthcare"
He obviously don't know shit about shit because he's busy working instead of freeloading! Proud repub earning 40k/yr and wishing the bottom 50% would get off their asses and do something.
Dealing with ideals is ultimately irrelevant. Practicality wins 100% of the time. Practically, the ACA is broken. I could care less about it's merits or political intent. It just isn't working properly. Whether it's codified wrong, the bureaucracy fucked it up or the entire industry is broken beyond repair and needs more regulation is irrelevant, it's broken universally. Healthcare was broken before and it is still broken now.
As for medicare and SSI (social security income in a generalized sense, again pardon me I don't work for the SSA so I don't care to distinguish), it's simple math. Longer lives + more medical bills + increasing medical costs + boom in population + depletion of trust + reduction in economy + lower birth rates = it will be broken without changes. Of course 'not seeing a dime' is hyperbole. However, the payments do not properly keep pace with inflation and there seems to be no great hurry to correct a program which fundamentally depends on longevity of investment and not immediate income through taxes. Increasingly all types of social security are inadequate to cover the basic cost of living. For that matter, so is minimum wage... it's hardly specific to retired people. At the end of the day, either tax rates will skyrocket, age of benefit eligibility will increase drastically as lives extend or generally the standard payment will dwindle to irrelevance. It basically already has. I don't know a single retired person who can afford to live JUST on social security income and post-pension era retirement. Even those friends or relatives of mine who had decent retirement portfolios post market collapse have had to obtain part time jobs to keep a fairly minimal standard of living (IE, they are never going to replace that 2004 Jeep Wrangler before they can no longer drive).
So you can argue the academics all you want. You can call me ignorant for not giving a shit about looking up the intricacies of how the bureaucracy or Congress or Repubs or Dems or the Russians or China or Detroit or whoever is responsible actually fucking the system. It's true, I am to a degree. I hate the policy of Glenn Beck just as much as I do any idiot on capital hill that tries to pass idealism instead of realism to get reelected and have feelgood television spots. Do I care right now about any of this stuff in a serious sense? Not really. I really don't have a horse in this race right now. That's part of the problem for the majority of Americans, I suppose. Personally, I can navigate the rough seas of the healthcare system and I will figure out a way to retire on my own because I have the skills and work ethic to do so. However, I do feel sorry for the people getting shafted, both for those who do not get adequate social services that they need and those who pay into these broken systems.
So please, call me a Republican or thinking that social services are not adequate in this country or a democrat for thinking that the deficit and economic issues ARE a bigger deal than they seem and that being fiscally conservative isn't a bad idea when the principles are used properly to support modern economic necessities as a consumer nation instead of an industrial one. Oh you can toss libertarian at me too for believing that certain industries need far more regulation while you're throwing around the wrong labels to devalue opinion. Go ahead, ask me about abortion if you want to find out just how 'red' I really am.